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Everything posted by Walker363

  1. Good meeting I bloody enjoyed it and the best racing I have had. Heat 3 with dode was the best race of the meeting for me.No problem here about the last bend move trav I would of done the same if I was in with a chance of winning. Final race with MoR was a good race as well and clean and fair. Sorry to MoR as well and to allstar to as I hit allstar with the intention to hit but give a hit just to get by,nothing dirty. Appoligises to MoR as well as I hit allstar into him but no on purpose. Sorry lads. Well done to kruiz on the final win. Seem to be getting the pace again.
  2. Cheers Could you show me a pic of what bits to assign. Not sure what ones your on about
  3. Just a few pics from bradford including a pic of the GN finish and heat 3 finish.
  4. If nobody else replies I will get them from the server later this evening for you (it won't be until around 8pm though). Yeah that would be great kevin. Thanks
  5. Hi does anyone have them. If you could post them up it would be great so I can get some pics from the meeting to post up. Thanks Walker
  6. Cheers for that Kruiz, thats more or less what i wanted to hear from soneone who has common sense and can race fairly. Can someone upload the replays for me please? I only have the final Same here heat 1 and heat 3 would be great thanks. Need them so I can get meeting pics
  7. Found this on another forum. Cracks me up everytime I watch. http://www.nothingtodo.co.uk/view/1654/pik...-renault-5.html
  8. I use two old sterio speakers on my pc. Do the job
  9. One of my favourite ones the now. Noisettes - Don't upset the rhythm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--xnPk1wExQ
  10. Getting virus pop anytime I try to go onto ukdirt website.
  11. Yeah well done to brawn GP. Well to jenson button to. Drove a good race and it looks like we could be in for a good season. Prob one of the best races I have seen. Had to laugh at kubica and vettel when they took there self out
  12. I have to say what a meeting. It had its good and bad points but I won't go into that. A average meeting for me and happy with 35 points . Well over the moon to win the final as I never seem to have luck in them at times Big thanks to the back markers that moved and to trav and tom d that moved out the way and let me by,good to see good sportmanship Looks like I might be heading to blue in the new grades but thats the way it goes Roll on bradford tarmac.
  13. Same problem as harold. Here is my Tar and shale skins. UKD363_walkerTskins.zip UKD363_walkerSskins.zip
  14. Yeah I was just trying to say thats all mart but was not meaning for it to sound like a dig or a moan. Sorry if it looked that way and I appoligise to the uksom lads. Walker
  15. "Opinions are like azzholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." I might be a "azzhole" but I least I big enough to admit it. What does that make you ? Oh yeah a IDIOT
  16. "Opinions are like azzholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." Coming from a yank yeah ? So if I give my opinion and suggestions that makes me as you put a "azzhole" . Christ I never knew you were not allowed to give suggestion and ideas now
  17. Looking good and looks excellent. Just thought and opinion. Why not Stick to finishing work on the F2s and the other chassis due to come out for the rfactor F2 mod and release the full mod instead of doing something else I know some others that have agreed with me. Just my opinion as I say. Keep up the good work.
  18. Maybe explaining how to do it would be good....oh no maybe not as some skin painters can't be bothered to help other folk that skin paint
  19. Cracks me up everytime I listen - Warning,contains bad languege
  20. I use that for F1 and I seem to go ok If you put your mind to it and sit down and try different things out till you get your set up spot on then doing set ups on rfactor gets easier the more you play with things.
  21. Yeah you can use a novice car bobbert I think. Make sure you have skin packs as well I am sure aub will let you know
  22. Here you go JK if you mean national points ? http://www.kev149.com/f1stats/2009rnatpointsfull.php Cheers Walker
  23. Good meeting - Shame I could not get right on the pace due to my FFB feeling light and heavy at times. Maybe something to do with the track I think MoR was saying ? Apart from that I enjoyed the meeting. Roll on Ipswich
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