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Everything posted by Nemesis239

  1. Just login on the ukdirt-website & click on the link for payment details..............should work, providing u are registered with uk-dirt and u gave us the correct email-addy. Hi, ukdirt have my correct email addy but i have not yet been sent payment details and would like to renew my jolt fee. Cheers steve
  2. Have a good one matey
  3. Nemesis239


    Hello, Do you find that if you just do a test through your garage it all works fine... then if you go for a race (offline) the race just starts with no rolling lap or green light etc it also seems as tho the car is really dragging the ground and the clutch doesnt work, also when you hit reverse the car just revvs really high and thats it. Is this just me? Not a moan just a querie. Thanks Steve
  4. Have a good one Leeroy!
  5. Cheers but just sorted it before you posted Thanks
  6. Hello all.... Today i went to have a few laps on the new lynn track, and my game is like it has reset itself.. i have no garage option and all my configuration of keys has gone out the window! Anyone no how to solve this? Thanks in advance Steve
  7. I'll be doing bangers as much as possible this year, Starting with taunton on the 28th of jan for the winter open, then onto london open at wimbledon on the 11th of feb and then who knows! Steve
  8. Have a good one Skinner!
  9. When is someone going to put this Helmet! out of his misery?!
  10. i tried to upload it but it says theres an error ?
  11. I use a steering wheel
  12. Propper seeing the old stuff driving about!
  13. Have a good one lads
  14. Propper! Do i even see yours lurking in there?
  15. Ideal thanks mate great work!
  16. Ill be there viewing you get Decimated Damo!
  17. Long term? ill be taking u on a ride to the crem in it by the time its done! GRANDAD. Then u will have no choice but to let me have it... muhahahahahah muhahaha! Cheers lol
  18. Pug 405 diesel...... also a mk5 tina!
  19. Late is better than never! Happy Birthday Dude!
  20. Derfinatley a pinto mate i went over in the pits ... apparently they were having trouble getting the second choke to open but obviously they sorted that . Welldone Boxer!
  21. Better late than never... Happy Birthday Mate
  22. Congratulations Buddy!!!
  23. Happy birthday mate!
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