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Everything posted by gary17

  1. gary176 please gona give that a bash
  2. gary17


    heres an idea. finish the blue. and il have it in black and gold lol
  3. me too! infact i got offered money to do a decal last night. same person? lol
  4. big thanks and welldone to tgg and the team at simstox for these saloons really are amazing. 2 real life skins: Fence fodder 618 and the legend kp
  5. great skin dode. wont get touched by me in those colours haha!
  6. h22 for tar and h17 for shale please
  7. wait to you see what ive got for you mr wright!
  8. gary17


    keep dreaming leech
  9. gary17


    has it got the 5 books u need to see over dash?
  10. maybe gmp should concentrate more on getting the stockrods back into non-contact formula rather than turning the saloons into one
  11. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/shaunwebster/ sign the petition please
  12. whats the format for tongiht are f1s on after hotrods ?
  13. gary17

    New Saloon

    lees a tosser! lol wd mate
  14. is it true bingley made the final decision on whether to exclude him from the results or not?
  15. gary17


    no shadows look like there floating
  16. gary17


    You've painted alot of skins in a short space of time, well done, but IMHO they're decidingly average and not very impressive, not much variety, all the same. Martin Actully martin i have been working on some of them for quite awhile lol.... and i think they were ok lol.. but obv if people wanna keep slagging them off fine by me! Cheers! You! Over! Use! Exclamation! Marks! Just! As! Much! As! You! Over! Use! The! LHF! Convecta! Font! Martin! pmsl
  17. o dont worry i will...after tomorrow lol!
  18. since i feel sorry for u...being a shevill fan and all that get me the pics of the signs tomorrow and il make al the decals for u
  19. thanks mor ive got the same problem as erik any help would be appreciated thanks
  20. gary17


    rofl! no its not
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