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F1 Render wanted

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Can anyone render my F1's for me please, briscan & briscans?






I would have a go at it if you sent me the appropriate 3d files.

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Dragon did the f1s m8


i been waitin months on my renders :banghead2:


Oh dear, he's unlikely to give me the files i want isn't he?


He won't give you the files I don't think. I dissaprove of his behaviour with regard to this.

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Lol Eric.


They're Dragons models and it's up to him if he wants to give them out.


I just think he seems a bit arrogant where such things are concerned.

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Guest Trash
I just think he seems a bit arrogant where such things are concerned.


In all fairness, you seem a complete dunce where such things are concerned Eric.


Dragon made them and it's up to him.

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Guest Trash

You don't need to get them off him. :042: Just render them anyway to be honest, what harm is done rather than him throwing his toys out of the pram?





Shut up you plank!


That's doing a dis-service to a plank, surely?!?!


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He is arrogant, notice it's the same old sheep that post here saying it's his models, do what he likes, blah blah blah. Look, the models are there to be rendered. If he isn't happy then he must have some proper reason, other from being a rather arrogant eedjit he muct be jealous that people will stop coming to him for renders of his cars and go to other people which he won't like. Get better at rendering dragon and then maybe , just maybe, we will respect you're decision not to let it get rendered.





ps. plank, this coming from a muppet :appl: , Disservice, that coming from walking talking trash! :rofl:

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I've never made a comment regarding the issue of the renders and the release of individual models.


There are several websites out there which charge for models.



I consider it similar to software or to artwork, eg microsoft. In this world it's rare if you get anything for free.


I have no idea how long it took to create the models, I can guess a long time (and yes, I know your've done one Sparky).


I'm not picking on anybody but it's Dragon's work, it's up to him.



The other option is to create a render using a car which has been made public?


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They have been made public, by releasing them to the community he has basically allowed us to use his models, this is like making a chassis and keeping the template to yourself so you can be the only one to use it. The tools are out there Erik to get the 3ds files, I would tell you how to get them but I can't be bothered being banned again. Look around, I'm sure you'll find the files, oh and hmmmm, nobody says anything about H33 rendering Dragon's models :011: Consistency consistency. As I say, if you want to be the only one to render you're models, get good at them, simple. White floor not even with brazil sometimes just isn't enough, use you're imagination, create objects, make it look like a track etc, the result is alot more aesthetically pleasing than just a plain white floor.




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I have restrained myself fro replying in this thread as I truly think you are not worth it Sparky but the stuff you are writing about me in at least 2 different thread in the last days is getting worse and worse. Maybe it's your aim to provoke me but how on earth can you write things about me of which you think that's my reasons of doing so?


Look, the models are there to be rendered

Wrong, the models are not there to be rendered, the models are purely there so they can be converted to a .car file for the Nascar Heat add on called Brisca Heat/ UK Dirt. If I could make a .car file in a different way without making a model I would do so but it seems that the use of a modeling program is required, plus has the export abilities to let model be used in the Nascar Heat game. I have never ever said that it is not allowed to render the models. What I have said is that I don't want that the .car files get cracked.


If he isn't happy then he must have some proper reason, other from being a rather arrogant eedjit he muct be jealous that people will stop coming to him for renders of his cars and go to other people which he won't like.

Yes I am seriously jealous that people don't mail me about doing renders. I am in tears every day staring at my mailbox in the sheer hope that someone wants a car to be rendered.

Get a grip kid, I got far more better things to do then rendering a car. Why should I get better at rendering when I don't even bother nor pretend to be a "rendering guru". This in contrary to some other folk on this forum who seem to be very happy when they render a car with Micky Mouse wheels on them, floating above the surface with some sort of crappy cut and paste signjob on it, asking "what you think of my render?"


Lol@ "maybe respecting you're decision". Looking at the amount so post you spend on these type of topics I doubt that will ever happen kid.


They have been made public, by releasing them to the community he has basically allowed us to use his models

Once again you are so so wrong here. You are making things up yourself by saying stuff like that "he basically allowed us to use his models". I think my English is still good enough to read that I have said many times " I don't want that the .car files get cracked".


I say, if you want to be the only one to render you're models, get good at them, simple. White floor not even with brazil sometimes just isn't enough

Once how on earth can you judge me on rendering when I don't pretend to be a render guru. Rendering is just a press of the button in 3D Max, everyone can press a button.

Well I use 3D Max 3.0 so I can't use Brazil, so once again you are wrong. Brazil is nice and give a great effect on the car, but I have never ever seen in my life a: shiny wheels in which the panels from the car reflect; b: shiny chassis, nerf and bumpers in which the panels from a car reflect.


And for the white floor, I have just learned to use 3D Max and are only able to produce a white floor. Could you drop me a PM or tell me how to make the type of scenery and object you are saying? Well appreciated if you would.


You keep on being the most funniest person of this forum but I am more then fed up with your writing. I didn't ask for the way you started posting on various threads in the last days about me.


There are others on this and other threads who are saying how it is. The models are build by me and therefore I think I am the one who can say if they can be used to render yes or no.


If you think I am arrogant by saying no to cracking the models, why don't you say exactly the same thing to every other shop where you buy your clothing or other chav stuff from? In the end it's the same thing, they got something that you want to use but you'll have to pay for them. Doesn't that make them arrogant as well as you can't get it for free?

Why don't you go to you're local chav store and say to the manager "hey, your arrogant because you are giving me the 20"giovanny plastic wheels for free". "You are arrogant because you are not giving me that can of Coke for free".


I am glad that the majority of people on here are a great bunch of guys but there is just one very rotten apple that spoils it for the rest.



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I am glad that the majority of people on here are a great bunch of guys but there is just one very rotten apple that spoils it for the rest.




I'm glad u see it that way Dragon.

UKDIRT (and the other free leagues) would be nowhere without people like yourself, and the original moddellers who are happy to give up your (extensive) time in creating new tracks and chassis :thumbs_up: Some of us appreciate it.


You are quite right Trash-a million apologies to all of those planks out there-i should be banned for being so rude to them-what was i thinking comparing a thick, selfish, useless wooden object to Sparky.


I would like to ask main admin why Sparky is still allowed to post on this forum?

As i understand it, this forum (expertly run by Kev149 i must add and not 2 take anything away from his dedication both financially and in time) is now paid for (in part or full i do not no-i'm happy to be stood corrected if this is not the case) by the members of UKDIRT from the yearly membership fee.

Surely someone who is filling the forum with this drivel and constant "bashing" of the modellers, whom only are adding to our enjoyment within UKDIRT, when he adds ABSOLUTELY NOTHING himself, should not have access to posting on the UKDIRT Offical Forum.

Edited by kendo912
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Absolutely nothing kendo, oh yes, Give modelling a go yourself. Contribute in that way. Come back in about 10 years when you have figured it out. As far as I can see, I have been trying, I have been so far getting somewhere with my modelling and have an almost complete car in game, but I think maybe if the modeller decides what is released and what is not then release the chassis and keep the template to myself? Oh well, better batter on with the bunter or else you guys will be stuck with those EliteEvo's and aRCE's.




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I have been rendering for some years now .. not like dragon im interesting in moddeling cars but i'm

more interesting to make nice paintjobs (trying tho) , making real life skins and most interrested in

making nice renders and trying to come up with more and more newer scenes. As most people know

i'm rendering cars for a very long time now and to be honest i also have the 3ds file of each and every

car. My version of 3D Max (5) is also purchased on a legal way ( wich i think 99% of the max users just

downloaded it from the internet) and also never had anybody any problem with me rendering cars. The

real problem started when people started to edit models .. wich i believe Sparky was one of them .. editing

the Randall06 model when it was just out for a week or so. Still lots of people ask me to render their cars

.. i have to admit i also do this for people as i like doing them ..




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As far as I can see, I have been trying,


Thats the whole point Sparky.

You come on this UKDIRT forum, post nothing but pure rubbish about what your doing and what you may be doing.

Dragon's post sums you up. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopi...594entry55594


Put up or shut up.



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OK I think this topic has run it's course. I agree that people are entitled to their opinion and that they should use this forum to express those opinions, but there is a fine line between expressing an objective opinion and simple name calling. This topic is turning into the latter therefore I'm closing this topic before it gets any worse.


Any .car file created by any modeller is their intellectual property (look it up if you don't know what that means!). Permission should be sought from the modeller before anyone does anything with that file, including cracking the file.


Dragon has given his permission for the file to be used in the UKDirt league and by that I mean for people to use that chassis in a league environment. That does not mean people can crack the file without first obtaining permission. As far as I can tell Dragon has not given permission for the file to be cracked (Dragon - feel free to PM me if I've got this wrong) which implies that you can't render the car without his permission.



Topic Closed.

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