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Cowdie *spoiler*11/6/05

Pedz 212

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Thought it was a poor night.


Was a shame Lund, Smith(s), Castell and Harrison couldn't make the journey, as it would have posed more of a problem for Wainman to retain his title. Only Perez, Pritchard,Gilbank and Falding could really put up a challenge, but Wainman was in a class of his own.


Scottish : 515 - 259 - 21


The night was made great after Prydie, had erm...coming-togethers with The legend (Gordon Moodie..)'s father after the Heat 2 of F2's...was magic. Square-go-an-all-that. Apart from Moodie get shunted into the wall, and having car problems...nothing exciting happened. Chris Burgoyne was out in a new car which looked o.k but never really got upto much, with the Harris Brothers looking like they meant business...even after the biggest muppet on track did take the final, yeah you guessed it...Keith Brown. It was nice to see Bryan Forrest back out in his F2 (was it new? Looked smart too..)


Only a few visitors in the saloons, Baldwin, Darby and Webster, with Webster taking the final from Darby and Alexander, after doing poor and being unlucky in the heats. There wasn't really that much action i felt, although there was some shunts involving Cochrane spinning out Alexander.

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Was a shame Lund, Smith(s), Castell and Harrison couldn't make the journey,



Castell no longer races F1's in the UK.

If you mean #2, I noticed he was on a booking list for the weekend but decided not to make the trip up three weeks ago.

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i think all the women were a bit sad that paul didnt make it , i heard three of them saying how they were looking forward to seeing him,  i wish the smithys were up as im sure that if they were as close as gilbank was at one point wainman wouldnt have won it this year, but in the end he won very easily

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Guest leasj1

to be honest i think the f1s were pish... i really hope they are better down south cause there certainly didnt put a show on up here. surely they must be cause of the large crowd they bring. maybe need to take in a meeting down south and really get a feel for them

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Guest kevsc64
to be honest i think the f1s were pish... i really hope they are better down south cause there certainly didnt put a show on up here. surely they must be cause of the large crowd they bring. maybe need to take in a meeting down south and really get a feel for them


take in kings lynn on the 25 with saloon national on aswell, will be great night

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The night was made great after Prydie, had erm...coming-togethers with The legend (Gordon Moodie..)'s father after the Heat 2 of F2's...was magic. Square-go-an-all-that. Apart from Moodie get shunted into the wall, and having car problems...nothing exciting happened. .




if i have to come ournd here again me and you are having a square go...... lets you and me go up into the toilets right now ...just some of the classic one liners from old man moodie  rofl.gif  rofl.gif  rofl.gif


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Apparently Mr (you and me in the toilets young man ohmy.gif ) Moodie snr was at it again today with BB.

Another of his lines last night was "Do you realise how much effort we put in every year?" Erm yes, but no more than the effort the ordinary plebs like us up the stairs put in going to our work every week to pay to come to the racing.

Gordon is a top driver, to deny that you'd have to be blind. That doesn't mean everyone has to like him though. Ever since stock car racing started fans have had their favourite drivers and drivers they don't like, the best example i can think of being Lee and Polley in the rods many years back. What an boring world it would be if everyone liked the same driver.

Plenty drivers have had light hearted abuse (and that's all it was) over the years and just laugh it off or smile or blow kisses back or whatever (Speak, Halifax, Diggy Smith to name just 3). Go and ask Mr Wainman how much abuse he takes. I doubt very much he could care less.

That's me Prydie and BB that i know of now been subjected to his "Square go" nonsence over the years. One day he'll say it to the wrong person. (He almost did last night)

Well done Jimmy thumbs_up.gif I was just starting to warm to Gordon a bit but i, and many others after your performance last night now hope more than ever that he ends every race in the wall/fence/gravel trap (delete as appropriate).


Aside from that Pantomime the racing this weekend was not bad. The F1s were a bit quieter than in previous years but i'd still like to thank them all for making the effort to come up  2.gif


The Knockhill weather was it's usual unpredictable self today and the meeting turnaround was a bit slower than usual but the racing was ok.


Nice to meet some of the lads from here again as well 042.gif 


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Well done Jimmy thumbs_up.gif I was just starting to warm to Gordon a bit but i, and many others after your performance last night now hope more than ever that he ends every race in the wall/fence/gravel trap (delete as appropriate).




Know exactly where youre coming from Ham,but its a shame that peoples opinion of an individual is judged on another "persons" actions.(The guy does his "talking" as such on track now,not on the terracing)

I aint condoning Seniors actions one little bit, but I'd be VERY surprised, IF anyone who was put in the same position,would do/say otherwise  shrug.gif (Ive no doubt some folks will say different but I doubt they will ever be put in that particular kind of situation to prove otherwise)

Away from the "pantomime" as you rightly put it, I thoroughlly enjoyed my weekends racing,with the 1s,2s and SSCs putting on a good show over the course of the weekend.(Cant comment on any of the other formulas racing unfortunately as that was coffee.gif time.


Hopefully I'll have some pics from the weekend on my site soon!!






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How about i go to the racing and stand in silence - after all, were not allowed to create an atmsophere by cheering!!


I won't be subjected to that again, you can take your racing and shove it where the sun don't shine if thats the attitude!! If nobody cheered / booed there'd be no atmosphere. But all because you cheer when Gordon spins out, your subject to alot of finger pointing then in your face abuse / threats before bein held back by another person.


And for once, i kept it shut which seemed to pee him off even more  shrug.gif  Like he said, he finds out what i write on the internet and i for one hope this is read cause people like this should be named n shamed for giving the sport a bad name!

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was good to meet a few more new faces from ukdirt corny,yorick,fritz,rsweb,and junkman(junk if u said u were coming i could have dug my gran up to give you some tips hehe) thought the saloons were nearly back to normal produced some great racing over the 2 days. 515 in f1s showing he is still top dog in jockland and never failed to impress in any race. f2s usuall pants racing. weather was rather dodgy but thanks to fritz for providing a remake of mary poppins and co starring albertz with thier brollys. all in all had a good few laffs and it was nice to meet new faces....

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I enjoyed both days.


Gilbank and 337 fighting/arguing in the pits after the interaction in the GN.  Wasn't actually the drivers going at it in all fairness, was there crew.


However after the words were exchanged it looked like someone on the 337 crew went to apologise to Mark Gilbank about it all and Mark was a stuck up tosser and said "just leave me alone" like a 5 year old little girl.  It certainly sounded like he was trying to apologise, was highly entertaining anyway.


F1's have bumpers which should be used, Gilbank was moaning that he was going to win the GN if that hadn't happened, which he never was to be honest.


Edit:  Only seen bits of the argument so my account of the situation could be well off before anyone starts going nuts and correcting me.

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I aint condoning Seniors actions one little bit, but I'd be VERY surprised, IF anyone who was put in the same position,would do/say otherwise  shrug.gif (Ive no doubt some folks will say different but I doubt they will ever be put in that particular kind of situation to prove otherwise)


Couldn't agree more Andy, and if the Moodie team were to say, "Right, sod this, we don't need this s**t" and go and play somewhere else, we'd all be standing there on a Saturday night saying..."Aye the racin's jist no the same withoot Gordon to cheer/boo/love/hate" etc


Anyway, aside from that, thought the racin was no too bad over the weekend. Seen better, seen worse.

Highlight for me was in the 'loon final at the 'wall when Darby took a last bend lunge and stole second from Alexander. You could almost hear Gogs saying..."Where the **** did he come from!" thumbup.gif

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Highlight for me was in the 'loon final at the 'wall when Darby took a last bend lunge and stole second from Alexander. You could almost hear Gogs saying..."Where the **** did he come from!" thumbup.gif



Which is probably the self same statement Lindsay Wilson said about Gordons manouvere at the hairpin in Sundays 'loon final!! thumbup.gif

Twas quality!!! wink.gif (Of the good kind I hasten to add Hack!! rolleyes.gif )



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How about I go to the racing and stand in silence


whatever floats yer boat mate!!




I won't be subjected to that again, you can take your racing and shove it where the sun don't shine if thats the attitude!! If nobody cheered / booed there'd be no atmosphere. But all because you cheer when Gordon spins out, your subject to alot of finger pointing then in your face abuse / threats before bein held back by another person.




Certainly wouldnt expect you to be subjected to that again!!!

As a matter of interest,Am I correct in assuming that I can take "MY" racing and shove it you know where,as a result of "MY" attitude??




And for once, i kept it shut



There's a first time for everything right enough I suppose!! rofl.gif


Have a nice day now ya hear!!







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Know exactly where youre coming from Ham,but its a shame that peoples opinion of an individual is judged on another "persons" actions.(The guy does his "talking" as such on track now,not on the terracing)



Fair point Andy. I have nothing personal against the lad. I don't know him for a start. I'm just not a fan thats all.


However Gordon


A. Does squillions of donuts before and after races

B. Goes round with one hand holding the wing

C. Jumps up on his wing after winning

And most of all

D. Is a talented and very succesful driver

(none of which i have any complaint with)


Given all that it's inevitable that on the odd occasion like Sat and Sun when he gets it wrong then he is going to get some stick, so for father to start whining on about the amount of effort put in and offering people square goes in the toilet is just making things ten times worse and making himself and by proxy the team look silly.  shrug.gif


Anyway here's hoping that's the end of it  thumbs_up.gif


A couple of points to finish on.


1. I've just noticed your website Andy  appl.gif I take it you were a Robert Bruce (330) fan as well..lol. Do you have any pics of his Jean Jenius escorts as opposed to the cortina and capri ones on your site?


2.Knockhill. Any chance of losing the outsized Real Radio banners please. It's a rubbish radio station and they totally obscured the view from inside Barney's portable grandstand (Hi-top transit) when the rain came on  011.gif



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Guest Fridaynightboy

The night was made great after Prydie, had erm...coming-togethers with The legend (Gordon Moodie..)'s father after the Heat 2 of F2's...was magic. Square-go-an-all-that.



I was told the whole thing kicked off because somebody called Jimmy Moodie a fat B*****d as he was walking past.


That kind of abuse deserves only a  3.gif

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The night was made great after Prydie, had erm...coming-togethers with The legend (Gordon Moodie..)'s father after the Heat 2 of F2's...was magic. Square-go-an-all-that.

I was told the whole thing kicked off because somebody called Jimmy Moodie a fat B*****d as he was walking past.


That kind of abuse deserves only a  3.gif



someone may have shouted the above, but it wasnt me......i shouted as jimmy was walking towards me and he gave me a wee wave (2 fingered) and walked on then most of the crowd behind me started shouting at him and he came up and a go at me. I will add he did all of this in front of my 9yr old son, who was a bit shaken up to see it.


i dont know who you are fridaynightboy but maybe you should ask before adding as scrapy puts it "arms and legs"



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Here here Prydie! I don't think anyone was really "shouting" just cheering as Moodie went out then gave yourself the 2 finger salute.


I can't see how anyone can comment on the events if they weren't there to witness it themselves. I know a certain Saloon drivers daughter was shocked when she seen Sunday's run in at Knockhill, but she summed it up nicely when she said that it's sad, people can boo / cheer on who they want - thats what creates an atmosphere at the racing  appl.gif  appl.gif  appl.gif It should be taken on the cheek, not lead to the extremes it did.

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Guest Scrapman53

BB. Did you not hear someone shouting "you illegitimate over weight person" to Jimmy on Saturday night? If you didn't you must've been down South somewhere, as I'm sure you could've heard it from Hams house.


Not everyone can laugh this kind of comment off and that's probably the reason Jimmy came back round and mistook it to be Prydie that shouted it.

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BB. Did you not hear someone shouting "you illegitimate over weight person" to Jimmy on Saturday night? If you didn't you must've been down South somewhere, as I'm sure you could've heard it from Hams house.



Just to clarify that's Ham's HOUSE, not Ham's Mouth..lol

For once it was nowt to do with me  ohmy.gif


Can't say i heard it but i was blethering at the time  blahblah.gif


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