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Results and Points Sheffield 25/02


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Evening all,


Tonight been from my point of view a great, hard but fair meeting. Well Done to FastTrack for winning the A Final and to all other race winners. Also a big well done to Lee for top scoring with 43 points!


I hope to see you all back next week at Buxton.


And post some comments about the meeting below if you want.



Heat 1: 262 391 188 1 588 8 16 112 137 3 399 525 221

Heat 2: 233 531 315 41 87 39 256 151 561 363 17 527 390 515

Heat 3: 531 87 16 8 17 151 137 561 221 495 112 188 525 39

Heat 4: 527 233 3 391 1 262 315 256 390 588 399 41 363 172 515

Consi: 112 561 256 137 39 390 151 17 221 399 525 515 172 495

A-Final: 527 233 531 262 391 39 188 112 315 1 3 16 561 17 256 87 137 41 588 8 151

GN 1: 1 87 16 262 41 561 151 39 233 363 188 515 221 172

GN 2: 391 531 3 8 390 256 137 315 17 527* 112 399 495


*527 took the lap handicap in the Grand National.



43 pts 531 Lee

38 pts 391 Corny

38 pts 233 Grasser

37 pts 527 fast track

35 pts 262 Harmen

25 pts 1 Dazza

21 pts 87 Robin H25

19 pts 39 LeeK

18 pts 315 Mike

17 pts 16 JK

16 pts 188 Aub

16 pts 3 Johno

16 pts 8 Tosh

12 pts 41 Drumbstick

9 pts 151 dode

9 pts 256 Hooty

9 pts 112 Tom D

8 pts 390 WoodyJW

8 pts 561 Murf

8 pts 137 MoR

7 pts 17 munis

5 pts 588 Fordy

3 pts 363 walker

1 pts 495 Lew

1 pts 221 Spike

0 pts 4 Pusher

0 pts 172 spikejnr

0 pts 399 GoingInStyle

0 pts 515 Big Al

0 pts 525 Maverick


No show for Hutchy #95

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Wahoo - Still last in the points!!!


New nickname - "Mr.Zilch" :thumbup:



Not a bad night tonight, sorry for any indescretions, nearly made top ten, but least I have managed to finish my first race on the lead lap :)


Well Done Fast Track.


Next stop narrow Buxton - let the moaning begin (and not from me either!!!)

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Suprisingly I was on the pace tonight and had some really good racing.


Al has been watching to much of that ice dancing and tried a piroutte that he landed in my cockpit in heat 2(I changed my mind 4.6 you never completed the second spin) and then I met woody facing the wrong way in the final.


But all in all a good fun night cheers lads



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i was ok this week - was there or there abouts - was spun a couple times and cars spinning infront etc etc. went well in final was looking good for top5 when game minimised - i turned right till i herd myself hit fence then continued on in race - will rce in windowed mode next week to see if that stops it.


a question too - corner cutting. ie using the curb to drop front wheel so you can get under someone to hit them high. yes or no ?


see you all next week at buxton



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This was my first meeting around rFactor Sheffield and I enjoyed it - certainly very different racing in the darkness during the meeting itself compared to daylight practice beforehand. The dark does add to the challenge although a little more light here and there wouldn't go amiss! Racing from where I was sat was firm but fair, I don't have any real gripes with anyone I was up against, had some really good battles and chases with people and managed to string 4 good races together.


Well done to FastTrack on his 2nd Final win in 3 meetings and Lee for top scoring.




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Well ive gotta say im dissapointed with 16 points it could have been much more.


First race went well and all to plan getting a 3rd. second heat i made a error by myself that dropped me to the rear of the field. Myself and MoR were catching back up really well only to find leek wipe out half the field and pull out right infront of me.


Final i cant honestly remember what happened i think i was about 7th and i was chuffed with that.


Now the GN Was without doubt the best race ive ever had in f1s if you exclude the last lap i had a brilliant race with Grasser and Dazza we were swapping places left right and center 4 laps to go i found myself leading and that has got to be the first time since i won the british that i have led a f1 race. So we enter the last lap im sat in 3rd behind Grasser and dazza i know exactly what im going to do i thought to myself thats just get round round turns 1 & 2 and see where we are, However i didnt make it out of turn's 1 & 2 i got took out by a so called world champion who has no racecraft at all. It just goes to show anyone can win a world final eh. So not only does he take me out he keeps his foot in to prevent me from rejoining the track. By the time i get going again i was down in 8th or so and what happens he wipes me out again on the last bend.


So all in all i was very dissapointed after the meeting yet it was proberly my best meeting in f1s since 2007. Oh well revenge is sweet :)


Cya all @ buxton

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Erm..... Am I that so called world champ with no racecraft Aub???? You watched the replay I take it.... The bit you are missing is Robin pushed me into you....

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Very happy with the night, was really struggling when i joined for last minute practice, only to twig that a setup called default could be used.

One 10 lap session later and 2 clicks for setup adjustments and i was ready for the night, along with being extremely happy at the pace of the setup!


Still cant grasp how robin was lapping in the .3's though?


Very good race for me first race with grasser, really made me work the track and i would like to say i tried my best to get him blocking in the final 4 laps when i caught back up.

Other races were very good.


Corny is certainly a man to look out for, top form last night and had great pace with him managing to break a big margin on me in the gn.


Cya's next week.

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hahahaha.... just watched replay..... I am that no talent world champ as mentioned earlier.... People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones Aub... So you have 1 race where your not givin it the `boohoo I won a championship but I cant keep up` and you think you can slate my standards for a chain reaction hit... You wear a UKSOM badge and think you`re the muts nuts, afraid you just talk blox... Yes Aub, anybody can win a world final, thats why there are several cars on the grid... Watch this space ;)

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enjoyed some of last night


First race was going well at start till i went to go inside of hooty to then t-bone big al who was spun just slighty on the track. Got going again after that spin and was very surprised at how fast i was going considering it was me driving and even managed to catch up and pass walker and have a good race on the way.

Second heat started front of blues on pole to find out start may have been called late? and the blues behind me think may have jumped the gun and soon as i floored it i was spun to the fence damaging my front right wheel. But managed to get 6th with one wheel steering.


Consi was a hard race with all the pack being really close together and managed to get into final.

Final was off back of blues got going then while a few people were half spun i went for inside of fordy for him just to turn left and put me in a tyre and break my steering. Struggled on with one wheel steering hoping for some pile ups to pick up maybe a 9th or 10th but no luck.


GN was a good race until last lap where grasser was spun went round the back of him only for me to punt on murf, grasser got going and came from no where and i think off the infield up my inside so tried for a big hit last bend to get through a pile up and pick up 7th.


See you at buxton next week!

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Some good racing last night, My best race was the last race.. Typical


First F1 meeting with me wheel and i struggled, Was getting the odd good lap, then fooked up a corner later lol


Sorry to the people i took out lol, Wheel novice ;)


WD too all winners and lee for most points


Cya whenever :042:

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First of all, thanks to Mke for running the meeting, and Kev for being the meeting steward.


I thought the meeting was a superb one on Thursday. Some hard but fair racing. I think Hooty has it spot on - the nature of the Sheffield track helps to produce some superb racing.


Personally, I did not have a great start. My first heat, I got a good start, but when I hit fordy, I made a mistake a spun around. I did feel as though my car was very 'arsey' in the race, especially under braking, so at the end of the heat, I decided to take the 100% left wheel braking off, and go back to the normal position. What a difference that was.


My second heat was really good, and took a fine third place, try desperately hard to catch Grasser, but failing. Most improtantly, I had found an extra bit of pace that I was missing in Heat 1, and the car was a lot more stable under braking.


Final time, and I got a very bad start, finished up dead last I think. Ifoguth my way back, following the superstars as they worked their way through the field. I felt we had worked really hard, and I couldnt believe we were only just inside the top 10, and a massive gap between us a seventh. With that in mind, I started to battle with them as I felt I was quicker at this point in the race. A superb battle took place between myself, TomD, Dazza and Mike. It was a superb high speed battle, in which Tom was to come out on top, and unfrtunately I was to come out the loser. But it was a superb race, and I was pleased that I did not look out of place battling with the superstars, and put in the fastest lap of the race, which was superb from my pov.


Grand National Time, and was on the outside again. Slotted behind MoR and Tosh. I was very agressive with MoR and removed him first bend - not sure he will ever thank me for that! I then set on my way, trying to make up places. In the middle of the race, I was really struggling, but all of a sudden, the car started to come good, and I managed to catch and pass both Woody and Tosh, and finish not too far behind second place Lee. Corny was at this point confortably out in front.


So once again, it was a fantastic meeting. As we move onto Buxton, people will need to remember that Buxton is a track that is very tight and therefore you need to be very respectful of the cars around you. It is far too easy to fence your opponent, but take yourself out at the same time. Hopefully, drivers give each other respect, just like they have done this season, and we will be in for another fantastic meeting.


Finally, well done to all the winners, and to Lee for top scoring.





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I really like Sheffield but I did find it very hard to adjust from the daylight of on-line practice and daylight of warmup to very dark night-time races. Having not realised in advance that this was going to be the case, I am relieved to see, having now checked the fixtures pdf file, that there are just a couple of night fixtures in March and then no more til Autumn. :thumbup:

My main memories of Thursday night are, over-cooking the last bend of the last lap to clip a tyre and go spinning round for cars approaching the last straight to desperately avoid hitting me; hitting something (a post I think) for me to apparently going flying through Drumb's cab and over a couple of cars (any pictures available of this? :rofl:); and of leading a few laps in the GN, with Leek on my tail and having a good clean battle, before the higher grades caught up with us. Great stuff. :appl:

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