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Results / Points - Sexberium 17/7


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The results from this evening's meeting were:

HEAT 1: 290, 259, 39, 288, 286, 233, 236, 315, 413, 112, 318, 3, 515, 291, 202, 525, 221

HEAT 2: 290, 315, 202, 413, 233, 286, 259, 291, 39, 112, 236, 288, 3, 221, 525, 515 (dnf 318)

HEAT 3: 290, 236, 318, 288, 233, 39, 286, 315, 259, 413, 291, 112, 531, 515, 3, 221 (dnf 525, 202)


DUTCH CHAMPIONSHIP: 236, 413, 290, 291, 233, 39, 318, 112, 286, 3, 531, 202, 288, 525, 515, 259, 221 (dnf 315)


GN: 202, 39, 531, 290, 288, 286, 291, 233, 413, 259, 315, 236, 525, 318, 3, 112, 515


And the points scored were:


Number .. Points

290 .. 50

236 .. 34

39 .. 32

413 .. 30

233 .. 29

291 .. 22

286 .. 21

202 .. 18

288 .. 17

318 .. 16

259 .. 12

112 .. 10

315 .. 9

531 .. 9

3 .. 4

Zero: 221, 515, 525


Congratulations to DanSkin on becoming the Dutch Champion and earning the right to wear Gold stripes. Congratulations also to Dazza on a stunning performance to top score.

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First things first, thank you very much to Kev for running the meeting, and also stewarding the races. You did a great job sir.


As for the racing, it was simply spectacular. I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to this meeting, as I wasnt sure on the track, but I think it produced some great racing. We were talking in chat and saying that the driving has improved so much, and thus the racing has become even better. I honestly believe that when people lose places because of other drivers, it is through accidents rather than stupid driving, which is always good to see.


As for the final, well first of all sorry to Mav. I seemed to move and you never, I clipped the edge of your bumper and round you went. It is the first time I have done a clutch start in rfactor and wasnt sure what to expect. It certainly was a good race though, as were the other races.


The title race itself appeared to have Dazza's name already being engraved into the trophy so to speak, but this is rfactor F1, and nothing seems to go to the book, and sure enough it didnt. Dan drove a cracking race, and took the title in fine style. Well done to you sir.


Anyway, next week is the final world championship qualifying round at Hednesford. Starts at 7:30 and is your final chance to get on the semi final grid. It would be great to see 20 cars once again.





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Congratulations Dan, you drove a great race.


I couldn't believe how fast Dazza was in the heats and practice, he walked all the heats even with a half spin in heat 3 so I knew I couldn't let him past in the final else he'd be away and gone again. We both got good starts and Dazza got past me and Dan pretty early on, I just managed to push Dan into Dazza which pushed him wide and Dan and I got back past. Then Dazza and I traded paint for a few laps and I think he half span and lost quite a lot of time.


Dan had pulled out about 1.5 seconds on me by then, so I set around trying to catch him and got really close at one point, but kept tangling with people I was lapping, argh! Dazza caught me back up pretty quickly, and after another battle he got past and seeing as we were past half way I realised that neither of us would win like this so I sat behind hoping I could follow his line and we'd drag each other closer to Dan. Unfortunately we spent the next 5 laps getting tangled with every car on the track (it seemed) and Dan won by a mile :rofl:.


Great meeting, and I love that track (even if Daz is 1/4 second faster than me!?)

Edited by matthew413
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Just an normal meeting for me with various spins and crashes in all my races, still had a lot of fun and scored a little above my normal point average.


Thought the final was over for me after the first bend chaos, facing the wrong way in about the last position.

How I ended up with fourth place in the end is beyond me. :shrug::unsure:


And of course wel done to Dan for winning the title. And wel done to Matthew for making sure Dazza dind't win it :rofl::scared15:

Edited by Marten #291
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Well done Dan well deserved mate, I knew the final was going to be a good race and I also predicted before the meeting it was either gonna be a yellow or blue top who took the title.


I knew I'd be a target in the final and it was fairly obvious to me there were a couple of drivers who didnt want me to win it, Im not one to moan about it or really say much on the forum but there is a driver in particular who I feel ruined my chances of the final with a very silly hit that Matt mentioned as the 'half spin'. Whether this driver has a grudge for me I dont know as the past few weeks there have been a couple of OTT hits but I'll take it on the chin and get on with it so to speak.


Saying that, there were also many drivers who moved over when I came to lap including Iron and Leek from memory, so thanks to those guys too.


Cheers to admin for running the show, Kev in particular for stewarding considering he never wants to race!


There were also several others I have noticed who have improved greatly of late so well done to those guys, I'll always try to help wherever I can too.








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I really loved this track with it's wide bends and it seemed a lot easier to drive than some other of the shale tracks.


I thought the racing was great and I got away in the first heat and lead for a few laps and really fancied my chances of a top 10 from there on, but once a few cars caught me I soon dropped down and just missed out on a precious point.


I made good starts in a couple of other races but got passed ruthlessly by young Jimmy twice - the second time in the Gn he put me straight over the earth mound on the bend! I felt I had to get some revenge for that one which I did.


The three musketeers (white tops) all failed to score but I think/hope we all had fun all the same.


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Cracking meeting fellas and very well run as always.


Big Al, keep plugging away fella. There is no doubt that you will score points soon. The more I race rFactor, the more I realise that you start to anticipate better, other drivers lines and actions. I guess it's a subconscious approach to understanding the physics of the game and also realising that one of your greatest assets is in fact patience. When you first start to race, the nerves always start to come into effect and so thinking about keeping tight lines when you find yourself leading a race goes 'out of the window'. As your experience grows however and you start to feel more comfortable with the handling of the set ups for the car, you gain a confidence that will undoubtedly result in much improved results.


We all have loads of sob stories of being in the lead of races and then bad luck strikes. Although there is always an element of luck that is most welcomed, it is no coincidence that the top drivers always seem to come through the majority of races in very strong positions.

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Cracking meeting fellas and very well run as always.


Big Al, keep plugging away fella. There is no doubt that you will score points soon. The more I race rFactor, the more I realise that you start to anticipate better, other drivers lines and actions. I guess it's a subconscious approach to understanding the physics of the game and also realising that one of your greatest assets is in fact patience. When you first start to race, the nerves always start to come into effect and so thinking about keeping tight lines when you find yourself leading a race goes 'out of the window'. As your experience grows however and you start to feel more comfortable with the handling of the set ups for the car, you gain a confidence that will undoubtedly result in much improved results.


We all have loads of sob stories of being in the lead of races and then bad luck strikes. Although there is always an element of luck that is most welcomed, it is no coincidence that the top drivers always seem to come through the majority of races in very strong positions.



Couldn't agree more there Vegas, we were all spinning white tops at first. Just look back at the old Autumn series vids for evidence of me being just about the worst driver on track.. :rofl: I still enjoyed it immencely though. As Vegas says, some practise, patience, experience, more practise and lots more patience, it all pays off in the end. :thumbs_up: Keep at it fellas, I will be able to join you again in about 4/5weeks. :thumbup:

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Cheers to admin for running the show, Kev in particular for stewarding considering he never wants to race!

It's not that I don't want to race Dazza, it's that I'm not competitive on keys as was shown in my one and only appearance so far. Getting a wheel is at the bottom of my list of priorities at the moment. I will race again once I do get a wheel.


I must say that watching the races is fun and almost like being there in real life and I've seen some excellent racing this season. Keep up the good work guys.

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