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Everything posted by Kane238

  1. Heat 1: 12, 312, 381, 382, 6, 418, 494, 461, 527, 47, 114, 125, 463, 468, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 2: 12, 312, 381, 382, 6, 418, 494, 461, 527, 47, 114, 125, 463, 468, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 3: 12, 312, 381, 382, 6, 418, 494, 461, 527, 47, 114, 125, 463, 468, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 40297 There will be enough GN's for everyone. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
  2. Updated after Baarlo 58 - 4DP 546 - 14DP
  3. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 58 992 777 546 114 621 127 153 238 80 3 461 355 382 381 48 Heat 2: 777 992 80 238 621 355 153 546 127 3 461 977 114 382 58 381 48 47 Heat 3: 114 461 238 621 546 777 80 153 382 3 355 127 977 58 381 992 47 48 Heat 4: 546 114 777 80 992 238 461 621 355 47 127 381 153 3 977 382 58 48 Dutch Championship: 238 80 621 355 127 3 777 977 992 153 461 546 382 47 381 58 48 114 Allcomers: 621 114 777 80 238 461 992 127 47 3 382 153 977 381 58 48 546 355 Points: 48 pts 238 Kane_M 47 pts 621 Jouke Heddema 47 pts 777 HGR 45 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 34 pts 114 DannyRoss 32 pts 992 Burnsy 26 pts 546 Ethan Howard 21 pts 127 Belgian Devil 21 pts 355 Agrindey 18 pts 461 Tomdavison 13 pts 3 Rentek Jnr 12 pts 153 AJHenson 10 pts 58 d_dickson 6 pts 977 James 3 pts 47 Trez 2 pts 382 Slimbo 0 pts 381 Lurcher 0 pts 48 Jack Ward The Replays Are Here!
  4. Tonight's meeting will be held at Posterholt for the Dutch Championship! We currently have 21 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) Dutch Championship: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) Dutch Championship (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
  5. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting, 23/04/24 Posterholt Dutch Championship, please post below. Late Bookings close at 8:20pm.
  6. Updated after 16/04/24 Northampton W&Y 3 6 - 9DP 468 - 1DP
  7. 777_GalaChamp.dds
  8. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 659 527 58 172 391 48 114 238 355 889 463 992 777 546 127 184 924 468 382 Heat 2: 58 238 889 355 48 527 659 463 777 127 114 172 546 184 382 992 391 924 468 Heat 3: 48 238 127 889 172 355 924 777 659 463 58 527 992 184 468 391 382 546 114 Heat 4: 527 172 659 468 238 48 777 114 992 127 889 463 58 184 382 355 546 924 391 Heat 5: 659 172 527 238 48 114 889 127 468 463 355 184 992 58 382 546 391 924 777 A-Final: 468 355 48 777 238 889 184 127 527 58 992 172 659 114 546 382 463 391 924 Points: 72 pts 48 Jack Ward 64 pts 238 Kane_M 59 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 59 pts 355 Agrindey 45 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 44 pts 777 HGR 42 pts 527 fast track 34 pts 659 LeoHeffer 31 pts 172 RobertL 28 pts 127 Belgian Devil 23 pts 58 d_dickson 20 pts 184 NielsR 12 pts 114 DannyRoss 6 pts 391 Corny 5 pts 463 CharlieS 4 pts 924 Tosh 2 pts 992 Burnsy 0 pts 382 Slimbo 0 pts 546 Ethan Howard The replays are here!
  9. Heat 1: 382, 520, 659, 418, 127, 172, 391, 461, 527, 546, 924, 58, 114, 184, 463, 468, 777, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 2: 382, 520, 659, 418, 127, 172, 391, 461, 527, 546, 924, 58, 114, 184, 463, 468, 777, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 3: 382, 520, 659, 418, 127, 172, 391, 461, 527, 546, 924, 58, 114, 184, 463, 468, 777, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 4: 382, 520, 659, 418, 127, 172, 391, 461, 527, 546, 924, 58, 114, 184, 463, 468, 777, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 Heat 5: 382, 520, 659, 418, 127, 172, 391, 461, 527, 546, 924, 58, 114, 184, 463, 468, 777, 992, 48, 238, 355, 889, - server 1 - 40297 World Cup: Grids to be confirmed (closed grid, highest points on pole) - server 1 - 40297 You each should have 5 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting
  10. Updated after Sexbierum 183 - 6DP 351 - 2DP
  11. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  12. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 546 238 910 127 889 468 136 114 777 992 3 399 48 461 125 6 355 Heat 2: 777 546 136 992 889 114 910 238 355 399 127 3 6 461 468 125 Heat 3: 889 468 399 777 461 3 127 114 238 136 6 992 355 546 910 48 125 Heat 4: 546 910 468 889 777 355 238 125 399 114 127 461 136 992 6 3 48 A-Final: 777 546 992 910 238 889 136 355 127 6 461 114 468 3 125 48 399 Allcomers: 546 238 114 777 3 889 127 399 355 461 468 992 910 48 6 Points: 57 pts 546 Ethan Howard 52 pts 777 HGR 44 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 39 pts 238 Kane_M 35 pts 910 McFerran 24 pts 992 Burnsy 22 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 21 pts 136 HarryB 20 pts 114 DannyRoss 19 pts 127 Belgian Devil 15 pts 355 Agrindey 14 pts 399 Joewebbo 11 pts 3 Rentek Jnr 7 pts 461 Tomdavison 3 pts 125 ASHNFFC 2 pts 6 Kyle O'Donnell 0 pts 48 Jack Ward The Replays Are Here!
  13. Tonight's meeting will be held at Northampton for W&Y 3! We currently have 16 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 1) A-Final: ALL IN (server 1) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
  14. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting, 16/04/24 Northampton W&Y 3, please post below. Late Bookings close at 8:20pm.
  15. Shale & Tarmac 6_UKDirt_Webster_Saloon.zip ** Received **
  16. 238_WebsterS_WoS.dds
  17. ANNOUNCEMENT- F2 STOCKCAR UPDATE v5.7 The issues with the mod have been resolved and now good to go for racing on Monday! We are proud to announce some big news!!! Formula 2 Stockcars are finally getting a big update we have all been waiting for. The update v5.7 there will be an additional 5 brand new cars to be added to the game, which will include... WRC (Tarmac) Polley (Tarmac) KMR (Tarmac) Webster (Shale) Polley2 (Shale) In addition to this there has been a visual update to the RCE2 to give it a 2024 RCE look which involves; a lower rollcage, larger small wing, big wing is further forwards and a larger bonnet scoop. This is an add on to the current full mod. Do not delete or replace the current v5.6 mod. Also a big thanks to Kyle O'Donnell for the work into the mod to get this update. F2 STOCKCARS V5.7 You MUST install this for this Monday's meeting at Northampton. The mod will now read v5.6 & the old image top left will be the same, you'll still have the correct update. IF YOU INSTALLED THE PREVIOUS V5.7 UPDATE THEN YOU MUST INSTALL IT AGAIN FROM THE LINK ABOVE!
  18. UKD910_NiallSSkins.zip UKD910_Niall.zip ** Received **
  19. UKD125_ASHNFFCSkins.zip UKD125_ASHNFFCSSkins.zip ** Received **
  20. UKD80_ShayS.zip ** Received **
  21. UKD514_Reece.zip UKD514_ReeceSSkins.zip ** Received **
  22. UKD992_BurnsyS.zip UKD992_Burnsy.zip ** Received **
  23. UKD621_Jouke.zip UKD621_JoukeS.zip ** Received **
  24. UKD399_JoewebboS.zip UKD399_Joewebbo.zip ** Received **
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