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should follow-ins be banned?  

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Posted (edited)

It depends if you're talking about Bangers or Saloons. I'm not sure about the Bangers, but now that they've banned them in the Saloons at Crimond, they aren't nearly as good to watch as they were before. There's now more contact in the Ladies Saloonstox than in the open class :lol:

Edited by erik

nope I dont think they should be banned. its a contact sport bangers :shrug:


Read the banger rules. Follow ins are not allowed.. Dangerous and if someone gets seriously hurt in a follow in then I wouldn't like to be the driver doing the pushing. When you follow a car into the wall you are not just trying to put in a good hit, you are trying to hurt someone, I believe they are not what bangers are all about..





Hell yeah...it's the only good thing about them at Coventry!


Nothing worse than seeing 20 people rod round in the heats :coffee: .


I dont think followins should be banned...just the stupid ones, for example any of you that went to the WF last year, the stinkbridge followin on the bluebird was way OTT.


For those of you who went to the under 2ltr RWD meet at wimbo i think you will agree it was an epic meeting with not one OTT followin.


Banning followins is pants, i mean look at wimbledon now, its just like lightning rods..


i do like to watch us stinkbridge do are big hits but at wimbo its too dangerous i mean a bluebird and a jag they was both quick so the hit turned out bigger!

theres the bluey inside :blink:


Posted (edited)

Right look at it like this...


Old school mildenhall (post and wire)

My dad has raced there loads of times post and wire.

He has been followed in before the green flag has even dropped..

He even followed in Stuart ahern (i think thats his name) and blitzed him again next lap..

Ipswich (2005)

Got t-boned and it was the first time he has EVER been hurt in a banger. From a drivers point a view he hates t-bones he says they hurt more then anyting else, and they are most dangerous.. That man at ipswich can't remember his name got put in a wheel-chair from one.


He gave up when racing engines started, as now like tha racing the hits are a lot faster. Cars are built alot better.. But it has to be more dangerous! Unless you spend loads on a engine, and put more weld into your banger then the titanic. If you hit an iceberg in a bears car you wouldnt notice..


But from the audiences perspective. Follow-ins are epic. And some people even rate someone doing the length of the straight through someones door!! Which i don't rate at all.


To ban follow-ins is a risky move from the promoters point as less people will enjoy the racing etc, but health and safety is goint to far IMO soon if you breathe at the wrong angle you'll be shot at dawn with a water pistol!


I don't think they should be banned but while engines are getting quicker and quicker what can they do... Ban racing engines? But think of time to scruiteneer one if that was the case.. I'm not sure what will happen!




Sparky the object of bangers isn't rodding it's also wrecking they aren't trying to hurt them they always get out and shake hands, so what would you rather see oppo? t-bones? drivers dooring? Or nudge and spin cause thats would it will be like... if you look at it like that!

Edited by calum

Well said cal..


abd braderzs thats exactly what i was talking about, it was way over the top. Not only that but he chose to followin the smallest car in the race, which is another thing i find stupid, why followin in something tiny when you in something big :S

  sparky68 said:

Read the banger rules. Follow ins are not allowed.. Dangerous and if someone gets seriously hurt in a follow in then I wouldn't like to be the driver doing the pushing. When you follow a car into the wall you are not just trying to put in a good hit, you are trying to hurt someone, I believe they are not what bangers are all about..





Been plenty follow ins at cowdie this season sparky and nothing has been said :shrug:


Follow-ins are part and parcel of Banger racing, as long as the car is built right and the drivers at least use some common sense (Jag on Bluey isn't clever!) then they really aren't anymore dangerous than other types of hits. Medically T-bones are more dangerous because in a big hit the two halves of the brain can be stretched apart causing someone to be knocked out fairly easily and sometimes permanant damage. The way I see it though, all the drivers know what they are letting themselves in for, so leave the rules alone.


That's because it is just regarded as accepted these days.. It has always been in the rules, the attatchemt is scanned in directly from the gmp banger rules.. It's all fine and well saying it always happens but when someone gets hurt and it's in writing as an illegal move then what defence has the driver got?





Posted (edited)

they shouldnt ban them from doing followins as thats one of the main parts of banger racing...


but i see where your coming from with over the top hits like ive been to wimbledon world finals countless times and seen ridiculously massive hits..... they seem to be loading people up for massive hits at wimbo now which i think is the right way to go as u dont want to kill someone u only want to damage their car.


onto the engines part... if they did do something about that they should make restrictions on what engine mods u can do varying on the size of ure car i.e a bluey limited to 150 or 175 and a jag to 250 or nearest rounded up to wot the engine produces factory/standard. or they should just make a limit to the power u can make into these...


here is an example of a OTT HIT....


some may think its not but it is massive

Edited by new_banger_baby

Followins are dangerous at post and rope tracks like wimbledon and yarmouth, only because the wire and posts snaps the cars and folds it, followins at arena can be banned but not as bad as wimbo because even if you dont get some one in square at wimbo there still gonna snap on impact on a post, if you dont get some one in square at arena all you will do is slap the fence and put a wheel back..


Ive got to agree that the old days the race engine's wernt as common as they are now so the hits are going to get faster and harder.


The follow in at wimbo world with the bluey and the jag was a bit OTT, all you have to do is think with your head wether it will turn into a nasty 1 or not.

Posted (edited)
  tombo_509 said:

The follow in at wimbo world with the bluey and the jag was a bit OTT, all you have to do is think with your head wether it will turn into a nasty 1 or not.


For most Banger drivers, thinking isn't their strong point though :lol:


Also, they won't have much time to think during a race, and its not always that obvious whether it will turn into a 'nasty one' or not (although the Jag vs Bluebird was).

Edited by erik

I've only done 1 banger meeting/race/lap and got followed in, I didnt even feel it, But felt the T-bone which hurt alot :unsure:


In the 1300 stock car it hurt like hell and broke my ribs :unsure:


But...its part of banger racing and why I go to watch :thumbup:

  calum said:

if you breathe at the wrong angle you'll be shot at dawn with a water pistol!

I am trying to follow the discussion but can someone tell me what this means? :shrug:

Have to say the way you read it, it's the best saying I have read for quite some time.

Sorry to "hijack" the discussion, some interesting points eventhough I am not a banger fan.



  Knobby said:

But...its part of banger racing and why I go to watch :thumbup:


Bangers wouldn't be the same without follow-ins and it is possibly my most favourite aspect of banger racing.


I don't watch bangers that often, usually just the bigger meetings at Hednesford and when they are on at when they are on with F1 (usually Kings Lynn & Coventry), but drivers MUST know what they are letting themselves in for when they drive a banger. I'm sure the majority of the banger drivers had watched them for years before they tryed them themselves, so they must have seen the devastation that follow-ins can occasionally cause and the risks that come with banger racing.


I don't know the ins and outs of the Jag - Bluey follow-in, but I have seen the crash on the internet on a video. I think it was the World Final?


Usually cars are split up by class to stop those sort of clashes and even out the 'playing field' so why were they even allowed to be in the same race together? Wouldn't it be a better idea to be tougher on the classes so that weaker cars like the bluey and tougher cars like the Jag can't be in the same race?


Just my thoughts,




I think he is trying to portray the petty-ness of Health and Safety in this country and the nanny state in which we live.. Where health and safety grab hold of everything and squeeze the fun out of it slowly but surely..





i think that you shouldnt be able to follow in hearses as if you go through it the driver is dead!


Not all hearses can be blown up easy though, ive seen a few ds420 hearse were people gone to give it the big'un and just hit the rear end of the chassis, but some hearses do blow up easy, its were you hit it and what angle.

  sparky68 said:

health and safety grab hold of everything and squeeze the fun out of it slowly but surely..


Have to agree with that.


Wouldn't it be a better idea to be tougher on the classes so that weaker cars like the bluey and tougher cars like the Jag can't be in the same race?


That might be a good idea for some meetings, but the variety of cars being used is one of the things that makes Bangers interesting.

  braderz516 said:

i think that you shouldnt be able to follow in hearses as if you go through it the driver is dead!


Yes Braderz good one. For and 11 year wisdom out classes us all... Like your'e comment about 3.0 liters. How many people have died racing? And how many were racing hearses at the time...? Psychos jag if i remember rightly was in the back of a ds420h probably wrong but the jag came worse off.


If you go out on track with no fear your'e dangerous...



  Hooty256 said:

Should be banned for NOT following in imho. :thumbup:

I'd pay good money to follow you in! ;) (In a banger that is, not any other 'dirtier' idea you may have in that filthy head of yours :thumbup: )


Too right hooty!


Going back to the jag on bluey at the world final, yes it was silly for the stinbkridge driver to followin a small car such as a bluebird..but at the same time it was stupid to race a bluebird at the world final imo!


Its all swings and roundabouts, but 95% of the time followins are fine, the driver jumps out shakes hands, entertains the crowd and goes home with a nice trophey (his busted car :D )




After going warton all my life and venturing to other tracks the last 4 years, i have seen more people hurt knocked out from a t-bone than a follow in! The clip above taken from warton of scouse getting followed in, he broke his finger and found out a week later...


Lad was knocked out cold after this...

IPB Image

Chipped a bone in his elbow after this...

IPB Image

IPB Image




now that is a silly hit......


some sort of protection should be introduced around the driver like a wrap around cage ie. cage and then boxed off around the driver maybe ?

  new_banger_baby said:

now that is a silly hit......


some sort of protection should be introduced around the driver like a wrap around cage ie. cage and then boxed off around the driver maybe ?



I think that the cars are far to quick now to be followed in on a post and wire fence and even some armco ones.


Some of you have said that they are ok as long as you are in the right car and that you only do it on a similar one, this is all fine but i have raced a few bangers (not the best lol) and i just see red mist and if there is a car there you want to let have you are going to do it!!


All im trying to say is maybe you dont always think if the car infront is built right when you are in the middle of a race.


I also agree that it is good to stand there and watch a good follow in but there has to be a limit


Just my views

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