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Everything posted by Walker363

  1. Just a few pics. Click on pictures for better quality Thanks Walker
  2. Walker363


    Thanks to MoR for helping me out. Problem solved
  3. Walker363


    Hi I have been practicing round skegness for a bit and have been having problems. When I go to brake and turn into the corner my car will turn but when I brake it just goes straight on. I am wondering if it is anything to do with my settings Thanks to tinman for helping me but I am wondering if theres anyone out there that can help me as it is starting to annoy me now Here is a few pics of my settings. If you can help it would be great. Thanks Walker
  4. Hello is there anyone that would be able to post up a screenshot settings on rfactor and from there logitech profiler for a formula force GP force feedback wheel. If you could it would be great. Thanks walker
  5. Come on speaky at the commentator he sounds like hes about to have a heart attack,one if his lines crack me up 'no finish for wainman no finish for smith' priceless
  6. My new one. Pic by kruiz I thought it looked cool
  7. http://allstoxforum.niceboard.com/stockcar...-4-t2867-24.htm
  8. Nah I don't mean go out and fence folk simon. Sorry if it looked that way. Its just the fact folk are moaning even if theres the slightest bit of contact these days that kind of annoys and its the fact that some folk are saying she should not be hit because 54 a woman that baffles me No matter what you are be it a man or a woman you go out there expecting to be hit but not over the top. Theres other drivers that have been dirty apart from FWJ before be it 97,390,391,321 list could go on so I don't see why folk are giving FWJ a hard time at the moment. This is just my opinion and do not wish to have a falling out with folk as they have there views.
  9. I thought bumpers were there to use not to flash ? Unless I am watching hot rods You wern't there!! It was dirty as hell, cut the corner, dived into her nerf and right turned her to the fence, she did well not to the hit the wall head on, but still looked a nasty impact, she wasn't happy about it thats for sure, I saw her ignore Wainman when she came to check if she was ok lol I know I wasnt but would you not of done the same thing if you were in with a chance of winning ?
  10. I thought bumpers were there to use not to flash ? Unless I am watching hot rods
  11. Looks good kruiz Well done
  12. This song is prob one of my favourites from girls aloud. Downloaded it onto my MP3 and can't stop listening to it. Yes sad I know lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5RM-HML6yw
  13. Thanks I will do pics from meetings when I get the chance.
  14. Fair play u do talk crap at times. Boring? it couldnt be helped weather is weather if u didnt like it why watch it? i thought it was cracking tbh well done jenson Aye it was a good race indeed. I meant the waiting around when the race was stopped and taking ages to make a decision was boring. Not the race.
  15. Button takes another win in malaysia. Good race for a bit it was at the start but when the race was stopped the waiting around made it boring for me.
  16. Thanks Just what I was wanting to know
  17. Same kruiz lol Very nice aub
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