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Everything posted by martwisely

  1. I Watched that same episode tonight
  2. martwisely


    soz had to be done Good renders but there seems to be a problem ur cars followed me in but with no driver
  3. martwisely


    Another render by me [attachmentid=22755]
  4. You could also poss try posting on Crimond raceway forum see if you get response from anyone there as im sure someone will have photos tucked away Address is www.crimondraceway.co.uk
  5. Nice wan pal!!!
  6. martwisely


    Had another go at Rendering Didnt have any cars painted recently so skin not painted by me But Renders are by me. [attachmentid=22608] [attachmentid=22609]
  7. it did this with me aswell But once i updated bank details its worked since
  8. martwisely


    Wheres the Real life replica of Mick Sworders are u doing this also?? As thats pretty neat
  9. same here
  10. 18 for me lol did this one and got 26% geek not bad lol http://www.justsayhi.com/bb/geek
  11. There are kids on this forum lol
  12. Was browsin the web and found this. Its in the charts at Number 25. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/site/bank-charges-song Doubt itl get Number one though.
  13. Hi kev . Walker has just told me on msn his accounts been locked again after you unlocking it for him... Someone has gone and locked it again. Ta mart ps i have just tried loggin on internet explorer and im getting Your account is locked, therefore you will not be able to login to the forums until an administrator has manually reactived your account. But im able to access it on firefox as its saved
  14. Hi Would someone be able to unlock walkers account and xj40's account Thanks
  15. Another Pointless Thread!! Another one thats ended up with arguin
  16. Try restorin ur pc back a few days. i had this problem. After doing this it solved the problem
  17. Happy xmas everyone
  18. martwisely


    Ive had another go at renderin and heres my attempts so far. Tryin to get the shadows atm on it. [attachmentid=21410] [attachmentid=21411]
  19. martwisely


    Rodder started the Ally skin but sadly didnt finished as i dont think anyone sent him more pictures. Then obviously changed his car this season. But i hear he is he gettin a new saloon for next season (whether it is true or not im not sure) So i dont see the point and makin his one he has atm. When the new one could be made when we see it.
  20. Hi up until tonight i have been managing to open two document folders eg (My Music and My Pictures) at the same time. But tonight when i try it i keep getting the following screen: [attachmentid=21295] It is Also doing it sometimes when i open my documents folder aswell and no other folder is open. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. thanks lads Had a good day.Was working though but it was a laugh. Going out on sat to celebrate lol.
  22. i was in the middle of doing Laura dawsons f2..but stopped its on other pc half done... and as for stuart kelly . may attempt it myself once i have photoshop etc again.
  23. i got a similiar joke sent to me on fone! lol Was a "flood warning
  24. As u lot would say to us HAHA!!!
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