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Everything posted by Kane238

  1. Please book in below for the ninth meeting of the 2023/24 NZ Superstock Winter Series - The Wellington Championship at Riverside! Bookings will close at 8.20pm on the night. Please be in Discord/Server 10 minutes before start time for gridding! New members are welcome and the practice server is up all week leading up to the meeting. For server info and password, please register HERE and wait for your profile to be accepted. Please message me for any issues. Also please join our UKDirt Discord Channel for all other info HERE Book in using your name and NZ number. If you are new, the Driver list is HERE to pick one from Bookings: 25 Kane 2NZ Cameron 414a Tomdavison 299c Jack Morris 24b HGR 85h BraderzzCooper 56v Agrindey 11a DannyRoss 55r Niall 87r Ryan Rutherford 69p NielsR 16c TyeNathan 86h donkeyjamie 95p Charlie Guinchard 64p Jack Ward 84w Lewis 4r Jenson 3p Trez 10a Tsjalle 591p Sworder 5g JanBauke 6m chesterlove 1NZ Harry Sworder 96b Jack 12c Liam Rennie 51m
  2. Updated after Round 6 at Meeanee.
  3. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 84w 1p 2nz 5g 1nz 51m 86h 11a 10a 299c 16c 3p 55r 56v 3nz 84gb 4r 24b 64p 12c 87r 29b 7p 6w Heat 2: 299c 1nz 1p 51m 56v 5g 11a 2nz 55r 3nz 84w 10a 24b 16c 64p 86h 4r 87r 6w 414a 96b 7p 3p Heat 3: 87r 299c 16c 1nz 56v 1p 11a 3nz 55r 5g 2nz 64p 86h 10a 84gb 24b 4r 84w 3p 51m 6w 414a 96b 29b Heat 4: 56v 1nz 16c 2nz 5g 64p 3nz 1p 29b 84gb 3p 55r 86h 10a 4r 299c 51m 11a 7p 6w 84w 87r 414a 12c Heat 5: 1p 11a 7p 51m 2nz 84w 64p 5g 3nz 84gb 24b 56v 86h 299c 1nz 16c 55r 10a 3p 6w 414a 12c 87r 29b NZ Championship: 1p 1nz 84w 64p 16c 2nz 51m 299c 10a 3nz 86h 55r 29b 56v 12c 3p 11a 7p 87r 5g 84gb 4r 24b 414a Survivor: 299c Points: 235 pts 1p chesterlove 220 pts 1nz Kane 209 pts 2nz Tsjalle 195 pts 16c NielsR 193 pts 299c Tomdavison 189 pts 84w Jack Ward 187 pts 51m Liam Rennie 187 pts 56v BraderzzCooper 185 pts 64p CharlieGuinchard 183 pts 3nz HGR 179 pts 5g Sworder 176 pts 11a Agrindey 168 pts 55r DannyRoss 168 pts 86h TyeNathan 167 pts 10a Trez 136 pts 3p Jenson Brickley 129 pts 87r Niall 123 pts 24b Jack Morris 123 pts 84gb Fred Green 113 pts 7p Burnsy 111 pts 29b Frans 106 pts 4r Lewis 93 pts 414a Cameron 84 pts 12c Jack 76 pts 6w Petters 61 pts 96b Harry Sworder The replays are here!
  4. Evening all, Welcome to the eighth meeting of the NZ Superstocks season, we're racing at Meeanee tonight for the NZ Championship. There are 26 cars booked in for tonight. You must be in the server at 8:20pm, otherwise you WILL miss batch file gridding and start last for all heats. Heats 1 to 5 - 15 laps 5 minute break for points NZ Championship - 25 laps Survivor - 20 laps, 100% damage Please be aware of the clarifications of the rules since the 19/20 season: You cannot come to a complete stop to wait for any driver Blocking & Pinning is BANNED in all races apart from the Survivor, however lap down hits are allowed The rest of the rules are on the forum and UKDirt discord, which must be read before the meeting!
  5. Heat Points: Tigers - 67 Panthers - 43* Kings - 43 Eagles - 26 Rebels - 7 Semi 1 - Tigers, Eagles Semi 2 - Panthers, Kings Teams Final - Panthers, Tigers Teams Revenge Race: Rotorua Rebels Palmerston North Panthers - BraderzzCooper, EllisR, Niall, CharlieGuinchard Nelson Tigers - Kane, chesterlove, DannyRoss, Tsjalle Kihikihi Kings - Jack Ward, Cameron, Lewis, BenChambers Team racing returns for the 2024 ENZED Teams Championship on the 30th Jan from the usual Palmerston North, bookings will be on a first-come first-serve basis with a limit to EIGHT teams. Bookings will open straight after the meeting on the 23rd Jan... Don't miss it! Back to now and we return to singles racing next Tuesday at Meeanee with the first 'Hall of Fame' event for the NZ's - The NZ Superstock Championships with the prestigious 1nz, 2nz & 3nz race numbers up for grabs! The replays are here!
  6. Welcome to the 2024 New Year Teams Bash! MEETING INFO We'll be running from ONE server tonight, there is some extra info below even for our regulars. Please ensure EVERYONE is in the server by 8:25pm so we can crack on as early as possible. Firstly, your in-game name must be in the following format: EaglesHGR, RebelsTsjalle, TigersKane etc. You may use any chassis in that team available. Cars can be found under the "Teams" section when in-game. Discord will have specific voice channels for your team, please use them. Blocking, pinning, waiting and not moving is allowed for the meeting. Remember: No oppo, No wall riding, No infielding, No reversing, Two wheels max on the curb. You must not force another driver into the infield. If we see anyone doing this, you will be punished individually and as a team. MEETING FORMAT Meeting format is that every team will race each other once in the heats - round robin style. The top 4 drivers in each heat will score points 1st: 10 2nd: 5 3rd: 3 4th: 1 Heat Gridding and Calling The team called first in their respective heat will have the inside (ie: Tigers vs Rebels. Tigers would have inside). Each team will have roughly the same number of heats inside and outside. There will be 1 formation lap to get the grid together. We will line up on the home straight. Teams are to grid alternatively on each row. For example for the race: Tigers vs Rebels.. Inside - Outside Tigers Rebels Rebels Tigers Tigers Rebels Rebels Tigers We have randomly drawn the order for the Teams, resulting in... Lions, Tigers and Panthers starting on pole in three Heats. Wanderers, Kings and Eagles starting on pole in two Heats. RACE FORMAT Points Calculations for the top four teams to set the semi-finals. Semi Final 1 = 1st place team vs 4th place team (10 laps) Semi Final 2 = 2nd place team vs 3rd place team (10 Laps) New Year Teams Bash Final = Semi Final 1 Winner vs Semi Final 2 Winner (15 Laps) Teams Revenge Race - time permitting - all cars, 20 laps Please be in #Race-Control for 8.15pm so we can crack on with the meeting ASAP!
  7. Please book in below for the eighth meeting of the 2023/24 NZ Superstock Winter Series - The NZ Championship at Meeanee! Bookings will close at 8.20pm on the night. Please be in Discord/Server 10 minutes before start time for gridding! New members are welcome and the practice server is up all week leading up to the meeting. For server info and password, please register HERE and wait for your profile to be accepted. Please message me for any issues. Also please join our UKDirt Discord Channel for all other info HERE Book in using your name and NZ number. If you are new, the Driver list is HERE to pick one from Bookings: 26 Kane 1NZ Fred Green 84gb Agrindey 11a HGR 3NZ Cameron 414a Tomdavison 299c Burnsy 7p NielsR 16c BraderzzCooper 56v Niall 87r Lewis 4r Jack Morris 24b DannyRoss 55r TyeNathan 86h Sworder 5g Harry Sworder 96b Trez 10a CharlieGuinchard 64p Jack Ward 84w Jack 12c Tsjalle 2NZ Frans 29b Jenson 3p Petters 6w chesterlove 1p Liam Rennie 51m
  8. Nelson Tigers Kane chesterlove DannyRoss Tsjalle
  9. WE GO TEAM RACING TO KICKSTART 2024! Please note bookings close at 7:30pm on Tuesday. This is so we can sort Heat format etc... General Info: BLOCKING, PINNING AND STOPPING ARE PERMITTED AND ENCOURAGED IN TEAM EVENTS! Teams are to be made up of 4 members, ALL 4 MEMBERS MUST BE NOMINATED WHEN BOOKING IN STATING WHICH TEAM YOU WANT. Teams will be given on a first come first served basis. If you do not nominate 4 members initially, it will not be accepted. NOTE: Priority will be given to teams previously entered in past events, we reserve the right to alter team allocations at any time. A discord channel will be created in the UK Dirt server for your team to use throughout the night. There is a separate thread up for drivers who are looking for a team and for teams looking for drivers. Look HERE Format: Format will depend on the amount of teams, but generally there will be a round robin of heats (10 laps) with every team racing each other once or twice, then semi-finals for the top 4 scoring teams (10 laps) and finish off with the Grand Final (15 laps) There will also be a end of meeting Teams Revenge race, which will include all teams in a Survivor rules, 20 lap race. First across the line or still running the winner Heat Points: 1st - 10 2nd - 5 3rd - 3 4th - 1 Finals: 1st car across the line is the winner for their team. Please book in below with your full team - ALL 4 DRIVERS MUST BE NOMINATED! Baypark Busters Christchurch Glen Eagles - HGR, Tomdavison, Agrindey, Liam Rennie Great British Lions Hawkes Bay Hawkeyes Kihikihi Kings - Jack Ward, Cameron, Ben Chambers, Lewis Manawatu Mustangs Nelson Tigers - Kane, chesterlove, DannyRoss, Tsjalle Palmerston North Panthers - BraderzzCooper, Niall, Charlie Guinchard, EllisR Rotorua Rebels - Rafmh, Fred Green, SamuelWilko, Baguette Stratford Scrappers Waikato Wanderers Wanganui Warriors YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE NEW TEAMS SKINPACK HERE
  10. A driver needing a team? A team needing a driver? Sort it out here!
  11. Updated after Round 5 at Greymouth.
  12. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 64p 56v 7p 1nz 5g 1p 84w 55r 16c 10a 3p 4r 24b 48n 2nz 87r 414a 29b Heat 2: 10a 3p 84w 55r 1nz 24b 64p 299c 16c 1p 29b 5g 87r 4r 48n 86h 7p 11a 56v 2nz 414a Heat 3: 84w 24b 1p 5g 11a 16c 1nz 10a 55r 4r 2nz 7p 299c 86h 64p 87r 414a 48n 29b 56v 3p Heat 4: 5g 11a 16c 1nz 87r 10a 3p 55r 84w 1p 86h 7p 299c 48n 64p 24b 4r 2nz 56v 414a 29b Heat 5: 5g 64p 55r 10a 1nz 16c 1p 86h 56v 7p 299c 24b 3p 2nz 29b 87r 48n 4r 414a 11a 84w Christmas Cracker: 5g 1p 84w 64p 1nz 16c 24b 299c 10a 56v 87r 48n 55r 4r 11a 414a 3p 7p 86h 2nz 29b Survivor: 7p Points: 232 pts 5g Sworder 217 pts 1nz Kane 212 pts 1p chesterlove 207 pts 16c NielsR 205 pts 10a Trez 205 pts 84w Jack Ward 204 pts 64p CharlieGuinchard 194 pts 55r DannyRoss 189 pts 24b Jack Morris 164 pts 3p Jenson Brickley 164 pts 87r Niall 163 pts 56v BraderzzCooper 162 pts 7p Burnsy 155 pts 299c Tomdavison 153 pts 4r Lewis 150 pts 48n WHR 141 pts 11a Agrindey 134 pts 2nz Tsjalle 129 pts 86h TyeNathan 126 pts 29b Frans 126 pts 414a Cameron The replays are here!
  13. Evening all, Welcome to the sixth meeting of the NZ Superstocks season, we're racing at Greymouth tonight for the Christmas Cracker. There are 23 cars booked in for tonight. You must be in the server at 8:20pm, otherwise you WILL miss batch file gridding and start last for all heats. Heats 1 to 5 - 15 laps 5 minute break for points Christmas Cracker - 25 laps Survivor - 20 laps, 100% damage Please be aware of the clarifications of the rules since the 19/20 season: You cannot come to a complete stop to wait for any driver Blocking & Pinning is BANNED in all races apart from the Survivor, however lap down hits are allowed The rest of the rules are on the forum and UKDirt discord, which must be read before the meeting!
  14. Updated after Round 4 at Gisborne.
  15. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 1nz 84w 5g 1p 48n 87r 11a 55r 16c 3nz 299c 3p 56v 7p 64p 2nz 4r 414a Heat 2: 87r 1nz 11a 299c 16c 55r 3p 5g 84w 3nz 56v 1p 7p 48n 64p 4r 2nz 414a Heat 3: 84w 1nz 11a 5g 299c 48n 1p 87r 3nz 55r 56v 3p 64p 414a 7p 2nz Heat 4: 11a 1p 5g 3nz 1nz 299c 64p 16c 84w 7p 3p 55r 87r 48n 2nz 4r 56v 414a Heat 5: 2nz 55r 56v 299c 1nz 16c 1p 11a 84w 5g 3p 64p 3nz 7p 48n 87r 414a 4r North Island Championship: 5g 1nz 3nz 64p 299c 48n 84w 55r 3p 1p 2nz 16c 87r 56v 11a 414a 7p Survivor: 11a Points: 233 pts 1nz Kane 227 pts 5g Sworder 212 pts 299c Tomdavison 208 pts 84w Jack Ward 200 pts 11a Agrindey 200 pts 1p chesterlove 200 pts 3nz HGR 198 pts 55r DannyRoss 186 pts 48n WHR 182 pts 64p CharlieGuinchard 182 pts 87r Niall 181 pts 3p Jenson Brickley 169 pts 56v BraderzzCooper 165 pts 2nz Tsjalle 164 pts 16c NielsR 152 pts 7p Burnsy 135 pts 414a Cameron 77 pts 4r Lewis The replays are here!
  16. Evening all, Welcome to the fifth meeting of the NZ Superstocks season, we're racing at Gisborne tonight for the North Island Championship. There are 18 cars booked in for tonight. You must be in the server at 8:20pm, otherwise you WILL miss batch file gridding and start last for all heats. Heats 1 to 5 - 15 laps 5 minute break for points North Island Championship - 25 laps Survivor - 20 laps, 100% damage Please be aware of the clarifications of the rules since the 19/20 season: You cannot come to a complete stop to wait for any driver Blocking & Pinning is BANNED in all races apart from the Survivor, however lap down hits are allowed The rest of the rules are on the forum and UKDirt discord, which must be read before the meeting!
  17. Please book in below for the sixth meeting of the 2023/24 NZ Superstock Winter Series - The Christmas Cracker at Greymouth! Bookings will close at 8.20pm on the night. Please be in Discord/Server 10 minutes before start time for gridding! New members are welcome and the practice server is up all week leading up to the meeting. For server info and password, please register HERE and wait for your profile to be accepted. Please message me for any issues. Also please join our UKDirt Discord Channel for all other info HERE Book in using your name and NZ number. If you are new, the Driver list is HERE to pick one from Bookings: 22 Kane 1NZ HGR 3NZ Jack Ward 84w Hulley 14n BraderzzCooper 56v Agrindey 11a Cameron 414a DannyRoss 55r Sworder 5g Niall 87r Jenson 3p Burnsy 7p TyeNathan 86h Lewis 4r Jack Morris 24b Charlie Guinchard 64p WHR 48n Frans 29b Trez 10a NielsR 16c Tsjalle 2NZ chesterlove 1p
  18. Please book in below for the fifth meeting of the 2023/24 NZ Superstock Winter Series - The North Island Championship at Gisborne! Bookings will close at 8.20pm on the night. Please be in Discord/Server 10 minutes before start time for gridding! New members are welcome and the practice server is up all week leading up to the meeting. For server info and password, please register HERE and wait for your profile to be accepted. Please message me for any issues. Also please join our UKDirt Discord Channel for all other info HERE Book in using your name and NZ number. If you are new, the Driver list is HERE to pick one from Bookings: 18 Kane 1NZ HGR 3nz Tomdavison 299c Jack Ward 84w BraderzzCooper 56v Agrindey 11a Cameron 414a DannyRoss 55r Sworder 5g Niall 87r Charlie Guinchard 64p Jenson 3p NielsR 16c WHR 48n Lewis 4r Burnsy 7p Tsjalle 2nz chesterlove 1p
  19. Updated after Round 3 at Waikaraka.
  20. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 87r 84w 51m 1nz 2nz 24b 5g 299c 48n 16c 11a 64p 56v 3p 55r 29b 4r 1p 10p 14n 414a Heat 2: 11a 84w 2nz 16c 64p 1p 51m 48n 299c 55r 24b 87r 5g 29b 3p 10p 56v 14n 414a Heat 3: 1nz 87r 84w 51m 29b 1p 5g 64p 55r 24b 16c 299c 48n 56v 4r 14n 11a 10p 2nz Heat 4: 16c 87r 11a 5g 84w 55r 51m 64p 24b 1p 1nz 48n 29b 56v 414a 299c 3p 10p 2nz 4r Heat 5: 1nz 5g 1p 87r 51m 16c 84w 24b 3p 55r 299c 56v 64p 48n 14n 414a 29b 4r 10p 2nz Auckland Championship: 51m 5g 1p 64p 1nz 84w 29b 48n 299c 16c 24b 87r 55r 4r 11a 10p 3p 414a Survivor: 3p Points: 229 pts 51m Liam Rennie 221 pts 84w Jack Ward 215 pts 5g Sworder 207 pts 87r Niall 203 pts 1p chesterlove 200 pts 16c NielsR 198 pts 64p CharlieGuinchard 189 pts 1nz Kane 186 pts 24b Jack Morris 180 pts 48n WHR 178 pts 299c Tomdavison 176 pts 55r DannyRoss 173 pts 29b Frans 154 pts 11a Agrindey 130 pts 10p HarryB 127 pts 3p Jenson Brickley 118 pts 4r Lewis 114 pts 2nz Tsjalle 110 pts 56v BraderzzCooper 109 pts 414a Cameron 75 pts 14n Hulley The replays are here!
  21. Evening all, Welcome to the fourth meeting of the NZ Superstocks season, we're racing at Waikaraka tonight for the Auckland Championship. There are 24 cars booked in for tonight. You must be in the server at 8:20pm, otherwise you WILL miss batch file gridding and start last for all heats. Heats 1 to 5 - 15 laps 5 minute break for points Auckland Championship - 25 laps Survivor - 20 laps, 100% damage Please be aware of the clarifications of the rules since the 19/20 season: You cannot come to a complete stop to wait for any driver Blocking & Pinning is BANNED in all races apart from the Survivor, however lap down hits are allowed The rest of the rules are on the forum and UKDirt discord, which must be read before the meeting!
  22. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 87r 84w 2nz 51m 10a 1nz 56v 1p 24m 5g 299c 77w 3nz 64p 3p Heat 2: 84w 77w 55r 89c 51m 5g 24m 64p 56v 10a 3nz 87r 3p 29h 4r Heat 3: 84w 1p 64p 56v 24m 3nz 89c 87r 299c 1nz 2nz 10a 48n 29h 24b Heat 4: 3nz 55r 3p 56v 1nz 89c 24n 87r 299c 51m 10a 24m 64p 48n 84w Heat 5: 3p 51m 84w 2nz 1nz 24m 3nz 55r 4r 299c 89c 64p 87r 56v 5g Heat 6: 51m 3nz 2nz 24b 55r 5g 64p 84w 299c 4r 1p 56v 89c 24m 3p A-Final: 5g 2nz 64p 24m 4r 55r 3p 56v 84w 3nz 89c 1nz 87r 51m 299c Survivor: 64p Team Points: Team Ward - 183 Team Morgan - 168 Team Greidanus - 164 4th - Team Cooper - 155 5th - Team Graham - 153 6th - Team Rennie - 67 7th - Team Cameron - 39 8th - Team Kincaid - 18 9th - Team Raf - 4 Points: 80 pts 84w Jack Ward 71 pts 2nz Tsjalle 68 pts 3nz HGR 67 pts 24m Ben Chambers 66 pts 55r DannyRoss 65 pts 64p CharlieGuinchard 62 pts 51m Liam Rennie 62 pts 56v BraderzzCooper 57 pts 5g Sworder 51 pts 3p Jenson Brickley 49 pts 89c EllisR 46 pts 1nz Kane 44 pts 87r Niall 36 pts 4r Lewis 34 pts 299c Tomdavison 27 pts 1p chesterlove 26 pts 10a Trez 18 pts 77w BelgianDevil 13 pts 24b Jack Morris 5 pts 48n WHR 4 pts 29h Rafmh 0 pts 35s SamuelWilko 0 pts 414a Cameron 0 pts 54w Baguette 0 pts 69p Ryan Rutherford 0 pts 88r Kincaid The replays are here!
  23. Evening all, Welcome to the second meeting of the NZ Superstocks season, we're racing at Rotorua tonight for the The Triples. There are 9 teams of 3 booked in for tonight. You must be in the server at 8:20pm, otherwise you WILL miss batch file gridding and start last for all heats. Heats 1 to 6 - 12 laps 5 minute break for points A Final - 15 laps Survivor - 20 laps, 100% damage The rules are on the forum and UKDirt discord, which must be read before the meeting!
  24. Please book in below for the fourth meeting of the 2023/24 NZ Superstock Winter Series - The Auckland Championship at Waikaraka! Bookings will close at 8.20pm on the night. Please be in Discord/Server 10 minutes before start time for gridding! New members are welcome and the practice server is up all week leading up to the meeting. For server info and password, please register HERE and wait for your profile to be accepted. Please message me for any issues. Also please join our UKDirt Discord Channel for all other info HERE Book in using your name and NZ number. If you are new, the Driver list is HERE to pick one from Bookings: 24 Kane 1NZ Sworder 5g DannyRoss 55r Niall 87r Jack Morris 24b BraderzzCooper 56v Cameron 414a BelgianDevil 77w Lewis 4r Agrindey 11a Kincaid 88r Jack Ward 84w Tomdavison 299c Hulley 14n Ryan 69p Liam Rennie 51m Charlie Guinchard 64p Jenson 3p WHR 48n HarryB 10p Frans 29b Tsjalle 2nz NielsR 16c chesterlove 1p
  25. Updated after Round 2 at Wanganui.
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