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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. you do need to fill the body and wing colour layers mate not the panel layers
  2. Dave488


    yes mate 1 skin just change the wing and wing colour box and upload all 4, you do need a dds plug in you just need to flatten the psd to save in that format, just use an exsisting veh file and rename it for you so you can see what its like in game etc all chassis physics are the same but some driving positions are different so its down to each individual what you prefer most (gold roof is in a dk british roof is in a randall irish is in a higman) so no 1 chassis is the out and out favorite for the top lads although i would say rces are very popular on tar for everyone else (no titles held by 1 tho i dont think?) as for your grade it wont be red but i will get back to you when we have discussed it mate not much help to you now i know but didnt even think about it till now sorry, its very hard to say when we have never seen you race or practice before so we dont know how quick you are
  3. ah yes i was going to say that in my post but forgot lol cheers samson as he says if anyone wants to make a video always ask for the server replay its much clearer
  4. great video lew hope to see more in the future
  5. Dave488


    you have to wait for counter to process it mate and being a weekend/bank holiday he probs wasnt around so i would guess it would be soon now tho
  6. Dave488


    be good to see you back mate
  7. new site looks great grass well done all involved
  8. ok list updated (thanks drumb) >>DONT FORGET A NEW SKINPACK IS OUT << >>ALSO NEW GRADE CHANGES TOO<<
  9. the link for the 5th skinpack of 2012 is below, you all need this for TONIGHTS meeting at NUTTS CORNER also dont forget the new grades come into effect for this meeting they can be found >>HERE<< IF YOUVE RACED IN A NOVICE CAR THIS SEASON AND DID NOT SEND A SKIN IN FOR THIS PACK YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RACE UNTILL I HAVE A SKIN FROM YOU AND MAKE ANOTHER PACK ecept #32 as i am aware of his issues PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT BONNETS, NERF SETS AND WINGS THAT YOUR CAR HAS BEEN PAINTED FOR, IF YOU DONT THEY LOOK HIDIOUS AND IT MAKES ANY PHOTOS OR VIDEOS LOOK ODD!! this pack (5) contains the following: cars added 98 tar & shale 101 tar & shale 167 tar & shale 619 tar & shale chassis change 233 shale (randall to dkb) 488 shale (higman to randall08) 718 shale (randall08 to higman) 238 tarmac (randall08 to rce) 277 tarmac (randall to rce) 718 tarmac (randall08 to rce) new paint jobs (only allowing 1 more of these then it classes as chassis changes) 122 shale 45 tarmac british wing added 87 tar and shale plus 233 has added a blue roof tar car >>PACK 5 IS HERE<< this is on both servers and server .48 is set to nutts corner practice now
  10. Here are the latest grade changes for this season, these come into effect NOW! so you will need to have the correct wings on for THIS SUNDAYS meeting, congratulations to all those that have gone up up to red 98 101 305 495 down to blue 46 122 233 249 277 up to blue nobody down to yellow 17 31 33 67 131 954 up to yellow 205 718 down to white 45 210 473
  11. no you are banned for 3 WEEKS not 3 MEETINGS read the dp thread again
  12. if you could send in all roof grades that would be great yes and the naming doesnt matter much as i can rename them but for mine it would be 12UKD488_Dave T for tar and 12UKD488_DaveS for shale so just change name and number to yours then add white red blue or yellow after the S or T but as i say naming them isnt a problem i can sort that out
  13. ricky your ban doesnt end until monday so you cant race sunday night you can only race the monday meeting that you need to book in for on the website
  14. This coming weekend sees the f2s racing on the SUNDAY and MONDAY, both meetings are at the irish track nutts corner SUNDAY is the IRISH OPEN while MONDAY is the F2 NATIONALS, for the MONDAY meeting BOOK IN ON THE UKDIRT SITE AS NORMAL and for the SUNDAY meeting BOOK IN ON THIS THREAD BELOW both should be great meetings if the numbers are good, Tom#112 is defending both titles this year could it be you that takes 1 or even both titles away from him? get booked in for both meetings in the correct places now drivers booked: white: 167 45 yellow: 17 31 220 718 954 blue: 101 233 488 red: 39 115 164 238 495 560 774 superstars: 41 87 112 236 315 (p) number of cars booked: 22
  15. well done Bobin some not bad racing tonight i thought am well chuffed to have fluked 3rd in the british due to other people tripping over each other
  16. i found it loads better the wall still catches you on the bends but the rest is loads better, once again a big thankyou to madcowie for sorting it out in his very little spare time, made the racing much better imo
  17. just bumping this up so you can all see that we have a few meetings on SUNDAY NIGHTS the 1st 1 being this SUNDAY at nutts corner for the IRISH OPEN
  18. put in the .45 server then when that says no games available put in the .48 server this sometimes helps me odd i know
  19. BOOK IN VIA THE UKDIRT SITE NOW! This Monday sees the mighty F2s race for their first major championship of the season the British Championship at the very very fast improved Racewall! #236 DanSkin is the defending British Champion, The current TT and English Open Champion won the British title at Belle Vue last June, The 2012 world champion #112 TomD is planning to make his first visit to the Racewall for this season, The Reigning Irish Champion last trip to Scotland was last October, when he defended the Grand National Championship. The Shootout champion #39 Leek will be in attendance after a poor start to the season by his standards. Another man who is used to the Scottish soil is the current Scottish champion #41 Drumbstick he will be looking to add another majour title to his name this week. #87 Robin will be making the trip from Holland to take this one, the 2011 national points champion has had a steady start to the season this year! a dark horse who has the pace but not much luck this year will be #233 Grasser, he has had no luck this year but you wouldn’t bet against the bloke to be up there in the high places! #31 Simon will be doing the 1100 mile round trip from his base in Cornwall to be in action along with USA driver #67 FreeW After a personal best with 12 points last week #718 MartynR aims to be present in his new Randall car along with fellow white grader #205 Pistol! Scottish based driver #188 Aub sets to make a rare appearance in his very very smart RCE! Along with rival #315 Mike who won the title in 2010! Could you take the black and white cheqaured roof?? Past Winners! 2011 Danskin, #236 2010 Mike, #315 2009 Kruiz, #136
  20. it was blue to me
  21. dont know the answer but i do know the new 1 is installed on the server and the old 1 was removed so i GUESS it will be the new 1
  22. that too cheers dan
  23. new link added to 1st post it is also on the ukdirt site with all other tracks you should have the 1.3 version once youve installed this, as the installer says PLEASE REMOVE YOUR OLD VERSION OF COWDENBEATH BEFORE ADDING THIS 1
  24. can i have a late booking please?
  25. and danskin! lol
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