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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. looks mint tosh, me and aub had some when we was younger didnt race um at any clubs or anything just outside the house (hence the rubber tires not foam 1s) mine (515) deffo still works as had it running not that long ago,its just an expensive model on a shelf now lol. we have a 3rd 1 too painted up as bullys old f2 which is where half of aubs car is lol if i remember rightly i was better than aub lol pics took on my phone so not the best
  2. dave 488 red please
  3. dave488 blue please
  4. book me in please mate wasnt gonna race but might aswell now lol
  5. skinpack 12 needed for tonight please lads >>>HERE<<<
  6. all of those .veh files are in the very 1st pack on the skinpacks thread mate i have just redownloaded it myself and checked and they are deffo there
  7. heres a real life f1 copy i been working on, thanks to demonstone for his help with the numbers or i probs never wouldve finished it lol
  8. i have released a new skinpack for tonight lads it can be found on the skinpack thread >>HERE<<
  9. Here is skinpack 11, its only a small 1 but you will need it for the central series finale meeting tonight >>HERE<<
  10. can i have a late 1 for kings lynn too please?
  11. dave 488 yellow please
  12. Dont forget its a 8.30 start for this tomorrow lads as there is no heat meeting i have released a skinpack for this meeting ON THIS THREAD the server with this on is up now and for all of you that didnt know you need the latest update of the f2s which can be found HERE Trav will be the RM for the night and he asked me to put up here that late bookings will only be taking up until 7pm tomorrow night so you best book in now
  13. here is skinpack 9 you will all need this before the world final meeting tomorrow night, i was hoping to make all the packs into just 2 bigger packs so new people wouldnt have to download a load of little 1s but i just havent had time sorry.so if you havent raced before you will need all these packs >>click here<< any problems let me know asap please
  14. cheers johno as for the meeting made the racing a bit better i would say as sam says by the time the reds etc catch the front they then have to work harder as thier tires are not too good, so the lower graders dont get swamped, didnt see many spin outs from where i was either but could be wrong. dunno how tosh managed to save his tires more than me in the final mind, mine were shot when he caught me up and i dont drive sideways lol, well done mate was a great drive cheers for the meeting johno and kev
  15. do i not get my 2nd from the gn johno? i was 2nd across the line just on the in field lol thought it still wouldve counted but obviously not
  16. could anybody who is wishing to race on monday at the WF meeting who hasnt got a skin in game pm me 1 asap please so i can do the next pack, if you want to race but cant get a skin done let me know and we shall try and sort something out (we dont really want people using novice skins etc in this meeting) cheers
  17. happy birthday mate hope its a good 1
  18. you only need to go into c:/programme files mate as the folder in the download is called rfactor so it will find its own way to its rite places from there.... i think lol
  19. dave488 yellow please
  20. can you book me in please kev, yellow top
  21. heres skinpack 8 everybody will need this for the central series semis at NIR tomorrow >>HERE<<
  22. well done Robin thanks for the meeting Gary, top job mate i had a better meeting than i was expecting so all good ere lol
  23. can you cancel my booking please mate
  24. dont forget i will be doing a skinpack for the f2 national meeting lads, i will be away at buxton all weeekend but if you pm me your skin i will do the pack when i get home sunday
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