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Everything posted by calum

  1. it wa on turbo squid about 9/10 months ago and it dissapeared
  2. there a piece of cake when ya know how
  3. sweet
  4. calum


    i think it's nice to know someone copys you
  5. calum


    right 6/7+ plus months ago I did some track scenes similar and so did Tilly so #741 neither of us put a copyright law on it so knobby's was far from one of the first and never will be, and untill you can prove me wrong go swivvel! Because knobby's wasn't one of the first and never will be just scroll through all these render pages and argue your'e point again! Rodder's is a good render apart from leaning the wrong way it's one of the best and so was Knobby's there all good but #741 when you make a render and someone copy's it moan, cause it's acctually nice to know you started a trend so thank you and good night! Knobby's and rodder's look the part just a shame people who know nothing think they know hmm well everything! cheers
  6. calum


    nice render rodder but the cars leaning the wrong way the weight would be on the other 2 wheels at that speed but nice render
  7. far from mint or like the rl skin but his skins have improved and it's a tidy skin! Like you say fin and sun visor are a bit well you no cheers
  8. sorry to double post but if you don't know how ill be happy to help if you add me on msn i'll send you pm!
  9. how about bringing the body through the yellow and the black atm looks crap sorry to be honest but if you get details through yellow and black will be good
  10. he could drive anything you put him in
  11. I'm sure he'll always be remembered a great man and hero to many.
  12. it looks like it has cause it has tidy skin though
  13. calum


    is that not the 2nd time that has been posted cause i remember saying it looked good before..
  14. nah aub standlake it's a bit of respect for beech in it stay down for firecracker freew..
  15. dean mate the pics are no good to man or beast!
  16. look at comments Rikard if you scroll down same sort of winers ruin bangers!!
  17. That looks the tits no need to change nothing apart from the render floor
  18. try crille bold or crille bold italic might be close
  19. she's out of time and she doesn't have the X factor
  20. calum

    First render

    when you make a box change the colour of the box to white it'll be up the rightside when you create the box! and at top click render > enviroment and a box will appear change colour to white then you'll be well away then try shadows by rikards tutorial and you can get a nice affect if you apply the same shadow technic to the white floor rescale the car like mr.star says. And if you do that you'll be doing nice tidy renders but for a start thats not bad! Rikards shadow tutorial! Rikards floor tutorial! cheers
  21. calum


    hate it or love it! no decals were made in the making of this skin
  22. this question has been asked more times then ive had hot dinners
  23. calum


    Hmm i don't see no tits i see a datty on a tranny transporter but no tits
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