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Everything posted by gary17

  1. Bookings closed added:318,256 removed:2
  2. semi 1/Ht 1: 87,881,79,1,688,365,774,212,236,221 semi 2/Ht 2: 112,41,46,164,151,39,632,495,550,262 Ht 3: 881,542,41,79,212,323,864,67,47,255 Ht 4: 688,87,236,112,912,542,351,870,2,323 Ht 5: 495,39,164,46,67,488,255,262,864,550 Consi: 47,632,488,262,18,550,870 final: 495,39,164,41,323,67,112,47,46,688,236,632 GN 1: 112,881,632,87,46,236,688,542,39,79,151 pts- Car 35- 112 34- 39 33- 495 31- 164 31- 41 28- 881 26- 87 25- 46 22- 688 19- 67 18- 323 17- 542 16- 79 15- 236 12- 632 9- 212 8- 47 7- 1 6- 864 6- 912 6- 151 5- 255 5- 365 5- 488 4- 351 4- 262 4- 774 3- 870 3- 550 2- 2 1- 221 0- 313 0- 343 0- 94 0- 172 0- 18 0- 318
  3. gary17

    Barford Mi

    SEMI 1 - Heat1 16 cars steward 488 ROBIN#87 - AUB#881 PEDZ#212 - LEE#1 GARY#79 - FORDY#688 TRAV#365 - GAP SPIKE#221 - KENDO#912 LEECH#774 - SKEET#318 PUSHER#2 - GAP MARKY#18 - DANSKIN#236 BFD#351 - MART#870 SEMI 2 - Heat 2 - 16 cars steward 79 TOSH#164 - TOM#112 NEZZA#46 - GAP DRUMBSTICK#41 - GAP GAP - GAP LARS#550 - GAP LEEK#39 - DODE#151 DAVE#488 - BUDGE#313 SPIKEJNR#172 - HARMEN#262 GAP - LEW#495 TOMBRAD#94-SAMSON#47 NNUMBNUT#343-JOHNO#632 Due to the number of cars and the size of barford ihave had to run 3 small heats with the top 18 points scores going sraight to final and a further 4 from consolation then there will be a gn Heat 3 - 14 cars steward 488 67,542//47,172,184,864//,18,255,323,365//79,212//881,41 Heat 4 - 14 cars steward 79 343,542,870//2,94,351,//,221,323,632,912//112,236//87,1 Heat 5 - 13 cars steward 79 67,313//184,495,864//39,255,262,488,550,/151/,46,164 these races will not be getting run over 2 servers. it will be one at a time. Ihave tryed to make each person wait no more than 2 races. I know it is not a perfect situation but its that or 2 22 car heats? IF WE HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE OTHER THAN THOSE WHO HAVE ALLREADY SAYED THEY ARE LEAVING AFTER SEMI THEN WE WILL REVERT BACK TO THE 2 SPLIT HEATS. You have 3 minutes toget to the server from when the race is called we will not be waiting on you tonight as there is alot to get through with a consolation aswell. There will only be 1 restart per race in which the person will have 2 minutes to reconect. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN 2 HEATS. THE SEMIS COUNT AS A HEAT
  4. SEMI 1 ROBIN#87 - AUB#881 PEDZ#212 - LEE#1 GARY#79 - FORDY#688 TRAV#365 - GAP SPIKE#221 - KENDO#912 LEECH#774 - SKEET#318 PUSHER#2 - GAP MARKY#18 - DANSKIN#236 BFD#351 - MART#870 SEMI 2 TOSH#164 - TOM#112 NEZZA#46 - GAP DRUMBSTICK#41 - GAP GAP - GAP LARS#550 - GAP LEEK#39 - DODE#151 DAVE#488 - BUDGE#313 SPIKEJNR#172 - HARMEN#262 GAP - LEW#495 TOMBRAD#94-SAMSON#47 NNUMBNUT#343-JOHNO#632
  5. Bookings are now closed for the semifinals and the final grids will be upshortly. i will take bookings untill 7pm for the meeting
  6. we will notknowif you are making it onto a grid untill 6 o clock. then you will need to look out for mi to see if your in
  7. thanks folks. go on drumb! you know you want to
  8. *Ht1:79,151,46,164,112,41,172,87,881,1,//221 Ht2:79,87,881,351,164,41,151,212,1,599,//172,221 Fnl:87,881,151,79,351,1,164,46,599,212,//172,221,112 GN:112,151,164,41,351,46,599,172,87,912,//79,212 Meeting Points pts-Car 38-151 36-87 34-79 29-164 28-881 25-351 19-46 17-41 16-112 13-1 9-599 7-172 5-212 1-912 0-2 0-221 0-365 Overall points gary79 - 77 dode151 - 69 robin87 - 65 tosh164 - 64 aub881 - 63 drumbstick41 - 47 nezza46 - 36 tom112 - 31 bfd351 - 28 harold599 - 20 lee1 - 11 pedz212 - 9 dave488 - 9 spikejnr172 - 7 kendo912 - 5 trav365 - 4 pusher2 - 2 spike221 - 0 budge313 - 0
  9. welcome to cowdenbeath for part 2 of the scottish championship. we ahve 18 booked in so we will be running all in be in mirc for 8.50 for 9 start
  10. will take late booking till 8pm
  11. gary17

    UK Open

    howed that happen haha... o well. that triples ma chances of winning!
  12. Ht 1:550,365,87,46,599,164,212,79,94,151 Ht 2:365,550,87,79,1,212,46,221,164,881 Fnl:365,87,641,212,164,881,46,550,599,151 gn:550,87,599,221,212,164,881,641,79,151 pts-Car 43-87 39-365 35-550 29-212 24-164 19-641 19-46 18-599 15-881 12-79 10-221 6-1 4-151 2-94 0-172 0-313 0-2 0-912 wd to trav on his final win
  13. Tonight sees us at birmingham wheels for a wqr and csqr. We have 18 cars booked in so will be running all in 2 heats final and gn please be in mirc for 8.20 for 8.30 start
  14. im going out and wont be back before 6 so posting this now late bookings in here till 7
  15. im goign out and wont beback til after 6 so il put this up now. late bookings in here till 7
  16. Ht 1: 3 7 688 550 46 212 87 79 904 313 Ht 2: 3 7 94 550 904 46 212 87 641 221 A Fnl: 94 3 79 7 87 212 904 641 550 599 GN: 550 7 3 212 904 641 79 599 94 87 pts - Car 46 - 3 41 - 7 32 - 94 28 - 550 26 - 212 23 - 79 22 - 904 20 - 87 13 - 641 11 - 46 8 - 688 5 - 599 1 - 313 1 - 221 0 - 483 0 - 172 0 - 912 0 - 315
  17. With 17 cars boked in we will be going all in tonight. make sure you have the latest pack realeased today and read the intructions. please be in mirc for 8.20 for an 8.30 start
  18. with booking on site closed il take bookings here till 7
  19. I said to dave earlier that i couldnt be bothered with tonight but am glad i raced instead of just rming. Proper racing tonight Ht 1:3,390,1,87,46,380,112,641,164,212//,912,18,688,599,365,260 Ht 2:2,87,18,164,390,212,1,112,688,221,//172,599,380,912,3,260,46 Fnl:390,212,87,18,79,164,599,688,112,1//,46,3,380,641,172,260 GN:164,1,87,79,390*,46,172,2,260,112//,3,599,212,380,641,912,688,1 Pts Car 47 390 40 87 29 164 24 212 23 1 22 18 19 79 13 2 12 112 11 46 10 3 8 599 8 688 5 380 4 172 3 641 2 260 1 221 0 365 0 912
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