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Everything posted by Jake691

  1. So all the qualify rounds are done. The grid is done. But who will win the biggest race of the year? Saloon Stockcars 2015 World Final is now just weeks upon us with what looks to be the highest contested filed in many years with 40 Drivers battling over 12 meetings for the top 20 spots in the World Rankings. Qualifying Overview A generally great season from everyone's point of view this year. Not only have we had the action we've had the car numbers to go with it and that's created some top quality racing from Cowdenbeath to Taunton. A total of 40 drivers attempted to qualify for the 2015 World Final but unfortunately we can only take the top 20 so commiserations to those who haven't made it. From the early point of the season we didn't have a stand out driver who took the lead of the points, drivers from 1st to 10th where separated by 24pts after WR3. It didn't come until WR5 when we saw complete domination for DanSkin at the sunny Skegness Stadium. Dan managed to take two heats and Final to grab a total of 53pts in one meeting. This put Dan straight to the top of the WR chart gave him a cushion of 30pts to the chasing drivers. From then on Dan become a target for many to try and knock him off the top step of the table and that crucial pole position place for the World Final, however at Arena Essex Dan was again able to fight off the competition and come away the 64pts which put him over 70pts out in front of the chasing drivers. From WR6 drivers knew it was going to take something special to take Dan off his top spot and his run of form but Belle Vue was where Dan slipped up and Ben Chambers took home 4th in the Final but also top point scored with a total of 48pts, which was Ben's best points haul all season. Belle Vue was also a turning point in the season for a few drivers. After Belle Vue drivers packed up and converted there cars to the Tarmac setups where they headed over the sea to Posterholt for there first ever trip to Holland. A long straight track with tight narrow bends is ideal for Saloon Stockcar action and heavy hitter Jake took advantage of this taking home 3 heat wins and top scoring this was definitely a turning point for himself. Posterholt also saw our current World Champion Kane_M take his best points haul of 31pts home which also started a turning point for his season. So over halfway into the World Ranking events and it was already decided who was going to be sitting pole for the 2015 World Final with 150pts gap to Alex in 2nd and 200pts to LeeK in third it was certainly going to be hard to catch him. However WR9 took places at the tricky triangle, no not Pocono but Knockhill. Knockhill was another action packed meeting with Scottish drivers coming out in full force to try and take home all the points on offer, however it was again DanSkin who was able to walk away with 67pts. With only 3 World Ranking events left we headed back to where the road to Gold started and that's Kings Lynn. Another action packed meeting was in store as the Steve Newman Memorial Race was also on offer as well as World Rankings, probably the best race of the season was produced from the Final which was won by 691 Jake. Jake also top point scored at this meeting gaining crucial points towards trying to grab a better position on the World Final Grid. Moving onto the Final two World Ranking events it was again a master class from DanSkin bringing home over 60pts towards his World Rankings meant he had secured Pole Position for the World Final before the Final WR Event. However the rest of the grid was still to play for, with Alex picking up 48pts and Kane_M only picking up 23pts this meant Alex moved into the 2nd spot in the table. So our World Ranking events where nearly over, our final one coming at Taunton where we saw a grid of 15 cars turn out to try and determine there Final Grid position. Reece took full advantage of the Final WR event and brought home 51 World Ranking points jumping him 3 spots on the World Final Grid. So that's all of the World Ranking Events done, now it was time to just add in the Track Championship Points, Championship Points and the WR Event Points together to get our Final Grid. Row 1 Row 1 of this years World Final have won a total of 15 Championships between them and that's DanSkin and Kane. Both drivers have felt what it's like to be victorious in a Championship this year with Dan picking up the European checks, and Kane adding the English which was held at Mildenhall to his list. Both drivers have to be favourites for this years World Final. DanSkin with over 5 World Championships to his name, will he be able to claim gold in 2015? Or will young gun Kane be able to be the first ever driver to retain the saloon stockcar World Championship. Row 2 Row 2 of this years World Final has two youngsters and probably the heaviest hitters this season. Alex's season has been one to remember, taking his first ever major title back in June his performance has been on the up each week. The guy sitting on the outside of Alex hasn't had the best of seasons, Jake has been caught in a few battles which has hindered his performance this season but will he be able to bounce back at Mildenhall. Just like the first row both of these drivers know what it's like to take the checkered flag in a Championship this year with Jake taking the Irish Open and UK Masters, while Alex took home the Raymond Gunn and British. Will we see a new World Champion from this row? Row 3 Row 3 of this years World Final has two of the surprise entry's into the top 6. Both Ben and LeeK have had a good season keeping out of trouble and picking up consistent points at World Ranking Events. LeeK knows what it's like to taste victory in the biggest race of the season winning the World Title back in 2011. Ben has come close to success this year and within touching distance at British but it just wasn't to be. Will he be able to put his bad luck behind him and focus on the most important race of the season? Don't count both of these drivers out to cause an upset. Row 4 Starting the Second group for this years World Final is definitely a surprise and that's Reece Winch. Had a short time of being the guy to beat this season but has slowly lost his pace in the last few weeks. Sitting to his outside is someone who knows what it's like to be a World Champion and that's Simpson. Ryan's been consistent all season but just falling at the final hurdle. Will Ryan be able to get to the front of the grid and cross the line first and be crowned 2015 World Champion? Or will Reece find form and become the first driver to win the World Final in his debut year? Row 5 Row 5 of this years World Final have two drivers from completely different ends of the points charts. Josh has done very well to get a Row 5 inside start with only doing a handful of the qualifying meetings. While to his outside we have probably the crowds favorite and that's Ricky James who starts closer to the front of the grid then previous years. We all know Josh is capable of winning a World Final and with his pace he surely has to be a contender on most peoples list, but will his grid position hinder him? Ricky again this year will be looking for a top 10 finish and a great bit of racing. Row 6 Row 6 of this years World Final has two heavy hitting drivers who aren't scared to stick the bumper in on the first bend. James has had an up and down season start at blue and dropping down to white before finding himself an established yellow top, will the World Final throw up and surprise for the 977 car. To the outside of James is our first and only overseas driver that has qualified for the 2015 World Final and that's Tim Verstappen. Tim is known to be a very heavy hitter in the saloons and also has the pace to keep up with the front runners which is something you need for a World Final. But like Josh is he hindered by his grid position? Row 7 Seventh Row of this years World Final see's our freshly crowned National Champion CB with regular driver Spike on his outside. Both drivers started the season at yellow, but CB's season suddenly took off at Taunton when he came home 3rd in the British Championship. From then CB went onto win Final after Final and then came the National Championship which was won on the Shale Surface. From Row 7 these drivers are just hoping something happens in front of them and they manage to work there way through the field, but as ever Spike will be putting his front bumper to use. Row 8 Row 8 and towards the back of grid we see two friends take up Row 8. Mark Puxty and Jamie Ward both drivers who attend the occasional meeting but still manage to pickup high points which is why they've managed to make the 2015 World Final Gird. Jamie is always someone who comes out on track for fun and enjoys the hard hitting action in the saloons but will he tame it down and go for gold this year? Row 9 Row 9 see's two lower grade drivers who again have put in some great effort to be able to make the 2015 World Final. Both Josh and Ryan are heavy hitters and enjoy the Saloons Stockcars however are they just out on track for the ride or will they both look to take the checkered flag? Both drivers have some scores to settle on the track which could cause for some exciting racing in the World Final. Row 10 Our Final Row of Qualifiers and it's again occupied by lower grade drivers. Both Martyn and Dode have only done a handful of meetings in the saloons this season but have both managed to creep onto the back of the World Final Grid. Martyn is always on pace from the yellow grade but doesn't seem to have the luck to cross the line in first place however a top 10 will suit him from the final row of the grid. Dode is another driver on the grid who we know is a hard hitter and will use his bumper on anyone in front of him which could again make for some interesting racing from the back. Last Chance Qualifier So that's the grid ready but there is still chance to gain a place into the Last Chance Qualifier on the night of the meeting. Top 4 from the LCQ will go into the 2015 World Final making it a 24 Car Grid. Hope to see you all on the 2nd September at 8.30PM for this not to miss meeting! Bookings Any driver wishing to take there place on the grid or last chance qualifier should be booked in by 7pm the 2nd of September. Any driver booking in after that time may forfit there grid position.
  2. Results: Heat 1: 411 236 39 1 691 237 89 653 84 671 977 167 800 79 180 Heat 2: 411 653 691 977 39 236 800 1 237 89 79 84 167 671 180 Heat 3: 653 167 800 691 79 671 39 236 411 89 1 977 237 180 84 Heat 4: 411 800 236 89 79 691 39 84 653 167 237 977 1 180 A-Final: 800 411 653 84 691 236 79 1 39 167 237 89 671 977 180 GN 1: 236 691 671 167 977 84 800 79 237 411 653 180 39 1 Points: 51 pts 411 ReeceWinch 47 pts 691 Jakeeey 45 pts 236 DanSkin 45 pts 800 BenChambers 40 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 26 pts 39 LeeK 24 pts 84 Timm 23 pts 79 weeryan 19 pts 167 CB 16 pts 1 Kane_M 14 pts 671 Spike 13 pts 89 Montangoo 13 pts 977 James 9 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 180 wardieee No Shows 608 wee panda The Replays Are Here!
  3. Tonight's meeting will be held at Taunton Stadium. We currently have 16 drivers booked and will be running ALL IN! Meeting Information 4 Heats A Final Allcomers Chat UKDirt members use their normal UKDirt chat Points Heats: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A Final: 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Allcomers: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Start Procedure The starting procedure used for all races is as follows unless otherwise stated: When the lights go green (or the final buzzer has gone and countdown timer completed) drivers will make there way at a speed of less then 20mph to their starting position, as listed below and line up 2-a-breast. You must not pass drivers of your own grade. You must line up correctly without making contact with other cars, incidents will be dealt with the same way as if it were part of the race. Previous race winners during the meeting must start at the back of the grade. Once drivers are in position the steward will ask if anyone is not ready. If nobody replies, 'Roll at 20' is called and the leader of the whites will roll at a steady 20mph for the rolling lap. Drivers at the front of each grade are to drive at approx. 20mph but ensure they keep their 4 to 6 cars distance to the grade in front. Anytime after the leading white reaches the apex of turns 3 & 4 the steward will call 'GO GO GO' and the race will be on. If for any reason the grid does not form properly after rolling, then a restart may be called. If there are persistent offenders that stop races being started they will be sent to the back of the grid or excluded. Starting positions approximate - always follow instructions from meeting steward Whites: At the start / finish line Yellows: Exit of Turn 4 Blues: Exit of Turn 3 Red: Entry to Turn 3 Champions: Entry to Turn 3 Anyone starting in the wrong place will be removed from the result, unless they have been specifically granted permission. On Track Behavior - Drivers must drive in the correct direction (clockwise) at all times. - No use of the infield at any time, using the infield during a race will be classed as cutting. - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - Drivers found guilty of consistently lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - No talking once the race has started, and until all drivers have crossed the finishing line. - If your car is damaged you may leave it on track but off the racing line. - Do not leave the server during a race as this will cause warp. However if your car is sat on the top of the fence please press escape. - Care is to be taken when rejoining the racing line following a spin and persistent carelessness in this respect will be punished. - Individual drivers with a bad connection may be banned from the rest of the meeting if it causes a problem for other drivers. - Wall riding is NOT permitted. If you are hit into the wall, you must back off the throttle and gain full control. You must not use the wall to steer the car around the turn, nor use it to gain a race advantage. Anyone found to do so may be docked places, excluded from the results, or have their meeting points removed. - Jump-starts will be penalized by docking, 2 places or 2places per car they jump. Grades Drivers are graded at intervals throughout the season, please make sure you know what grade you are. Novice drivers to rFactor have been graded as white, where a driver races in another UKDirt rFactor mod they start from one grade below there highest grade i.e. Mike is red in F1s so drops to blue grade. If anyone believes they have been graded incorrectly please just say and we'll sort it out. Skin Packs Please ensure you have the latest Skin Packs that can be found on the UKDirt Website. Meet in chat for 8:20 for the meeting to start at 8:30pm!
  4. Late bookings close at 8.30pm Name Number Grade
  5. 691 & 167 ** Received ** Shale_Saloon_Skins.zip Shale_Saloon_Skins.zip
  6. 691 & 167 ** Received ** Tarmac_Saloon_Skins.zip
  7. I heard you put someone in the wall hard and kept em there?
  8. Cheers for the meeting Dan and Stumpy! Some okay racing for a bad track WD Martyn for the Final win
  9. Well Done CB!! Great to have a new name at the back!
  10. Got my seat for sale, it's a good bit of kit but as you can see I haven't got the space for it. Open to offers they're £280 brand new. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9u6796nenotbiro/2...175627.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cy506n4dq36jo4w/2...175636.jpg?dl=0
  11. WD DanSkin on Winning the European. Results: Euro: 236 691 238 518 444 527 380 43 39 221 246 82 48 599 229 84 167 17 484 525 237 800 Heat 1: 236 800 43 39 394 48 527 17 454 82 380 599 444 484 Heat 2: 411 167 233 221 691 55 238 84 315 291 229 515 246 518 525 Heat 3: 236 411 39 167 518 48 221 43 515 233 229 84 444 525 237 800 Heat 4: 527 380 238 291 17 82 454 315 691 55 246 599 394 442 484 Heat 5: 237 17 238 518 39 236 84 527 221 48 454 515 43 380 444 525 Heat 6: 167 233 291 384 315 691 800 246 82 55 599 229 442 484 B-Final: 484 246 229 442 525 599 A-Final: 411 236 167 691 518 800 527 48 238 84 380 291 55 221 43 315 237 82 394 17 233 39 GN 1: 238 167 237 221 315 800 84 518 55 48 525 229 484 GN 2: 691 236 394 233 39 246 454 411 380 599 82 515 527 43 17 Points: 88 pts 236 DanSkin 84 pts 167 CB 81 pts 411 ReeceWinch 68 pts 691 Jakeeey 50 pts 238 Kane_M 49 pts 518 MartynR 48 pts 800 BenChambers 37 pts 527 fast track 33 pts 39 LeeK 32 pts 233 Grasser 28 pts 48 Tinman 27 pts 221 Spike 26 pts 237 rickyljames 23 pts 315 Mike 22 pts 394 PaulE 20 pts 84 Timm 18 pts 17 Dan W 16 pts 291 Marten 14 pts 454 Frans 13 pts 380 Liam Powell 13 pts 246 Stox 11 pts 55 Barker 11 pts 43 pinken 8 pts 82 Dbecks 2 pts 515 Big Al 2 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 442 Colemann 0 pts 525 Mav 0 pts 444 ritzoberst 0 pts 484 Jack Ward 0 pts 229 Tsjalle No Show: 0 pts 385 Boostman The replays are here!
  12. Good Evening Folks, European Qualifiers should be in chat at 8.20pm for a 8.30pm prompt start, Each driver should have 3 heats, Final and GN European Qualifiers: 236 238 691 800 43 39 527 48 246 380 237 484 167 525 17 221 84 82 599 444 229 518,,,,,,,,, Server .48 (Steward 255) Heat 1: 442, 17, 82, 237, 394, 599, 380, 444, 454, 484, 39, 43, 48, 527, 236, 800, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 515, 221, 411, 518, 525, 55, 84, 167, 233, 385, 229, 246, 291, 315, 238, 691, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 515, 221, 237, 411, 518, 525, 84, 167, 233, 444, 39, 43, 48, 229, 236, 800, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 442, 17, 82, 394, 599, 55, 380, 385, 454, 484, 246, 291, 315, 527, 238, 691, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 515, 17, 221, 237, 518, 525, 84, 380, 444, 454, 39, 43, 48, 527, 236, 238, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 442, 82, 394, 411, 599, 55, 167, 233, 385, 484, 229, 246, 291, 315, 691, 800, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 236 )
  13. Jake691


    Quality meeting tonight! Thoroughly enjoyed! WD Skinner as per usual
  14. Just a little video from row 10 to 2nd
  15. Saturday at the NEC, then town and karting on the Sunday?
  16. A few of us have been talking about a winter kart meet during the off season and just wondered how many guys from online would be intertested? We'd probably need to get in the region of 15+ to make it worth while. Would be looking around the midlands area to make it even for everyone to get to. So if your interested throw your name below and any suggestions and we can take it from there
  17. Cheers for a good meeting, I'll take 2nd from the back. Well Done LeeK
  18. Results: Heat 1: 411 800 691 89 236 237 1 39 182 167 977 84 511 394 Heat 2: 167 800 236 182 39 394 1 84 89 691 237 411 977 511 Heat 3: 411 167 39 182 691 1 84 89 237 511 977 800 236 394 Heat 4: 691 236 511 800 182 167 411 84 39 237 977 394 89 1 Heat 5: 236 691 167 89 977 800 39 237 394 511 1 182 84 411 A-Final: 236 89 1 84 39 691 977 411 237 182 511 167 800 394 AC 1: 411 800 236 1 182 977 39 89 691 237 511 167 84 Points: 61 pts 236 DanSkin 46 pts 691 Jakeeey 40 pts 89 Montangoo 40 pts 411 ReeceWinch 39 pts 39 LeeK 39 pts 800 BenChambers 36 pts 1 Kane_M 33 pts 167 CB 30 pts 182 shaymurphy 24 pts 84 Timm 19 pts 977 James 16 pts 237 rickyljames 10 pts 511 MarkPuxty 7 pts 394 PaulE Replays
  19. Tonight's meeting will be held at Skegness for the UK Open. We currently have 15 drivers booked and will be running ALL IN! Meeting Information 5 Qualifying Heats UK Open Final (Gridded in groups of 6) Allcomers (12 laps) Chat Ukdirt members use their normal UKDirt chat Points Heats: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 A Final: 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Allcomers: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Start Procedure The starting procedure used for all races is as follows unless otherwise stated: When the lights go green (or the final buzzer has gone and countdown timer completed) drivers will make there way at a speed of less then 20mph to their starting position, as listed below and line up 2-a-breast. You must not pass drivers of your own grade. You must line up correctly without making contact with other cars, incidents will be dealt with the same way as if it were part of the race. Previous race winners during the meeting must start at the back of the grade. Once drivers are in position the steward will ask if anyone is not ready. If nobody replies, 'Roll at 20' is called and the leader of the whites will roll at a steady 20mph for the rolling lap. Drivers at the front of each grade are to drive at approx. 20mph but ensure they keep their 4 to 6 cars distance to the grade in front. Anytime after the leading white reaches the apex of turns 3 & 4 the steward will call 'GO GO GO' and the race will be on. If for any reason the grid does not form properly after rolling, then a restart may be called. If there are persistent offenders that stop races being started they will be sent to the back of the grid or excluded. Starting positions approximate - always follow instructions from meeting steward Whites: At the start / finish line Yellows: Exit of Turn 4 Blues: Exit of Turn 3 Red: Entry to Turn 3 Champions: Entry to Turn 3 Anyone starting in the wrong place will be removed from the result, unless they have been specifically granted permission. On Track Behavior - Drivers must drive in the correct direction (clockwise) at all times. - No use of the infield at any time, using the infield during a race will be classed as cutting. - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - Drivers found guilty of consistently lap down attacks will be punished accordingly. - No talking once the race has started, and until all drivers have crossed the finishing line. - If your car is damaged you may leave it on track but off the racing line. - Do not leave the server during a race as this will cause warp. However if your car is sat on the top of the fence please press escape. - Care is to be taken when rejoining the racing line following a spin and persistent carelessness in this respect will be punished. - Individual drivers with a bad connection may be banned from the rest of the meeting if it causes a problem for other drivers. - Wall riding is NOT permitted. If you are hit into the wall, you must back off the throttle and gain full control. You must not use the wall to steer the car around the turn, nor use it to gain a race advantage. Anyone found to do so may be docked places, excluded from the results, or have their meeting points removed. - Jump-starts will be penalized by docking, 2 places or 2places per car they jump. Grades Drivers are graded at intervals throughout the season, please make sure you know what grade you are. Novice drivers to rFactor have been graded as white, where a driver races in another UKDirt rFactor mod they start from one grade below there highest grade i.e. Mike is red in F1s so drops to blue grade. If anyone believes they have been graded incorrectly please just say and we'll sort it out. Skin Packs Please ensure you have the latest Skin Packs that can be found on the UKDirt Website. You MUST have Skinpack 4 to race tonight. Meet in chat for 8:20 for the meeting to start at 8:30pm!
  20. Please state, Name Number Grade
  21. Results: UKM: 691 1 236 653 800 39 167 84 79 977 711 411 237 Heat 1: 167 691 236 711 84 39 1 653 977 237 79 411 800 Heat 2: 167 236 653 711 977 237 691 1 84 79 39 411 800 Heat 3: 167 691 236 1 39 800 977 237 711 653 411 79 84 Heat 4: 167 691 236 711 39 411 84 237 977 1 653 79 800 A-Final: 691 653 167 800 236 1 84 977 237 39 79 711 411 GN 1: 236 1 39 84 167 691 977 237 711 800 411 653 79 Points: 62 pts 167 CB 56 pts 691 Jakeeey 55 pts 236 DanSkin 34 pts 1 Kane_M 30 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 27 pts 39 LeeK 27 pts 84 Timm 25 pts 711 JoshW 24 pts 977 James 20 pts 800 BenChambers 19 pts 237 rickyljames 5 pts 411 Reece 1 pts 79 weeryan Replays Here
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