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Heat 1: 399 527 391 516 112 262 531 291 31 3 17 363 221

Heat 2: 262 561 112 315 399 291 527 31 1 488 39 525 515

Heat 3: 391 3 17 16 1 363 221 561 315 516 515 525 39

A-Final: 17 112 1 561 315 39 3 221 291 363 31 488 516 515 527 525

GN 1: 527 112 561 16 262 1 315 516 3 488 221 291 391 17 31





40 pts 112 tom

33 pts 561 murf

31 pts 17 munis

29 pts 1 dazza

25 pts 315 mike

21 pts 3 johno

21 pts 527 ft

18 pts 262 harmen

14 pts 391 corny

13 pts 16 jk

12 pts 399 going i style

12 pts 39 leek

10 pts 291 marten

10 pts 221 spike

10 pts 516 steppy

7 pts 363 walker

3 pts 488 dave

2 pts 531 lee

2 pts 31 skeet

0 pts 61 wan jnr

0 pts 515 big al

0 pts 525 mav

Edited by Spike
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Munis please spike not




Minus :)


1st final win ever - so so so happy, other races not so good though spun twice by cheap shots going into corner. Ahh well wo nfinal so im happy.


duno if i can make meetings next week but will try my best


well done all other race winners.

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Bitter-sweet for me tonight really, I was happy with my results in the Heats - ran out've laps in pursuit of 527 and 399 in Heat 1, then in Heat 3 possibly the best 'duel' I've had so far in rF in terms of it being an established red top in Johno, for the majority of the race and coming out on top out've the last bend.


In the Final with there being 10 of us yellows the opening laps were inevitably going to be frenetic to a degree - I managed to keep it together but then before half distance when in a solid 4th place, nudged TomD into a bend who then cannoned into Murf and as a result I was skewed toward the rumble strips, onto the dreaded banking which I could not get off so that was race over. Hindsight is wonderful yet annoying and I'd much rather have settled for a 4th or 5th place as that would've been more than achievable from where I was, so that's my first major error for the season as I feel I've thrown a dozen or more points away in that race.


GN was alright until I got spun outwards towards the fence when negotiating a wayward car - just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time probably. Buxton to me is still head and shoulders above many of the tarmac tracks for StockCar racing, as it is a greater test of skill than most, but things can go very wrong in a very short space of time here especially when the inner banking is taken into consideration - none the less managed to notch up another race win which is a 'milestone' so I can't be too downbeat about it.


Cheers Spike and Kev,



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First of all, thanks to Spike for running the meeting, and to Kev for stewarding the meeting.


Well done to all the winners, including Munis on his first final, and TomD on top scoring.


Personally, Buxton is not my favourite track, but I had arguably the best race of my Rfactor career on it so far, so I suppose you have to judge that it is how it is raced.


I think it is fair to say that the standards were not as high as we have had over the past weeks, and as such, the UK Dirt Admin Team will have no choice but to act. I order to help with this, if you have something your bnot happy about, send me a PM letting me know and I will put it too the team.


Anyway, negatives out the way, like I said, there were some positives out of tonight, and there were some examples of mighty fine racing. I think what happens is, in the early laps, drivers pile in. Once the grid has settled down, you actually get some really good racing, and it can produce some good battles. The other problem is, once one driver spins, you then have the problem of trying to get around them, which can be very tricky.


Anyway, onto my meeting, and it was a mixed meeting. Achieved my average for the current year, but it could have been better. Bad start in Heat 1, set up change, and things went well in Heat2, catching some superb breaks Imust admit. Final, was spun out on lap 1, and in the gn, anything in the way, I hit it!!


But there is no doubt that Heat 3 was easily my race of the season so far, if not my best race on Rfactor. I managed to get up to corny by about lap 5, and then as is the case, my car sort of goes off for a while. Crny was eaking out a gap ever so slightly, and then my car started to come good, so I started to eek it back. With about 3/4 laps to go, I noticed we were well ahead, and as he tried to pass BigAl, I thought it was time to strike. He returned the favour, and we went on changing places after each bend. Onto the last lap, and I was tucked in behind Corny, and decided not to strike. I went round turn 2, and just clipped BigAl slightly (not his fault at all - he got out the way the best the track would allow - thank you sir). Even so, I gave it my best into the last bend, but Corny held on, to win by half a car length. Absolutely fantastic racing, and a big well done to Corny.


Anyway, next week we have 2 meetings at two different tracks. Wednesday will be Belle Ve, starting at 7:45pm, and Thursday will be Ipswich - Rund five of the World Championship Qualifying Series, but the first for 2010.





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Thanks to admin for running the meeting and well done to all the winners, especially that crazy Kiwi :appl:


What a difference a few weeks make...4 finishes out of 4 races, only one spin (and not in front of Murf or indeed any of the pack!) and a couple of points to boot...might have to dig out that tin of red paint quicker than I thought :rofl: Was quite tricky to get into a rhythm around Buxton thanks to the different gradients at opposite ends of the track, but was able to get some decent pre-meeting offline practice and tweak a setup that helped me keep the car pointing in the right direction. I'd agree with the regulars that the tight confines of the track makes it very difficult to avoid incidents, and it was always going to be chaotic early on with so many yellow tops. However, I enjoyed some hard but clean battles with Dave and Leek amongst others but a special mention with merit must go to Marten291 whom I battled with during almost every race I reckon...hard hits lap after lap, no monkey business - fantastic stuff :thumbs_up: I said that the replay of the Final would be worth a watch, but unfortunately for admin it's for all the wrong reasons...it'll be something to write aboot in the next issue of the excellent UKDirter tho!


Oh aye and Lee, enjoy your ban :3::042::011:


Edited by Skeet_Tong
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Also as far as im aware putting someone in the fence is only dp points.


I'm sure that's what JK will face :rolleyes: Don't worry Lee, I'll no say anything aboot you ramming a car at high speed on the centre green whilst a race is in progress, ramming a car whilst rolling to the grid and making numerous attempts to fence cars from a lap down...your secret is safe with me! I'm sure admin will only give you a ticking off for the follow-in :rofl:


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I'm sure that's what JK will face :rolleyes: Don't worry Lee, I'll no say anything aboot you ramming a car at high speed on the centre green whilst a race is in progress, ramming a car whilst rolling to the grid and making numerous attempts to fence cars from a lap down...your secret is safe with me! I'm sure admin will only give you a ticking off for the follow-in :rofl:


Ramming whilst rolling to the grid lol, only gave him a wee tap to let him know im there, nothing i've never experienced before lol :unsure:

I didnt try to fence cars from a lap down??? if i honestly wanted to skeet im sure you know i and others are just capable of picking up a car and following it into that fence ending them there and then. I didnt go out and do that.


Belle vue should be interesting if im racing it.

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Not a good meeting for me, wd to all winners and most points.


Lee, wanted to get away the group and totaly missed my braking points so hit you hardt. after that you fired me off in the fence. Then i fired you off. and then you again So whe hade both Susp in the final i stopped and you drove couple of laps and then you whas in the infield and then you going again. In Gn i spun you. And you whas waiting. Wanted to lap you but you whas braking and steering to the outside. and luckly whas getting away from you. im never wait on sombody a lap. If cant catch him anymore i will wait for a other heat of final.





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*yawn* cant be arsed with an argument or rant over it, we both know what we done. I wont be reporting anything but undoubtedly somebody not involved will want to affect the situation.

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This was my first meeting at Buxton and I certainly found it tricky. If I go too fast and over-drive then I make mistakes, if I go too slow I just go too slow, but as usual I somehow managed to glean enjoyment from the racing.

I know Munis wasn't best pleased at a well executed but a-bit-long-distance hit by me; I had took what seemed a hefty punt when I was leading as soon as a yellow got near me, then I saw Munis hare past my inside so assumed it was him, next bend I thought I would have a lunge if I could do it without fencing the bloke, I managed to bring it off perfectly so that he ended up spinning himself, that's racing - unlucky for Munis if it wasn't him who hit me first.

In other races I lost control a couple of times and hit a parked up car on one occasion and up the centre green banking where I got stuck in another, so as usual I guess I kept a few drivers on their toes just avoiding me, but when leaders were lapping me I think I generally succeeded in moving over.

Thanks very much to Spike and Kev for doing such a sterling job, as ever. :appl:

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not only was it cheap u had to cut the corner to do it.

view replay between race find out who it was then do sumink about it. not hit a car because of roof colour


Quote "a well executed but a-bit-long-distance hit by me " - dont make me laugh like i said you cut the corner and i passed you 2 laps later theres no skill in keeping you foot up it and hitting someone, You will keep. one day you will be leading and ill do the same to you. The fact your talking yourself Up and havent even said sorry gets to me. One look at the replay and it was 516 been pushed by 39. how you thought it was me is crays as you were spinning in the fence with the car that hit you beside you i go underneath you.


Get a grip mate

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not only was it cheap u had to cut the corner to do it.

view replay between race find out who it was then do sumink about it. not hit a car because of roof colour


Quote "a well executed but a-bit-long-distance hit by me " - dont make me laugh like i said you cut the corner and i passed you 2 laps later theres no skill in keeping you foot up it and hitting someone, You will keep. one day you will be leading and ill do the same to you. The fact your talking yourself Up and havent even said sorry gets to me. One look at the replay and it was 516 been pushed by 39. how you thought it was me is crays as you were spinning in the fence with the car that hit you beside you i go underneath you.


Get a grip mate


No I don't need to say sorry, you are right that you weren't at fault the bend before but that's racing. I am happy to talk myself up as noone else is likely to when I score nil points at most meetings from White top. I have watched the replay several times thanks. I do cross the outer part of a few rumble strips in the middle of the bend but I also did that regularly when I was nowhere near another car.

I stand by my "a well executed but a-bit-long-distance hit by me" - for me to retake the lead from so far back behind a flying yellow top who later won the Final, and hit your BACK bumper (freeze the replay at the point of contact if you want as you obviously enjoy watching replays) just hard enough to induce such a good driver as yourself into a spin rather than just hit you into the armco which would have been much easier to do and would have justified your response of "theres no skill in keeping you foot up it and hitting someone".

I suggest you "get a grip" and by all means repay the compliment - which if you are any good will not involve keeping your foot on but instead attempting to recreate such a skilfull move as the one I pulled off. :5:

See you at Ipswich hopefully and congratulations on your brilliant Final win. :appl:

Nice to have a bit of interesting discussion after a meeting. :thumbup:

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Lets be honest them sorts of hits happen a lot at buxton. Generally it's because with the 1's you punt someone on you get just enough room to go inside, but your compromising speed on the straights so they just put you back next bend. So the alternative being hit them harder, they hit the wall and manage to hold it thus doing the same and putting you back to square one.

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Nice to have a bit of interesting discussion after a meeting. couldnt agree more


Ditto, your sence of humour is really outstanding - im not taking the FILTERED either. after reading your last post i respect you even more.

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Nice to have a bit of interesting discussion after a meeting. couldnt agree more


Ditto, your sence of humour is really outstanding - im not taking the FILTERED either. after reading your last post i respect you even more.


Thanks for the compliment, I respect you even more too now. :thumbup:

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Have added some pictures to the UK Dirt Website - media centre, from this weeks meeting. Just single car shots - sorry I couldnt do everyone.


The F1 Dirter will be available later on this evening - I was not feeling too good yesterday.





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