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Everything posted by Walker363

  1. Hi lads Log into you account then go to statistics then go to leagues then active leagues then click the england flag then go to page 24 then look for ukdirt preimier league. Click that then should be you sorted. If not then I aint a clue Also what aussie said was how I got sorted. Heres some pics to try and help.
  2. You have a PM
  3. Signed up
  4. Happy birthday mate
  5. Wonder if he ever knew there was something called a seat belt.
  6. I dont mind what day its on but I was going to suggest maybe wedensday when the saloons are finished,like run on a wedensday when the hot rods dont have a meeting. Just my suggestion
  7. Happy birthday sir
  8. Strange. Maybe try reinstalling it again as I had the same problem last week.
  9. CCLEANER: http://www.ccleaner.com/ DEFRAGGLER: http://www.defraggler.com/
  10. Walker363


    Nice F1's mini 683 and tosh
  11. Hi Just wondering if theres going to be a winter series for the F1's this year. Sorry if this has been asked before. Maybe a bit to early to ask as I know its been a few weeks since the season ended. Thanks Walker
  12. Oh you mean my idiotic and selfish Ex-Boyfriend? You know, i don't know whats sadder, the fact you continue to act like a complete 'Unable to be taught inbred' or that you have to keep idiotic arguments going and going, 300 odd posts i think i noticed on your information section? What a sad little FILTERED boy! And FYI, i registered to ask about problems with Windows Vista and my racing game. And as for your dad...what a sad excuse for a father, does he go out and work or does he spend his lonely self-pity life on a computer when he should be out getting a job like the sane people, its people like you and your dad who fill up the forum with some severe crap and nonsense! And i'm pretty sure if my Ex-Boyfriend was a complete sado to 'Pretend to be a "Lass"' i'm pretty sure he wouldn't be on a online racing game forum would he? xxx (Dont pop one at the x's you freak) Is it a he or a she bawaahaha Walker grassed you in 'muppet'
  13. brain cells dont have brains its the nucleus that controls the cell. and in kid talk these days i think that is called TOTAL OWNAGE! No more like you being a complete and utter prat
  14. Yeah keep us updated simon and good luck in the tooz
  15. I suppose it's to much for you to buy it ?
  16. To be honest I would try making decals but I would prefer to use a font thats close to a real life font. If it ain't close then I try different fonts as I can't be bothered with the hassle of using the lassoo tool. tried it before and thought it was a good way of making a decal but just prefer to use fonts instead. I ain't the worlds best skin painter nikki either or claim to be the best far from it but spend time and trying different stuff and you will improve. Just my opinion
  17. oohhh no your not allowed fonts, nor decals ,,, its a wonder you did'nt get shouted at for asking for help around here I am if I look for fonts on a free font webstite
  18. Congratulations mate
  19. To be honest you could get fonts that match the ones in they pics. P.S remove the signature for god sake,well one half anyway.
  20. Walker363


    Nothing wrong with it in my opinion. Only thing I would try changing (Not a dig) Is don't make it low but apart from that good skin and good render
  21. Congratulations mate
  22. Thats looking superb
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