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Posted (edited)

well done to kuiz on winning the British championship so thats 1 wing we will never see.


the white tops dominated the heats really with pusher and harold taking wins. Spike also won a heat along with tosh kruiz and myself.


kruiz also top scored.


Ht 1 164 41 599 2 48 221 152 488 46 365 363 27

Ht 2 2 641 164 926 496 136 18 968 112 363 221 27 46 365

Ht 3 599 926 641 136 48 315 488 221 515 968 41 496 152

Ht 4 2 599 136 221 926 18 112 315 46 496 363 48 365

Ht 5 136 2 41 164 112 488 641 515 27 48 18 968

Ht 6 599 926 18 496 164 79 27 41 515 315 641 968 488 152

Ht 7 221 926 2 152 41 515 641 46 496 79 363 325 315 48 27

Ht 8 152 136 46 79 315 599 18 164 488 515 363 325 968 27



A Fnl 136 41 164 79 363 315 18 46 488 926 599 48 515 496 641 325 2 968



Mtg pts Car

59 136

50 164

44 2

44 41

42 599

42 926

29 18

27 79

25 641

25 221

25 315

21 46

21 152

18 488

16 496

13 48

13 515

13 363

12 112

6 27

4 968

1 365

0 325






we have a week off next due to it being the heat British championship.


Cya in 2 weeks.

Edited by Aub
  Aub said:
well done to kuiz on winning the British championship so thats 1 wing we will never see.


Pmsl... liking it and i will prob agree with you there...

wd to pusher and harold and all other race winnings for your wins :D


Cya in a couple of weeks.


Great evenin lads, enjoy it, going faster every week. Thanks all for nice, fair racing.

Harold h599


W d Harold & Pusher for going so well, and good to see Spike get a win too.


Well done British Champ Kruiz. :appl:


The usual excellent racing, I really enjoyed it.


I had a particularly close battle with Cap in one race, and a couple of mega close finishes with Spike and then Mav. Cheers lads. :thumbs_up:

  Leech#889 said:
  Aub said:
well done to kuiz on winning the British championship so thats 1 wing we will never see.


Pmsl... liking it and i will prob agree with you there...

wd to pusher and harold and all other race winnings for your wins :D


Cya in a couple of weeks.


snooze...boring as ever leech


WD Kruiz, true champ.




have to say the racing was good all night and with the time settings for each heat getting darker in the server as well added to the effect lol :thumbup:


cant believe i lost the british on the last corner with kruiz firing in with a flat outer, but hey thats stock car racing, feels worse when you lead it for 18-20 odd laps or so aswell.

but fair play to him , id have done the same. :5:


a special mention to the guys who were being lapped that moved over. thank you. :appl:





Great meeting and good racing as well. The heats I just had no luck in apart from a 10th in one of the heats then it went down hill in the heats. Then come the british where I start on the last row right at the very back and was thinking I was going to have a crap race. But it turned out well. After having a great start I was flying through the pack and in the end came home 5th so was well over the moan with that after the nightmare I had in the heats.


Well done to kruiz on the british championship win. It was certainly well deserved and I am sure he will race when he can and show the black and white checks off.


Anyway well done as I say kruiz,WORTHY CHAMP as jimmy says and I agree ;)



Posted (edited)
  tosh874 said:
have to say the racing was good all night and with the time settings for each heat getting darker in the server as well added to the effect lol :thumbup:


cant believe i lost the british on the last corner with kruiz firing in with a flat outer, but hey thats stock car racing, feels worse when you lead it for 18-20 odd laps or so aswell.

but fair play to him , id have done the same. :5:


a special mention to the guys who were being lapped that moved over. thank you. :appl:





Very graceful of you mate, I'm sure I will get it back at some point though ;)


It was a hard hit and I was in two minds of whether to go for it or not, but when I got there my foot never came back up lol subconcious decision to go for it and thankfully paid off, only just though, very happy with it I was too.


The early stages were good with Speedtech, Harold, Pusher and of course Tosh, it soon became a two horse race though with Drumbstick catching once Tosh had punted me wide I decided it was better to let him go than to slow us both down. Tosh was quicker and more consistent than I thought though especially under that pressure, and after I had a few scares with backmarkers (thank you to those who did move over) I had become almost three car lengths behind after 20 laps, on the last lap.


Tosh drove an excellent race, really great drive, and had he been just a few feet further ahead I wouldn't have tagged him on the last corner, it was the biggest all or nothing hit I've gone for on rFactor to date, but one I wouldn't normally had gone for, had it been any less important race as I actually didn't think I'd get there.


Very sorry Tosh must be gutting leading all those laps for that, and is a testiment to how good a person you are in your above reply. :appl: That is stock cars, and as all things do I'm sure it will come back round.


Aub, I didn't think you liked being the British champ anyway? Every week you moan about it in F1s! :rolleyes:


My time is short at the moment, trying to juggle college work, car related work and raise money to fund it at the same time, due to that I haven't really practised at any track other than Birmingham yet however I might just surprise you and do some more meetings, and ahow the wing off when I can.


Thanks for your kind words lads, this is the first major championship I've won on UKDirt and it really does mean a lot, I thought I was a natural born loser! :rofl:



Edited by Kruiz 136

AUB - I was 7th in heat 4 (my third heat) - I seem to be missing from the results ????

This would make me 25 points and may change others scores.

Also was that a WCQR as well with all races counting as WCQR points??


I was pleased to make the British Final, annoyed at how easily the car changed mid race as I could have been up there with Pusher and Harold, whom I allowed to get ahead and then followed rather than interfere and slow us both down. Rather finish 2nd than not at all. British itself ended in tears as I believed it would - no good in traffic - just seem to come off worse - and so it proved on first bend. Got a rhythm back only to have my front end taken by Big Al who had recovered from a trip to the fence and just cut me off. Two laps down in the space of five laps. Finished the race though so happy to have taken part :)




Thanks for those who egged on Harold , Mav and myself to do well last night, I really enjoyed the racing especially the heats LOL,


Not a moan but a learning point for me, in heat 5, I came 2nd which I believed would then put my points on 44 and possible pole for the final but I thought as I was called 3rd on grid for the british I wouldn't make an issue of it as it was a brill meeting so far.


I believe I may have left the server too quick after the race and therfore have not shown on the results above? if thats the case then please advise me as I don't wish to lose points in future.


Great racing by all around me and have made closer friends to Harold last night as we became the pace cars for most of the races with the reds close in our mirrors with a lap or 2 to go. great fun!!


I though F2 Heat was superb when that lauched but this is just something else!


bring on Coventry.....


Happy Pusher

  Mav said:
AUB - I was 7th in heat 4 (my third heat) - I seem to be missing from the results ????


i think its heat 5 thats missing m8, i did 2,3,4,6 and 7 and i cant see the heat in the middle that i wasnt in.......just my luck tbh, they didnt even miss out a heat i might've scored in :rofl:

Didn't have the best of nights tbh, but that's crap setups and pads for ya (lol) but it was good to be part of such a big meet....its only a pity that a few left so early but hey, its a hobby :). After the 5th in my first race, it was a bit of a kick in the stones to have two bad heats after that, but the 4th in heat 6 (yes, it was heat 6 lol) was timely and made the night feel a bit less long.

As mentioned by Tosh, the lengthening shadows through the evening and the floodlights coming on as we were gridded for the final were brill, really added to the atmosphere so grats to the admins for thinking that through so well and congrats also to admin for a very slick meeting overall.

Finally, many congratulations to Kruiz for taking the title......I couldn't believe it wasn't tosh tbh, he lapped me twice, the 2nd time very near the end and i thought that was in the bag.....hey ho, thats stock cars for ya :)


Cheers again.....hopefully we'll have some new cars for you for Cov, but don't quote me on that ;)


Thanks again and best wishes ...... wrighty


All in all a top nights racing I think. We had 1 heat where the driving standards were below par but after a word in chat most seemed to calm down.


Got to be happy with second in the final really, was 12th and over half a lap down at the end of lap 1. Fought my way through, with everone racing fair and not getting held up to much. Had some close laps with Gary before a backarker too a shot at him for no reason and cleared me to try and catch the front two.


At this point I was coming out of two as Tosh was going in to three so didn't think I would get there but chipped away and with about 5 to go had more or less caught them but then a slight tangle with a car I was lapping(nobodys fault just not quite a wide enough track) dropped me off again just enough that I was not quite close enough on the last bend .


Congrats to Kruiz lets hope to actually see that wing a few times this year to give the grid some variation.


No idea what happend to heat 5 in the results its not even what ive got wrote down.


i shall sort it now.


Rite there ya go all sorted i missed heat 5 from my sheet.


And yes the grid would have been rather different. However the result still would have more than likley be the same.


Yes MAV all races counted for world qualifying points.




Had my chance on the front row and blew it lol


ah well i enjoyed the meeting, thought the shadows really added to the atmosphere with the sun going down during the meeting.


Well done to aub and the stewards even if you did mess up the grid for the final i have to agree it made no difference to what would of been the top three anyway.


Congratulations kruiz, Please do the birtish title honour and race as much as you can. Unlucky tosh about the last lap but you and we all know if youd of been in that position... i know i would of....but im in no doubt it will get repaid with interest.


Also wd to harold and pusher consistant heat finishes to put you at the right end of the grid, and a good drive walker to end up 5th after starting last.


Thanks Aub for sorting the points at least I am not doing something wrong.


I forgot to add in my previous comment a really well done to Kruiz on his championship win and hard luck to Tosh and also when Walker was on a low with his heats it was good to see a strong result in the final, you certainly came past me very quick, maybe it was because when Aub said fill up on gas I went to 40 laps of fuel and lost 2 tenths a lap on speed LOL!



Forgot to mention before, I would like to echo what others have said about the floodlights, it was a great touch to have darkness fall gradually through the meeting, and then have the floodlights fire up as we were just gridding for the British - terrific.

  Pusher_2 said:
Thanks Aub for sorting the points at least I am not doing something wrong.


I forgot to add in my previous comment a really well done to Kruiz on his championship win and hard luck to Tosh and also when Walker was on a low with his heats it was good to see a strong result in the final, you certainly came past me very quick, maybe it was because when Aub said fill up on gas I went to 40 laps of fuel and lost 2 tenths a lap on speed LOL!


I was trying like a bear mate to get through the pack. Fair to say I was knackered after the british lol.


Had a hellish night. was worth it for the races i did as the racing was good. welldone to kruiz on the win and to tosh for taking the last bender so well. dont think id have been so happy about it :rofl: . decided just to let drumb by and follow him as i knew he was faster was surprised how close i was keeping tbh and enjoyed them few laps untill leech(i think) tryed to lap down me for no reason atall.... didnt make any complaints atall about it tho.. il bet he doesny shut up when he gets whats coming to him...


cyas in 2 weeks







Posted (edited)



T'other side


Room for one more sponsor, all it will cost you is a tyre or two ;):lol:

Edited by Kruiz 136
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