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Everything posted by Aub

  1. u gonna race then just like u did at hmc ?
  2. i agree with hack in a way but it all started in with bdo the split never did them alot of good imo pdc final was also better imo
  3. no lightening mcqueen on the bonnet how can u miss that
  4. your far to young to be playing grand theft auto
  5. Aub


    pfft my old man and a few others had there hotrods sideways all the time wet or dry and more power so seeing a few banger drivers do it didnt impress me to much and on the subject of driving 1 handed i remeber a certain mr rob speak driving the final at bristol in the pouring rain 1 handed in a f2 giving hits and reciving them now that was impressive any road it was still a crap meeting
  6. Aub


    lol worth the trip i live 20 mins away and it wasnt worth the trip utter crap imo id rather have watched national hotrods for more contact that was the first and last time i will ever go and watch a banger meet the most fun i had was driving out the gate to go home
  7. Aub


    lol rikard just head 4 witney m8 easy from there signposted any more help pm me
  8. happy birthday m8 have a gd un 36 u old bassa
  9. heres my new shale car not completly finished yet
  10. lol marcy i see u dont escape maus either
  11. well kriuz u are rite about the number but you are also wrong lol during the meeting it was changed to silver/grey
  12. Aub


    not that i would have asked him i might add
  13. Aub


    yea he knows lol
  14. Aub


    my first effort with anything other than the car and wheels lol
  15. maybe he meant emu's daveyboy i dunno but then i thought rod hull had passed away so maybe not
  16. Aub

    f2 skin

  17. lol i am fully aware that my skins may not be the best or my renders kid but they are 100 times better than yours son
  18. rite then lol 1. im english and proud whoever made that union flag needs shooting and maybe has i dunno 2. your skins look crap 3. your renders look even worse 4. i dunno but i suspect your driving is even worse (just thought id add that in lol) 5. maybe you ratboy should pay your jolt fee and see how we properley race in stockcars and not in free banger leauges but i bet u would go off crying if u got hit so in short. shut your stinking hole and come and race. once again these forums should be made 4 racers of the ukdirt leauge not idiots such as erik who spouts so much bull its quite impressive really when u think about it rant over cheers aub
  19. erm ok well i was asked to do 1 for for bleach (f2) but as you have started it kruiz go you ahead and its 1 less for me to do
  20. nice work chap looks great
  21. Happy Christmas lads n lasses
  22. just to back my story up lol have a listen to the commentry on that sid waddell at his best
  23. damn edit button aye having followed it up myself yes it was shaun greatbatch but at the time sid waddell said taylors was the first live 9 dart finish see where the confusion sets in lol maybe because the dutch open is not on british tv so taylors the the first britsh live 9 dart finish and i spose the bdo/pdc tend not to reconize each other so take it on chopps as u said shaun greatbatch sorry 4 the confusion ive confused myself
  24. taylors was years b4 that as mason has been in prison 4 a few years and came out in 2005 sometime but if u wanna take it that im wrong fine by me and the dutch open isnt on british tv so it wouldnt b live for us
  25. spot on binny phil taylor correct was at blackpool world matchplay againt chris mason paul lim and john lowe did 1 but wasnt live
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