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Everything posted by Jake691

  1. Cheers for the meeting Dan & Stumpy, some good racing Dan!
  2. Why aren't we copying real life formats? Currently we've got an F2 Shootout going on with 8 people where's real life it's 15 Drivers. Same with formats of meetings, why do we have to have 3 heats in F1s? Why can't we run to the real thing formats in both formulas? Cuts down time on meetings and sometimes waiting around which everyone hates. This could also open up to bring back some of the double header meetings we used to have in the F2s, used to be nothing better than racing Coventry followed by NIR. Bring in a full contact fun formula or something that is just fun like Cowies old outlaw mod which is relaxed on the rules and is all about having a laugh and having fun, maybe even the dreaded Bangers if there's a mod available to use. Teamspeak.... Why isn't it mandatory? You don't have to talk, it can be muted during races but it'd get rid of a fair bit of stupidty and comments of "team racing" as everyone is in one place. It also makes it a lot easier and swifter to correct any issues that may occour during a meeting, if someones game has crashed and there's no one in the server to tell the steward that. As Kris mentioned a try before you buy, a 2 or 3 meeting period which allows you to see what a real meeting is like and try out the formulas in a proper racing enviroment, start them off the back of the grid, a few car gaps behind the SS but also limit to 2 of them a meeting. Most of all, bring back the FUN aspects of the league, all it seems to be now is everyone trying to wind eachother up or call someone an idiot for some reason or another. It's rare you see any nice comments in chat on the server now. Other than that, keep doing what you're doing and running a great league!
  3. You're in the same boat as everyone else, you'll learn soon to get rid of them so they can't come back at you... WD Skinner, Shame we wasn't able to do the full laps
  4. Cheers for the meeting, some good races with CB and Dan!
  5. Well Done Dan! Knew you had it before the race even started!! Cheers for the meeting stumps and dan, hope everyone enjoyed the stream!
  6. Cheers for the meeting, proud to have won the GN Warp Championship (only thing I'll ever win)
  7. Cause you raced in a race you was told you wasn't allowed in...
  8. Take a look at the points pal, you didn't effect me...
  9. Didn't win the Final Good bit of racing, about time some people got back what they do to others
  10. So with the WF tonight, who's your money on? Top 3, 238 503 236
  11. My fault, checked my sheet and it put you down in the wrong column. Points on site updated and Ive also edited the grid in the opening post of this thread. Cheers LeeK, not like it's made much difference
  12. Does this include the European points as well? As the website has me down as 0 championship points
  13. Cheers for the meeting Dan, some great races with us two tonight!
  14. What's all this with two teams ey LeeK? https://gyazo.com/bc94b4d232dddada31756fc3b7188716
  15. Cheers for the meeting, anyone got the replays please?
  16. G29 for sale, less then a month old £100 including postage, new wheel is reason for sale
  17. Cheers for the meeting, when's the next skinpack??
  18. Keep up, we're talking about the final when I apperently launched him... No doubt in that GN what I did pal, awesome shot wasn't it
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