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Everything posted by gary17

  1. Late bookings/cancellations in here till 8
  2. Well done all the winners tongiht especially tom on his final win HT1:315,151,488,46,188,760,33,112,599,165 HT2:236,1,164,151,550,954,112,221,115,199 HT3:550,188,129,954,164,236,488,115,760,599 Final:112,315,1,188,46,151,774,954,236,488 GN:954,774,151,1,129,236,112,115,760,188 112: 35 151: 34 1: 32 188: 30 315: 28 954: 28 236: 24 46: 19 774: 17 550: 16 129: 14 164: 14 488: 14 760: 9 115: 8 33: 4 221: 3 599: 3 165: 1 199: 1 114:0 2:0 33:0 172:0
  3. Tongiht we will be runnning 2/3rds format with the top 16 poitns scorers going straight to the final and another 8 from the consolation PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN 2 HEATS Ht1 114,165,760/2,33,542,599/221/151,188,315,488,774/46,112,531 Ht2 114,199,954/2,172,542/129,221/115,151,236,315,550,774/112,164,1 Ht3 165,199,760,954/33,172,599/129/115,188,236,488,550/46,164,531,1 Consolation 8 cars through to final Final 24 cars GN 1 114, 199, 760/2,172, 599/221/115,188, 315, 550/ 46, 164, 1 GN 2 165, 954/33, 542/129/151,236,488,774 /112 , 531 May run GN all in depending on numbers
  4. Late bookings for Cowdenbeath in here till 7.30 pm
  5. Well done drumb hopefully make it easier tongiht for those who struggle on a very hard track
  6. im not bothered about shale will leave it for someone else.
  7. Il have 176 for tar and 145 for shale please
  8. W&Y:912, 641, 848, 30, 172, 343, 599, 351 Ht 1: 848, 30, 112, 151, 1, 774, 912, 351, 46, 256 Ht 2: 255, 881, 112, 256, 136, 172, 87, 46, 488, 277 Ht 3: 255, 277, 881, 912, 1, 87, 39, 136, 151, 351 A Fnl: 112, 87, 255, 136, 39, 1, 256, 46, 351, 774 GN 1: 277, 87, 256, 39, 1, 30, 112, 488, 151, 46 pts - Car 44 - 112 36 - 255 36 - 87 28 - 1 24 - 256 23 - 39 23 - 136 20 - 277 17 - 881 14 - 30 12 - 46 11 - 912 11 - 151 10 - 848 8 - 351 7 - 774 5 - 172 5 - 488 0 - 343 0 - 599 0 - 79 0 - 550
  9. w&y Final 172 - 550 351 - 912 343 - 30 599 - 848 HT1: 30,848,/172/351,599,912/39.79,151,256,550,889/46.112,1 15 CARS STEWARD:488 HT2:343,30,/172,277,/255,599/79,136, 256, 488,881/112,87,46 14 CARS STEWARD:1 HT3:848,343/ 277 /255,351,912/39,136,151,488,550,881,889/,87 ,1 15 CARS STEWARD:79 Final & GN 22 cars all in
  10. Late bookings in here till 7pm
  11. well done to all the winners tonight Ht1:121,87,881,599,351,1,46,495,79,112 Ht2:87,121,488,599,46,542,112,256,79,151 Fnl:121,881,46,112,488,87,542,599,79,351 GN:151,87,488,46,495,79,256,351,112,542 pts-Car 39-121 38-87 33-46 28-488 26-881 21-112 20-599 14-542 13-79 11-351 11-151 9-495 7-256 5-1 0-199 0-269 0-848
  12. gary17

    Taunton MI

    Tongiht we have 16 booked so we will be running 2 heats final and gn all in. Please be in mirc for 8.20 Thanks Gary
  13. late bookings here untill 8pm
  14. W&Y:131,30,912,172,496,2,343 Ht 1:256,30,112,39,1,46,151,2,131,79 Ht 2:131,30,2,221,121,881,151,46,496,488 Ht 3:236;172,881,121,112,363,1,496,343,599 Fnl:131,881,46,1,256,39,112,151,172,2 GN:256,912,39,488,1,46,172,121,542,236 pts- Car 32- 131 32- 256 31- 881 30- 1 29- 46 25- 39 22- 112 18- 30 17- 172 16- 121 14- 151 13- 2 11- 236 9- 912 8- 488 7- 221 5- 496 5- 363 2- 343 2- 542 1- 599 1- 79
  15. W&Y-WHITE AND YELOWS ONLY HT1:131,30,343,/2,172/256,488,542,599/39,79,151,236/46,112,1 HT2:131,313,30/2,496/221,488,542/39,121,151,363/46,881 HT3:313,343/172,496/221,256,599/79,363,121,236/112,881,1 Final and gn all in 22 cars
  16. late bookings in here after 6 open till 7 ta gary
  17. consi semi:488,318,599,172,//351 Ht 1:249,550,881,41,496,39,365,236,495,351 Ht 2:351,87,121,318,495,79,365,112,542,256 Ht 3:249,550,112,87,236,632,881,318,41,79 A Fnl:249,881,41,87,112,121,632,599,365,236 GN 1:488,79,351,121,87,41,112,550,46,249 pts - Car 42 - 249 36 - 87 30 - 881 30 - 41 27 - 112 25 - 121 21 - 550 19 - 351 15 - 79 13 - 632 12 - 365 11 - 236 10 - 488 8 - 495 6 - 496 6 - 599 5 - 39 10 - 318 2 - 542 2 - 46 1 - 256 0 - 343 0 - 313 0 - 172
  18. welcome to the first part of the worldfinal double header. running order: Consilation semi Heat 1 Heat 2 Heat 3 Consilation Final GN Consi Semi: 8 cars(steward 79) 912 - 318 488 - 172 351 - 94 343 599 - Heat 1: 18 cars(steward 112) 5,313/,249,351,496,/256,488,542,550/39,236,365,495,632/46,121,881,41 Heat 2:18 cars(79) 313,343,/94,172,351,912/256,318,599,542/39,79,365,495,/46,87,112,121 Heat 3:18 cars(79) 5,343/94,172,249,496,912/318,488,550,599,/79,236,632/87,112,881,41 top18 points scorers to final and 4 from consi PLEASE CHECK YOU HAVE 2 HEATS
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