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Everything posted by hazy

  1. Non chav translation for those without a chavionary! sorry for the caps! I HATE YOU ALL - AND I CANT BE A****D TO GET OFF MY BUTT LIKE SOMEONE ELSE DID ! BUT PLEASE SIR CAN I SOME !!!!!!!! P.s not a go at leech who's obviously just got back into doing some rendering - gd luck mate!
  2. umm.................. look in your drivers text
  3. Thanks anyway dino but sorted it for reference i had a dodgy drivers text (nothing wrong with it in terms of content as it had worked 20 minutes previous to the error) but when i saved it it must have not saved correctly. simply deleted the drivers text and created new one ---=error fixed!!
  4. hi guys just decided to have a play around again and tried my banger car manager and get up this error Run time Error '5' has anybody got any ideas' please I've tried re loading another car manager file from an old installation but that dont work
  5. nascar heat (any mod as far as i know) can only cope with 25 or 24 different chassis types in a race at any time. So I have put together some examples of how this would create some crash errors below A total cars in drivers text B number of different chassis in text C number of cars you try to race with D will the game run or crash A(43 or more) - B (43 or more) - C(25 or more) D (will allways crash!!!!) A 43 or more -B 43 or more - C 24 or less - D will run A 43 or more - B 24 - C 43 - D will run A 43 or more - B 24 or more - C 24 or more - D will run dependant on what cars the comp chooses to race against you Basically if your drivers text has more than 24 different chassis names in it - you run the risk of the game crashing This is especially true when running free league drivers text offline allways practice with less than 24 cars in a race to avoid the game crashing I hope the above is clear enough to understand
  6. TBH i think you ment to say ..... you would really apreciate all the effort someone would be willing to put in too satisfy YOUR needs We all have cars we'd like to see modelled but unfortunatley we dont have the skills and abilities of nick/reg swindy/dazza/rodder/boogie etc(sorry if i've missed anyone!) just sit tight and keep your fingers crossed the car you want will come along - it's good to offer picstures etc but as swindy says pointless making a car for you only - then in a few weeks you decide the physics are "bleeep!!!", it's not competitive and you race an allready existing model or worst still you cry please make me a new car cos i love it.................
  7. go to i think it's dafont.com or any other free font site i'm sure there's thousands and have a scout around to practice pick one sign off anything you really like and try to replicate it it is hard work to get right but the rewards are great much better than some people asking for this or that to be made
  8. fonts gradients shadows distortion and lots of pratice
  9. use the search button and put in fozz number set or fozz font should be all you need
  10. Good first attempt the devils unfortunatley is in the detail and getting everthing spot on signwriters do there own thing with certain letters sometimes to make it fit to pannels or if they dont like the look of it personally - spent many an hour watching my mate do it so i should know - so even if you find an exact font sometimes you have to mod it a bit. Also experiment with the warp/wave and shadow effects to bring your sings to life. the personal satifaction of doing a car without any cut and paste images or other peples decals is great - keep it up - remember others have been doing this for years and your just starting out - enjoy
  11. obviously the two models will different with regards to damage etc so will as in real life provide a little variety to the racing as cars never fold exactly the same!! looking forward to them both!
  12. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopi...66&hl=perez sorry wont download anymore here it is again if you want it [attachmentid=19499] car306.zip
  13. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopi...66&hl=perez
  14. Yep was a cracking meeting started with 321 eddy neachell completly anihilating murray harrisons car whilst they were both 1-2 in the consilation race - apparently this was part of a fued between the 2 lasting some time the big race - i counted six different leaders during the race - funniest moment smith jnr fencing his brother with a little help from mr wainman!! just a quick note - word around the pits was both smiths had new engines for this meeting - at an estimated £25,000 each! worth every penny! oh and let us not forget the ministox - cracking racing contact every lap and fencings gallore
  15. hazy

    skin painting

    converting is the most annoying part of skins i found searh for a tga.tex convertor on here i think it's been posted up loads so one should still download it's a lot easier than trying to get the exact wording for mktex command screen to work correctly every time
  16. hazy

    skin painting

    a paint shop pro version 7 or above (v9 is what i used) v7 i think is free to download if you google it or photoshop never used that so cant help there are plenty of guides out there so do a bit of research using the search function dont expect to be a master straight away ( i did 2 years of personal offline skins before i attempted some for other people.) these are some of my cars i painted for others and myself but as i've given up online racing now i dont paint anymore. [attachmentid=17306] [attachmentid=17305] [attachmentid=17307] [attachmentid=17308]
  17. hazy

    skin painting

    a paint shop pro version 7 or above (v9 is what i used) v7 i think is free to download if you google it or photoshop never used that so cant help there are plenty of guides out there so do a bit of research using the search function dont expect to be a master straight away ( i did 2 years of personal offline skins before i attempted some for other people.)
  18. hazy

    skin painting

    a paint shop pro version 7 or above (v9 is what i used) v7 i think is free to download if you google it or photoshop never used that so cant help there are plenty of guides out there so do a bit of research using the search function dont expect to be a master straight away ( i did 2 years of personal offline skins before i attempted some for other people.)
  19. hazy


    try the main ukdirt website - guides - skinpainting ( at the bottom of the f1 cars) i found it in 15 seconds from reading your post
  20. Think EVERYONE should make a second hotmail account and have this as a back up (dont give it to anyone - keep it as a back up for your important contacts!) - especially if you use it for work or other important bits of your life. If anyone thinks that if they are better than you by hacking you then it just shows how sad they are - computer geeks!!! i say!
  21. Not something I'd call 'Hardcore' either big fish small fish cardbored box!!!!!! now thats hardcore -- woop woop!!!!!
  22. i personally use psp v9 took me two years of offline fiddling before i even attempted a car for someone else I think it's just a case of try what you can get hold of - but be prepared for many hours of trial and error i think i paint in a ver different way to many of the guides out there but it works for me............. does anyone else do this.... set body layers to luminance then add a new layer above then - set to overlay then you can paint on that layer you have to reorder the parts, underneath and fin layers on some models but just experiment with things! below are some of my work......... [attachmentid=15401] [attachmentid=15402]
  23. I Did exactly the same thing as above - not rocket science! i asked a few people when i started if it would be ok to race it and there opinion was mixed - so for now i've left it in the garage but one day it'll come out - after all i did the work to make the template fit so why not race it - but out of respect for now i'm not gonna race it.
  24. hazy


    in simple plain english - YES THEY CAN! now please understand and absorb....... (as it doesn't seem to enter the brain upon reading!!! ) it takes skill, Pactience, research, photo's, testing, Pactience, research, photo's, testing, Pactience, research, photo's, testing, Pactience, research, photo's, testing, repeat until bored silly and you wonder why you started- to make any track please understand the levels of details your now expecting from the modelers is imense and as such just let them model at ther own speed instead of this constant barrage of track request in post after post you ask for a track - fine but i don't see you posting up pics of the track from loads of angles Please just stop asking and help these guys out in the best way you can Rant Over
  25. with regards to playing off line it's in the individual track files (made when the track was put together) if you wanrt to put one in a track your making thats a different question for the modellers - maybe nickm will be the best to answer that.
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