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Everything posted by Kane238

  1. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 832 340 1 259 777 889 80 461 114 399 484 248 3 Heat 2: 399 461 1 889 777 3 80 259 832 114 340 248 484 Heat 3: 80 259 114 1 461 889 340 3 832 399 248 777 484 A-Final: 1 889 777 114 259 461 80 832 340 3 484 399 248 GN: 777 3 259 889 114 461 399 484 340 80 832 1 248 Points: 43 pts 1 Kane_M 42 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 39 pts 259 Trez 38 pts 777 HGR 33 pts 461 Tomdavison 31 pts 114 DannyRoss 27 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 20 pts 832 Bailey Tagg 19 pts 340 reecemcintosh 16 pts 399 Joewebbo 3 pts 484 Nutta 0 pts 248 WHR 0 pts 402 RBM The replays are here!
  2. Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  3. NO THIRD PARTY BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED... THIS MEANS YOU CAN ONLY BOOK IN/OUT YOURSELF! State... Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 7:30PM
  4. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 461 924 889 844 3 238 355 114 777 183 136 311 977 153 468 242 Heat 2: 889 355 238 183 468 844 3 311 242 136 924 114 153 777 461 977 Heat 3: 238 355 889 242 461 183 3 777 136 153 844 977 114 924 311 468 Heat 4: 114 3 153 183 136 844 889 238 248 461 977 355 924 242 777 468 ORC Championship: 355 889 238 114 136 242 777 183 3 461 844 468 977 248 153 924 Allcomers: 114 238 889 242 183 844 136 355 977 777 248 3 153 924 461 468 Points: 56 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 51 pts 238 Kane_M 45 pts 355 Agrindey 37 pts 114 DannyRoss 32 pts 183 Charlie Guinchard 27 pts 3 Rentek Jnr 26 pts 242 chesterlove 25 pts 136 Harry Bruce 22 pts 844 Jack Ward 19 pts 461 Tomdavison 14 pts 777 HGR 9 pts 153 AJHenson 9 pts 924 Tosh 6 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 3 pts 311 kevharbord 2 pts 977 James 2 pts 248 WHR The Replays Are Here!
  5. Tonight's meeting will be held at Aldershot for the ORC Championship! We currently have 16 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) ORC Championship: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) ORC Championship (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
  6. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting, 06/09/23 Aldershot ORC Championship, please post below. Late Bookings close at 8:20pm.
  7. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 127 184 355 546 1 479 832 58 6 259 80 889 114 461 92 418 405 399 484 Heat 2: 832 92 546 1 6 399 184 355 889 259 114 80 58 127 484 405 461 479 Heat 3: 461 58 355 127 889 546 92 114 184 1 80 6 832 479 399 259 418 405 484 A-Final: 546 889 1 184 461 92 58 80 355 259 479 114 832 127 399 405 484 GN: 832 461 58 399 259 184 1 889 92 479 127 484 355 405 114 546 Points: 40 pts 546 ethan howard 34 pts 1 Kane_M 34 pts 184 Jack Ward 31 pts 461 Tomdavison 29 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 28 pts 58 d_dickson 25 pts 92 hoggy 24 pts 832 Bailey Tagg 23 pts 355 Agrindey 17 pts 127 Belgian Devil 12 pts 399 Joewebbo 10 pts 259 Trez 8 pts 6 K ODonnell 6 pts 479 kevharbord 6 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 3 pts 114 DannyRoss 0 pts 405 azzaboy 0 pts 418 donkeyjamie 0 pts 484 Nutta The replays are here!
  8. Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  9. NO THIRD PARTY BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED... THIS MEANS YOU CAN ONLY BOOK IN/OUT YOURSELF! State... Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 7:30PM
  10. Congratulations to those upgraded, commiserations to those downgraded. Up to SS 259 Down to Red 355 Up To Red Down to Blue Up to Blue Down to Yellow 546, 984 Up to Yellow Down to White 479
  11. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 355 311 114 136 238 139 606 977 210 Heat 2: 238 114 355 311 606 139 210 977 136 Heat 3: 311 355 238 977 114 139 136 606 210 Heat 4: 114 238 311 977 606 139 355 136 A-Final: 238 355 139 114 977 311 606 136 Allcomers: 114 238 311 977 139 355 Points: 62 pts 238 Kane_M 57 pts 114 DannyRoss 54 pts 355 Agrindey 52 pts 311 Harbord 42 pts 139 EllieDouglas 39 pts 977 James 27 pts 606 ImKielan 22 pts 136 HarryBruce 8 pts 210 Davros The Replays Are Here!
  12. Tonight's meeting will be held at Scunthorpe for W&Y 6! We currently have 10 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
  13. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting, 30/08/23 Scunthorpe W&Y 6, please post below. Late Bookings close at 8:20pm.
  14. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 184 1 58 259 114 340 6 136 461 484 479 924 210 248 Heat 2: 184 114 58 461 259 1 80 924 6 136 248 340 479 484 210 Heat 3: 259 248 184 461 1 114 58 210 80 479 924 484 136 6 340 A-Final: 184 1 80 58 114 259 924 340 479 6 248 461 136 484 210 GN: 114 1 58 259 80 461 248 184 479 6 340 924 484 Points: 54 pts 184 Jack Ward 47 pts 1 Kane_M 42 pts 58 d_dickson 42 pts 114 DannyRoss 40 pts 259 Trez 28 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 21 pts 461 Tomdavison 13 pts 248 WHR 11 pts 340 reecemcintosh 11 pts 924 Tosh 9 pts 6 K ODonnell 7 pts 479 kevharbord 4 pts 136 HarryBruce 3 pts 210 Davros 1 pts 484 Nutta The replays are here!
  15. Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  16. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 114 238 461 139 889 136 777 311 977 153 Heat 2: 238 136 114 461 889 139 311 777 153 977 Heat 3: 461 311 777 889 238 136 114 977 153 139 Heat 4: 461 114 238 777 889 136 139 311 977 153 A-Final: 136 238 114 889 311 139 777 977 153 461 Allcomers: 777 238 889 114 461 136* 311 977 153 139 * 4 place docking for jumping the start Points: 60 pts 238 Kane_M 54 pts 114 DannyRoss 49 pts 136 Harry Bruce 47 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 43 pts 461 Tomdavison 40 pts 777 HGR 35 pts 311 kevharbord 28 pts 139 EllieDouglas 17 pts 977 James 12 pts 153 AJHenson The Replays Are Here!
  17. Tonight's meeting will be held at Swaffham for WR7! We currently have 10 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
  18. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting, 23/08/23 Swaffham WR7, please post below. Late Bookings close at 8:20pm.
  19. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 6 386 92 80 546 589 924 355 1 984 340 114 184 479 465 Heat 2: 340 80 92 114 6 386 184 1 479 984 546 589 355 465 924 461 Heat 3: 461 386 6 1 92 80 355 184 589 114 340 984 546 465 479 924 A-Final: 6 114 80 92 386 461 1 589 340 355 984 479 546 465 184 924 GN: 461 340 924 589 80 984 386 92 355 114 6 546 184 465 479 1 Points: 44 pts 6 Kayyyy Owwww 43 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 39 pts 386 Petters 39 pts 92 hoggy 30 pts 461 Tomdavison 27 pts 114 DannyRoss 23 pts 340 reecemcintosh 20 pts 589 Stijneman 20 pts 1 Kane_M 12 pts 924 Tosh 11 pts 355 Agrindey 7 pts 984 NielsR 7 pts 184 Jack Ward 6 pts 546 ethan howard 2 pts 479 kevharbord 0 pts 465 BomberJR The replays are here!
  20. Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heats 1-3: ALL IN (Server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  21. NO THIRD PARTY BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED... THIS MEANS YOU CAN ONLY BOOK IN/OUT YOURSELF! State... Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 7:30PM
  22. Updated with World Final grid.
  23. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 355 468 238 889 153 844 311 777 114 977 Heat 2: 238 355 777 844 889 153 114 311 977 468 Heat 3: 777 238 889 355 844 114 977 153 311 468 Heat 4: 311 777 238 977 355 889 114 153 468 844 The Bumper Trophy: 777 153 238 889 844 977 311 355 114 468 Allcomers: 238 153 889 977 114 311 355 777 468 844 Points: 61 pts 238 Kane_M 53 pts 777 HGR 48 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 44 pts 153 AJHenson 42 pts 355 Agrindey 32 pts 311 kevharbord 32 pts 844 Jack Ward 31 pts 977 James 25 pts 114 DannyRoss 17 pts 468 BraderzzCooper The Replays Are Here!
  24. Tonight's meeting will be held at Belle Vue for The Bumper Trophy! We currently have 10 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) The Bumper Trophy: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) The Bumper Trophy (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
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