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Everything posted by Ianstep16

  1. Booking in IanStep 516
  2. Great meeting Spike and Wd Tosh. Really enjoyed the racing tonight, and the physics seemed to be working for me. Cheers IanStep 516
  3. Sorry for sending wrong skin, i have included the correct F2 skin. IanStep_516.zip
  4. Booking in Ianstep 516 Yellow IanStep516.zip
  5. IanStep 516 Booking Out
  6. Booking In IanStep 516 Yellow Cheers
  7. My Set up
  8. Booking In IanStep 516 Yellow
  9. My gamedata file is 16.3 GB Lol. The whole of the rfactor game is 17.2 GB. Perhaps I need a clean up
  10. Booking in ianstep516 plz white
  11. 259 Paul Hines Plz for both
  12. 16b Steve Jude Plz Cheers Ian
  13. Ianstep16

    Thank you.

    Joined very late in the 09 season, but thxs to the admin and the drivers who helped me out. Already for the 2010 season, may even have a new wheel like Leech. Cheers IanStep 516
  14. Booking in IanStep 516--Yellow--
  15. Spot on Dave, look to have all drivers covered lol
  16. cheers i will download the first skinpack again
  17. Hi will it be a full shale pack as I appear to be missing several VEH files, leech 968, Lee 531, dave 488, there are the ones I know. I am sure I have downloaded all skinpacks upto date.
  18. Bookin in IanStep 516 White grade
  19. Well done to all race winners Throughly enjoyed my first meeting with ukdirt, and thanks to the guys who helped me with my set ups. Looking forward to next week Cheers IanSep 516
  20. Booking in IanStep 516 White
  21. Cheers Savage much appreciated
  22. Was informed last night that all Skinpacks had to be downloaded, 16 in total
  23. Not a good start got to book out IanStep 516
  24. Hi Chaps Any skin painters out there fancy doing me some skins for F1 and F2. IanStep Number 516 Cheers IanStep
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