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Everything posted by wardy515

  1. Heat 1: 49, 82, 320, 504, 895, 102, 117, 237, 482, 79, 217, 599, 246, 92, 236, , (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 2: 247, 306, 479, 622, 671, 100, 777, 976, 21, 503, 647, 39, 238, 229,184 , , , (Server 45) Steward 184 Heat 3: 49, 306, 320, 479, 671, 100, 102, 482, 976, 21, 217, 599, 39, 246, 184, , , (Server 48) Steward 255 Heat 4: 82, 247, 504, 622, 895, 117, 237, 777, 79, 503, 647, 238, 92, 229, 236, , , (Server 45) Steward 238 Consolation: TOP 4 THROUGH TO THE FINAL (Server .48) Steward 255 B-Final: NON QUALIFIERS (Server .45) Steward 184 A-Final: TOP 18 POINT SCORERS FROM THE HEATS + TOP 4 FROM THE CONSOLATION (Server .48) There will be enough Grand Nationals for everyone Please be in chat for 8:20PM so we can get on with the meeting at 8:30PM. Tonight I (Jack Ward#184) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!
  3. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refuse
  4. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refuse
  5. We are now collecting skins for the 4th skinpack of the 2017 season, please read all of the below: A FEW SIMPLE RULES PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL OF THIS POST BEFORE SENDING ANY FILES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 3: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 17UKD800_BenT for tar and 17UKD800_BenS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 17UKD800_BenTred or 17UKD800_BenTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 4: SENDING IN FILES - PLEASE SEND IN YOUR FILES BY SENDING THEM DIRECTLY TO ME VIA PM, OR VIA THE UPLOAD TOOL ON THE WEBSITE. DO NOT ATTACH TO THIS POST 5:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2016 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack 6: ROOF GRADES - roof grades are red, blue, yellow and white, no brown, purple or green wings will be excepted! i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED any questions regarding any of the above please PM Ben 800 and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR THIS PACK IS MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 30th APRIL Skins received so far:
  6. Been waiting for a title for a long time and finally I've got one and one I had to fight to get after being taken out on turn 1 and ended up 18th on lap 2 But like skinner, I managed to fight though the carnage and nick the title by .009 of a second from kane So I've been reading though all these replys we are yet to receive a single complaint , if you want something to do be done about the English championship please send in your complaints Thank you Ben for the meeting and stumpy for the assistance and a massive thank you to Ding dong , without your help with setups in the past I wouldn't be were I was today KING OF STOKE ×2
  7. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refuse
  8. Well done DanSkin #236 on winning the final and Wardieee #1 on top scoring Results: W&Y: 468 479 671 221 777 306 846 102 82 49 504 627 Heat 1: 1 981 92 479 82 238 21 112 468 482 454 503 306 102 627 599 221 Heat 2: 236 184 229 39 653 246 647 44 504 237 49 846 49 79 411 Heat 3: 468 981 236 238 653 39 21 44 503 92 671 237 306 479 411 482 49 Heat 4: 1 184 246 221 504 82 112 777 229 79 627 647 454 846 599 102 Consi 1: 671 599 237 503 482 306 79 627 846 454 411 49 102 A-Final: 236 1 468 92 647 599 246 671 503 504 653 21 229 112 44 479 237 39 184 221 981 82 777 238 GN 1: 468 92 238 981 1 479 21 454 482 82 112 627 777 599 503 221 GN 2: 647 39 653 229 44 246 184 504 79 237 236 671 49 Points: 44 pts 1 Wardieee 38 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 38 pts 236 DanSkin 32 pts 92 hoggy 26 pts 246 Stox 26 pts 647 Samson 25 pts 981 MartinB 22 pts 184 Jack Ward 21 pts 39 LeeK 20 pts 238 Kane 20 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 17 pts 229 Tsjalle 13 pts 504 Charlie Boast 12 pts 479 kevharbord 12 pts 82 Dbecks 12 pts 21 LouisH 12 pts 44 Thomask 10 pts 599 Harold 7 pts 221 Spike 7 pts 112 TomD 6 pts 671 ironside 6 pts 503 Dane Bell 3 pts 777 HGR 3 pts 454 Frans 3 pts 482 ginger 3 pts 79 weeryan 2 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 102 Chewy Junior 0 pts 306 Pierce 0 pts 627 PeteC 0 pts 49 DavoSayco 0 pts 846 CrashleyEngland 0 pts 411 ReeceWinch Messers 159 ConnorB 924 Tosh See you all next week at Hednesford for another WCQR The replays are here (.48)! The replays are here (.45)!
  9. W&Y: 102, 159, 479, 504, 627, 49, 221, 468, 671, 777, 846, (Server .48) Steward 255 Heat 1: 102, 479, 627, 82, 221, 468, 777, 21, 454, 482, 981, 112, 238, 503, 599, 1, 92, (Server .48) Steward 255 Heat 2: 159, 504, 49, 671, 846, 44, 237, 246, 647, 924, 39, 79, 184, 411, 653, 229, 236, , (Server .45) Steward 184 Heat 3: 159, 306, 479, 49, 468, 671, 21, 44, 237, 482, 981, 39, 238, 411, 503, 653, 92, 236, (Server .48 ) Steward 255 Heat 4: 102, 504, 627, 82, 221, 777, 846, 246, 454, 647, 924, 79, 112, 184, 599, 1, 229, , (Server .45) Steward 184 Consolation: TOP 4 THROUGH TO THE FINAL (Server .48) Steward 255 B-Final: NON QUALIFIERS (Server .45) Steward 184 A-Final: TOP 20 POINT SCORERS FROM THE HEATS + TOP 4 FROM THE CONSOLATION (Server .48) There will be enough Grand Nationals for everyone Please be in chat for 8:20PM so we can get on with the meeting at 8:30PM. Tonight I (Jack Ward#184) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!
  10. Is that a booking Pete?
  11. 238
  12. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refuse
  13. Stop trying to steal my thunder jamie
  14. Well Done Jamie on the winning the final and Harold for top scoring !!!!!! Results: Heat 1: 599 79 184 246 454 92 846 671 8 80 482 981 503 627 306 924 Heat 2: 777 229 117 895 238 39 800 468 479 21 1 647 217 82 159 622 997 100 Heat 3: 599 454 21 503 238 39 8 80 79 184 482 217 117 622 777 159 82 479 Heat 4: 49 1 229 92 671 981 800 627 306 468 924 895 246 647 100 846 Consi 1: 981 468 8 482 627 100 479 80 846 217 647 924 306 159 622 82 B-Final: 82 924 479 647 80 159 306 100 622 627 A-Final: 1 229 599 79 92 184 482 454 503 238 981 39 8 895 671 246 800 49 117 777 468 21 GN 1: 599 79 503 238 39 454 82 80 482 184 21 117 777 671 8 GN 2: 49 627 895 229 981 92 924 1 246 647 100 800 468 Points: 46 pts 599 Harold 42 pts 229 Tsjalle 35 pts 1 Wardieee 34 pts 79 weeryan 29 pts 92 hoggy 26 pts 454 Frans 21 pts 238 Kane_M 20 pts 49 DavoSayco 20 pts 184 Jack Ward 19 pts 503 Dane Bell 16 pts 39 LeeK 15 pts 895 The Undertaker 12 pts 627 PeteC 11 pts 981 MartinB 10 pts 777 HGR 10 pts 482 ginger 9 pts 21 LouisH 9 pts 671 ironside 9 pts 246 Stox 8 pts 117 Dan W 8 pts 800 BenChambers 7 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 6 pts 8 pinken 4 pts 82 Dbecks 4 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 4 pts 846 CrashleyEngland 4 pts 924 Tosh 2 pts 306 Pierce 2 pts 479 Kevinhardboard 1 pts 647 Samson 0 pts 100 Tomdavison 0 pts 159 ConnorB 0 pts 622 Johandehaan 0 pts 217 N.Burhenne 0 pts 997 Ryanmorgan MESSERS 320 DaveLane Thank you all for racing and hope to see you all next week at Barford for WCQR 3
  15. Heat 1: 49, 316, 320, 599, 627, 79, 454, 671, 146, 246, 482, 503, 8, 80, 924, 981, 92, 184 (Server .48) Steward 184 Heat 2: 100, 159, 472, 622, 21, 777, 895, 82, 217, 468, 997, 39, 117, 229, 647, 1, 238, 800 (Server .45) Steward 800 Heat 3: 159, 316, 599, 622, 21, 79, 454, 777, 82, 217, 482, 503, 8, 39, 80, 117, 184, 238 (Server.48 ) Steward 184 Heat 4: 49, 100, 320, 472, 627, 671, 895, 146, 246, 468, 997, 229, 647, 924, 981, 1, 92, 800 (Server .45) Steward 800 Consolation: TOP 4 THROUGH TO THE FINAL (Server .48) Steward 800 B-Final: NON QUALIFIERS (Server .45) Steward TBC A-Final: TOP 18 POINT SCORERS FROM THE HEATS + TOP 4 FROM THE CONSOLATION (Server .48) There will be enough Grand Nationals for everyone Please be in chat for 8:20PM so we can get on with the meeting at 8:30PM. Tonight I (Jack Ward#184) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!
  17. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refuse
  18. Last years please ** 844 added **
  19. Last years please ** 844 added **
  20. Late bookings close at 7:30pm! Please state: Name: Number: Grade: Anyone booking in after 7:30pm will have their booking refuse
  21. on the ukdirt website under rfactor server info
  22. on the ukdirt website under rfactor server info
  23. Last years please
  24. Nickname: Jack Ward Number: 484 Grade: Red (UKDirt F1) Real Life Driver: John Lund#53
  25. Last years shale please fast track
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