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Everything posted by wardy515

  1. 844 out
  2. Well Done Ellis #889 on top scoring and winning the Final Results: Heat 1: 981 454 1 92 691 21 229 237 267 488 455 671 627 246 39 Heat 2: 117 889 184 267 92 800 246 599 455 39 653 21 394 671 Heat 3: 117 889 454 800 1 184 599 394 691 981 653 229 237 488 627 A-Final: 889 237 454 92 455 627 229 691 653 184 671 800 599 39 1 981 267 488 246 21 117 GN 1: 117 92 800 39 267 671 455 981 184 454 229 237 599 653 889 246 691 1 627 488 21 Points: 38 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 36 pts 92 hoggy 34 pts 454 Frans 30 pts 117 Dan W 21 pts 237 rickyljames 20 pts 800 BenChambers 18 pts 455 Kbarker 17 pts 184 Jack Ward 15 pts 267 DannyGrady 14 pts 691 Jakeeey 14 pts 981 MartinB 14 pts 1 Wardieee 12 pts 229 Tsjalle 10 pts 627 PeteC 8 pts 39 LeeK 7 pts 599 Harold 5 pts 671 ironside 5 pts 21 LouisH 4 pts 246 Stox 4 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 3 pts 394 PaulE 1 pts 488 Dave Messers 102 Chewy Junior The replays are here!
  3. Please check you are in 2 heats... Heat 1: 102, 627, 267, 454, 488, 671, 21, 237, 246, 455, 691, 981, 1, 39, 92, 229, , (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Heat 2: 102, 117, 267, 394, 671, 889, 21, 599, 246, 455, 653, 800, 39, 92, 184, , , (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Heat 3: 627, 117, 394, 454, 488, 889, 237, 599, 653, 691, 800, 981, 1, 184, 229, , , (Server .48) Steward 255/184 A-Final: ALL IN (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Grand National: ALL IN (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Please be in chat for 8:20PM so we can get on with the meeting at 8:30PM. Tonight I (Jack Ward#184) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!
  4. .
  5. Haha good times Paul My Real predictions are 236 1 527
  6. 137- 3-188
  7. Watch the replays before moaning please Harry Congrats jamie
  8. Jack ward 484 Blue
  9. Results: Heat 1: 889 167 39 1 238 394 599 246 44 981 777 184 671 344 627 100 49 82 237 Heat 2: 100 167 981 39 1 184 394 238 889 627 237 777 44 49 246 671 82 344 599 A-Final: 167 981 889 39 238 246 1 184 100 49 44 237 82 777 627 599 671 344 394 GN 1: 1 100 238 889 599 39 246 237 394 981 167 671 184 777 627 49 344 44 82 Points: 38 pts 167 CB 35 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 34 pts 39 LeeK 31 pts 1 Wardieee 29 pts 238 Kane_M 28 pts 981 MartinB 23 pts 100 Tomdavison 17 pts 246 Stox 11 pts 394 PaulE 11 pts 184 Jack Ward 10 pts 599 Harold 3 pts 237 rickyljames 2 pts 49 DavoSayco 2 pts 44 Tom K 1 pts 627 PeteC 0 pts 344 Byron 0 pts 82 Dbecks 0 pts 671 ironside 0 pts 777 HGR
  10. Heat 1: ALL IN (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Heat 2: ALL IN (Server .48) Steward 255/184 A-Final: ALL IN (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Grand National: ALL IN (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Please be in chat for 8:20PM so we can get on with the meeting at 8:30PM. Tonight I (Jack Ward#184) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!
  11. Congratulations jamie on retaining the British drove and good race with tsjalle putting the pressure on , Bristol is not a track for me so hopefully we get a shale British next year so I can at least challenge for it haha great result for Harold starting 3rd and staying in the top 5 all race
  12. Jack ward 484 Blue Please Thank You
  13. Well done Kane on winning the Final and Wardieee on top scoring, Thank you Kane and Stumpy for the assistance Results: Heat 1: 229 39 503 79 167 21 981 184 221 888 82 777 102 Heat 2: 647 44 599 627 100 238 394 246 895 1 92 117 237 671 344 Heat 3: 1 647 229 39 79 238 82 21 100 246 167 344 394 895 Heat 4: 92 102 981 184 888 221 117 237 671 44 627 599 503 777 Consi 1: 246 777 117 237 394 895 344 671 A-Final: 238 1 777 184 981 229 237 44 888 221 599 39 503 647 246 21 82 79 100 627 167 102 92 117 GN 1: 647 246 1 599 237 627 671 44 895 394 238 344 92 GN 2: 221 981 117 184 39 777 167 21 82 888 229 79 102 503 Points: 37 pts 1 Wardieee 33 pts 981 MartinB 31 pts 184 Jack Ward 30 pts 238 Kane_M 29 pts 647 Samson 28 pts 229 Tsjalle 22 pts 39 LeeK 21 pts 777 HGR 19 pts 221 Spike 19 pts 44 Tom K 17 pts 237 rickyljames 15 pts 599 Harold 13 pts 79 weeryan 13 pts 246 Stox 12 pts 627 PeteC 12 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 12 pts 117 Dan W 11 pts 21 LouisH 10 pts 167 CB 10 pts 92 hoggy 9 pts 102 Chewyjr 8 pts 100 Tomdavison 8 pts 503 Dane Bell 6 pts 82 Dbecks 6 pts 671 ironside 5 pts 394 PaulE 4 pts 895 The Undertaker 0 pts 344 Bryon The replays are here!
  14. Please check you are in 2 heats... Heat 1: 102, 479, 888, 21, 79, 221, 777, 82, 117, 167, 503, 981, 39, 184, 229, , , (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Heat 2: 100, 344, 627, 237, 599, 895, 44, 246, 394, 647, 671, 238, 1, 92, , , , (Server .45) Steward 238 Heat 3: 100, 344, 479, 21, 79, 895, 82, 246, 394, 647, 167, 238, 1, 39, 229, , , (Server .48) Steward 255 Heat 4: 102, 627, 888, 221, 237, 599, 777, 44, 117, 671, 503, 981, 92, 184, , , , (Server .45) Steward 184 Consolation: TOP 4 THROUGH TO THE FINAL (Server .48) Steward 255/184 B-Final: NON QUALIFIERS (Server .45) Steward 184 A-Final: TOP 20 POINT SCORERS FROM THE HEATS + TOP 4 FROM THE CONSOLATION (Server .48) Steward 255 There will be enough Grand Nationals for everyone Please be in chat for 8:20PM so we can get on with the meeting at 8:30PM. Tonight I (Jack Ward#184) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!
  16. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refused
  17. These come into effect NOW so please have the correct wings on for tonight's meeting. As always, well done to those that have gone up and I'm sure the ones that have gone down will bounce back up the grades soon! Up to S/S 39 Up to Red 503 Down to Red 167 Up to Blue 82 671 Down to Blue 246 Up to Yellow 49 895 Down to Yellow 599 79 21 Down to White 100 102
  18. 844 out
  19. Jack ward 484 Blue
  20. Well done lee on the winning the final and DanSkin on top scoring, Thank you stumpy with the assistance Results: W&Y: 82 3 479 237 100 221 976 504 671 159 363 102 Heat 1: 238 92 981 800 229 237 246 479 504 80 159 976 468 82 599 100 3 Heat 2: 1 236 184 671 112 503 777 363 455 39 44 221 21 79 102 Heat 3: 671 236 468 92 479 238 237 976 80 159 167 363 455 246 79 777 503 Heat 4: 82 1 229 800 184 221 44 39 112 981 21 504 599 102 3 100 Consi : 21 3 79 167 80 504 455 363 100 102 B-Final: 80 599 363 504 A-Final: 39 236 92 237 44 229 184 671 981 246 777 238 82 112 468 21 479 503 167 1 3 79 221 800 GN 1: 80 82 92 237 229 800 238 479 981 599 468 363 167 246 3 504 GN 2: 1 221 236 184 671 455 112 777 503 21 39 79 44 Points: 44 pts 236 DanSkin 40 pts 92 hoggy 30 pts 237 rickyljames 30 pts 229 Tsjalle 29 pts 671 ironside 29 pts 1 Wardieee 29 pts 184 Jack Ward 24 pts 39 LeeK 19 pts 82 Dbecks 19 pts 238 Kane_M 19 pts 800 BenChambers 16 pts 44 Tom K 15 pts 981 MartinB 14 pts 221 Spike 13 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 12 pts 479 Kev 12 pts 112 TomD 8 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 7 pts 777 HGR 7 pts 503 Dane Bell 7 pts 455 Kbarker 6 pts 246 Stox 3 pts 363 Walker 3 pts 976 rik 2 pts 504 Charlie Boast 1 pts 159 Connor Benstead 1 pts 21 LouisH 1 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 3 d_dickson 0 pts 100 Tomdavison 0 pts 102 Chewy Junior 0 pts 79 Ryan Sharp 0 pts 167 CB MESSERS 766 Andypat 895 The Undertaker The replays are here! See you all next week at Stoke for another WCQR AND W&Y Round
  21. Please check you are in 2 heats... (8:30PM) Whites and Yellows: 3, 82, 159, 479, 504, 671, 766, 895, 100, 102, 221, 237, 363, 777, 976, (Server .48) Steward 255/184 Heat 1: 3, 82, 159, 479, 504, 100, 237, 976, 80, 599, 238, 246, 468, 800, 981, 167, 92, 229 (Server .48) Steward 255 Heat 2: 671, 766, 895, 102, 221, 363, 777, 21, 44, 217, 503, 39, 112, 455, 1, 184, 236, (Server .45) Steward 184 Heat 3: 159, 479, 671, 766, 237, 363, 777, 976, 80, 217, 503, 238, 246, 455, 468, 92, 167, 236 (Server .48) Steward 255 Heat 4: 3, 82, 504, 895, 100, 102, 221, 21, 44, 599, 39, 112, 800, 981, 1, 184, 229, (Server .45) Steward 184 Consolation: TOP 4 THROUGH TO THE FINAL (Server .48) Steward 255/184 B-Final: NON QUALIFIERS (Server .45) Steward 184 A-Final: TOP 20 POINT SCORERS FROM THE HEATS + TOP 4 FROM THE CONSOLATION (Server .48) Steward 255 There will be enough Grand Nationals for everyone Please be in chat for 8:20PM so we can get on with the meeting at 8:30PM. Tonight I (Jack Ward#184) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!
  23. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refused
  24. Thank you for the meeting skinner , ft and stumpy, 1st time racing at Mildenhall in a f1 and what an awfull track ( not as bad as Buxton) . It was an entertaining night from Blue, Ashley England deserved more tonight after being unlucky in every single race , and was great to see the number 8 out again, he definitely deserved something in the final but was robbed . 976 is having a great week but was unlucky not to get some good results tonight and I hope the form continues
  25. Well Done DanSkin on winning the final and Top scoring along with DavoSayco and Kizza, Thank you for your patience tonight after having a little problem with the servers Results: Heat 1: 82 117 895 237 49 236 846 246 599 79 217 320 92 Heat 2: 229 39 247 238 479 21 503 647 306 976 184 671 777 622 Heat 3: 671 184 39 479 49 976 599 846 246 21 100 Heat 4: 247 236 229 82 895 503 92 237 238 647 777 117 79 A-Final: 236 247 49 117 647 671 39 92 895 229 184 82 238 21 246 599 846 976 503 479 100 237 79 777 GN 1: 82 92 49 229 895 184 599 503 39 236 238 479 777 671 79 21 647 846 246 100 237 247 117 Points: 36 pts 49 DavoSayco 36 pts 247 Kizzza 36 pts 236 DanSkin 27 pts 82 Dbecks 27 pts 39 LeeK 27 pts 229 Tsjalle 24 pts 895 The Undertaker 23 pts 117 DanW 20 pts 671 ironside 19 pts 92 hoggy 16 pts 647 Samson 14 pts 184 Jack Ward 13 pts 479 kevharbord 12 pts 503 Dane Bell 10 pts 237 rickyljames 10 pts 599 Harold 9 pts 238 Kane_M 7 pts 846 CrashleyEngland 6 pts 976 rik 6 pts 21 LouisH 5 pts 246 Stox 2 pts 306 PIERCEYB 1 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 320 DaveLane 0 pts 622 Johandehaan 0 pts 100 Tomdavison 0 pts 777 HGR 0 pts 217 Neke MESSERS 504 Charlie Boast 102 Chewy Junior 482 Ginger See you next week at Coventry for another W+Y The replays are here!
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