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Dragon 428

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Everything posted by Dragon 428

  1. Sparky t'hat's one hell of a tough skin to paint the 305 shale car, maybe paint the new 490 car as well? (just winding you up before you start replying on this one again, lol) The idea with Brisca Heat 2005 was/is to have about only 1 car per driver in the game. This to give the game as much variation in drivers as possible. I know that there are a few drivers in Brisca Heat 2005 that have 2 skins in the game but we have limited it. Therefor I would like to advice you (you as in those who are creating the update) to submit only 1 car per driver. so painting another 305 car wouldn't be a very good ide, or it would need to replace the 305 car from last year. But that's something that needs talking about imo. Good luck to those that are painting the real life cars. I hope that the standard of the skins can be kept high. Keep looking at the skins with a critical constructive eye and am sure the result will be good. Brisca Heat is for a lot of people the 1st thing they download/hear about when they want to get a Stockcar F1 game for their computer. Nothing more depressing when having the game and it's not what you had hoped for (i.e. crappy cars with crappy skins). Keep up the good work guys Dragon
  2. Aaza, I dont know if youre interested in NZ type of racing but what about a NZ Heat team meeting? (sorry to hijack this thread as it's meant to be a banger thing, but mabe we could do both?) UK vs NZ, proper NZ type of stockcar racing. Like said before, there have already been a few people who wanted to do the same but they failed to get things sorted on their side. Getting a team organised on this side isn't a problem. When you got a team ready we can arrange something. Dragon
  3. Last updated: 12-06-2005 --News--Workshop--
  4. Happy birthday m8. Have a good day
  5. Last updated: 19-05-2005 --News--F1 Page--Workshop--Meeting Review--
  6. Ok, thanks for the help guys. Seems I'll have to do with them but at least I have a better feeling of them programs being "safe" zapro = Zone Alarm Pro a firewall program, Matt cheers, Dragon
  7. doh forgot to post picture of it
  8. after i have started up my comuter I have pressed ctrl+alt+del to see what amount/type of precesses are running. To my big surprise this was a lot. Some of them seem to run 2-4 times. From what I think, this can't be good but I don't know how to get rid of them. Yes I can quit the proces but I'd rather want it deleted off my PC. How can I delete them and which ones can be deleted? Any of you computer genius that know what I can do about it? cheers, Dragon
  9. Last updated: 26-04-2005 --News--F1 Page--
  10. Last updated: 20-04-2005 --F1 Page-- Now some pictures added to the page from repairs after Buxton meeting
  11. Last updated: 20-04-2005 --News--F1 Page--Meeting Review Read all about Wayne's racing at Buxton The Webmaster p.s. yes next time at Venray we'll have a chat Edman
  12. Last updated: 05-04-2005 --News--F1 Page--Workshop--Meeting Review--Photo Album Read all about Wayne's final win at Coventry The Webmaster
  13. I didn't put the suggestion in my original post as it doesn't add anything. My main question was, IS there room for NZ Heat on Jolt. I 'wasn't interested in when or how, only if it was possible. It's wasn't Wrighty's words when pushed on the matter. In fact I haven't even added Wrighty's personal words to the post. He was only the messenger of it. It could have been any other Admin member but when chatting to him we just got onto the subject and when I asked him how far the Admin team was with my question, he was under the impression that the Admin team had already replied towards me on the matter, which they hadn't done. He only said what the Admin team had decided. I am absolutely not trying to embarasse them, if it looks that way then it's completely wrong. I just want to give info, but if even giving info is been seen as an attack or anything like it towards the Admin team then I think I can better pack my bags, shame though as I have just put my Jolt fee on the post. This is the last bit I say on this subject. Dragon
  14. I didn't suggest a specific time. I just asked if it was possible that's all. The only suggestion I have made was a switch with Brisca Legends for EXAMPLE. One week BL, next week NZHeat as the type of racing is about the same as BL. Nope, even if I was a Chairman I couldn't do that and didn't want it to. Shame that you see it that way. You are keen on getting me chairman then? I don't think I have hang out Wrighty to dry here as all that has been said in the chat was in a very good spirit. And what I wrote down has nothing to do with hanging out to dry Admin members. There is no way of anger or anything from me towards the descision from the Admin team or Wrighty. I knew that it would be hard and like I said, it was just a request, not a MUST to get them on Jolt. If Admin descides that there is no room, then so be it no problem with that. About calling someone's work crap. I might not have used the right word there (excuse me for my English not being 100% perfect like yours, I am still learning and at times it's damn hard), but what we (both me and Wrighty) ment with it was that the fact that anyone that would make a box with 4 wheels on it could call his game a mod and would insist on Jolt time. Shame to see that you are ending youre post in the way you did BathyBoy My thread is just ment to inform those that have downloaded the game and might be waiting on what the next step is going to be. Dragon
  15. A couple of weeks ago I put a request in for the Admin team to ask for some Jolt time for New Zealand Heat. It was just a request if there were options available, not a must from my side. After a couple of weeks waiting I got into a chat with Wrighty who explained that for now, New Zealand Heat doesn’t get Jolt time. I try to sum up a couple of points from the Admin: - It is already too close to the season to find a spot as most of the formula’s are already scheduled for Jolt - There is hardly or no space on Jolt due to the amount of mods we are running in the league - What would happen if someone else makes a “crappy� mod and thinks he needs Jolt time as well. There has to be drawn a line - Try to set-up a league more like the BWS series do that runs on personal servers. If that goes well and the formula has found his feet a move to Jolt might be quicker on the cards - It ok to use Jolt as a winter league though You’ll have to excuse me if anything of the above points are not 100% correct or not right worded. This was the best what I can remember of the conversation. Maybe Wrighty can correcty me if I am wrong. I just thought I’d let you folks know as I have the idea that there is a general interest for a NZ Heat league, but as nothing is announced or so, people don’t know what they are up to. So if there is interest for a league I’d say go ahead with it. Just to make things clear, I got enough to do already so won’t start up the league. cheers, Dragon
  16. Doh, yes thanks that was it! I still had it on ISDN. Dragon
  17. I want to put up a personal server but to my surprise the server limit is set to only 5 people. I want to set it to 8 or 10. There is a way of chaning this but I can't remember. Could anyone help me out? Dragon
  18. Hmmm nothing wrong with the drivers.txt file. Could you please put a screenshot up from the car you see in the game? Dragon
  19. If Kev has downloaded everything and it's fine on his end, then I think there is something wron at youre end. Please have another look into youre drivers.txt file that is in the ukdirtf1 folder. You could post youre drivers.txt file on here as well so we can see what is wrong. The drivers.txt entry that Kev has posted must be exactly copied to youre drivers.txt file in the ukdirtf1 folder. Dragon
  20. The driver (Durk Greidanus) mailed me a couple of months ago that they were having the idea to set this up. I have helped them with setting the game up etc (by mail) and painted him an in cab view of his car. Great to see that it all worked out and well impressed with the set-up from it all. Simple but effective. Dragon
  21. Lol, I am working on that at the moment in 3D Max, one of my next projects Those arn't my words. Things have changed now. When MC became chairman all was for free. We now have 2 Jolt servers and people have to pay for their membership. When money comes in I think that those who pay have a right as well (it isn't just me who wants that change in policy) If this league is all meant to keep it as close to real life as possible, why take a different route on this subject? Come out in the open? What more can I do then post it here on the public forum? I don't send them private mails , or play hide an seek, as I think it is a matter for all the UK Dirt members. You call it sniping at the Admin, well it isn't sniping at the Admin, it's keeping their attention and stay sharp. Oh, thx Wrighty for that reply edit: Bathyboy rightly pointed out in the post below that at the time MC became chairman, we already had a Jolt server to pay for. I realy thought MC stepped up as Chairman before Jolt, my mistake.
  22. Thanks for the quick reply Wrighty But the reply on my 2nd question in my post about the Chairman remains silent? Dragon
  23. Yup, me again. Any news? The new season is approaching fast. Any idea when we can see the results from the suggestions? Has there been a discussion in the Admin about the selection for a new Chairman? Or are we going to run it all without a Chairman? Dragon
  24. Could any of you banger fanatics explain to me why a lot of banger fans/people wear those yellow safety jackets? I just saw a picture on Christina’s website with in the background more of those yellow jackets then people with “normal� jackets. Is it a way of saying that you are a banger fan or so? If so, why is that jacket so popular or is it the synonym for bangers? I can understand of safety marshals or photographers wear them (the people on the infield) so that when a car hits the infield they are better seen then without those jackets. But I just don’t understand the use of them on the outside of the fence. I got one as well (an orange one, lol) but I only wear it when I have to go out to inspect some road works or road constructions (which is part of my job). As a non banger follower it just amazes me, the sight of all those jackets. It gives me a good laugh to be honest. Dragon edit: this is not meant to have a go at banger folk or so. It's just that I have this question for a long time now but have forgotten about it till I saw those pictures again
  25. Here is my wallrider car428.zip
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