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Hello All,


First of all thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I think it is fair to say that this is not the most popular track amongst the members but the racing did seem to be good.


Congratulations to Tom on making it 3 finals wins on the trot. With that he also fiished top points scorer on the night.


Good to see another returning face in Pusher, who also scored some handy points tonight. Well done also to Mav JNR on claiming a good result in the Grand National.



Heat 1: 137 221 3 391 315 236 151 90 380 285

Heat 2: 31 137 188 1 233 380 90 4 8 413

Heat 3: 31 315 1 391 413 151 3 236 285 4


A-Final: 1 90 31 188 315 151 8 137 391 3


GN 1: 236 151 285 3 31 39 137 380 221 1



46 pts 1 Tom D

44 pts 31 Skeet

31 pts 137 MoR

30 pts 151 dode

25 pts 315 Mike

23 pts 90 LiamB

23 pts 3 Johno

22 pts 188 Aub

20 pts 236 DanSkin

16 pts 391 Corny

14 pts 285 Mav_Jnr

13 pts 221 Spike

11 pts 8 Tosh

11 pts 380 davey boy

9 pts 39 LeeK

5 pts 413 matthewb

4 pts 233 Grasser

2 pts 4 Pusher


Next week we continue on the quest for World Championship Qualifying points when we visit the shale of Sheffield. Sheffield quite often produces some phenominal racing and I would expect the same again with the superb racing that has been seen so far this season.


Also, look for a big announcements over the next few days regarding the first Major championship of the season.





Edited by Johno3
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I wish I could be starting this reply with happiness due to Simon's brilliant 3rd place in the GN, but as the preceding races were such poor driving from Simon, I can only offer our apologies to the following drivers.


Grasser : There was no need for Simon to go in on you after you past him cleanly, he did get shouted at and was quite expecting a big hit from you when you caught right back up again. It didn't come, compliments to you for that, but the following bend Simon again managed to take you out. Simon was trying to race you down the straight and he tagged you, but with Liams help the fencing seemed as if it was all Simon again, but he was genuinely trying to not fence you that time.


Matthew : Once again, Simon had the mind set of hitting people who had passed him - Why, I don't understand myself as the aggro it causes just isn't worth it. Only redemption for Simon was the final was brutal and he did get bashed about an awful lot prior to you catching Matthew, but that is no excuse and I am sorry you left because of it.


Mike : Simon was in bits by the end of the final especially after stopping you yards away from winning the final. He basically had no tyres left and was "messing" about with Spike not taking any notice of what was around him at that point. I exploded at Simon and we had quite a heated arguement! But his stupidity cost you the final. Sorry :(


If there was anyone else Simon affected (like DanSkin) - Simon and I apologise - Things will change!!


On the plus side, having had our exchange of words prior to the GN, Simon just wanted the night to be over as he had let himself down, let me down and mostly let UK Dirt down. As a consequent, Simon drove a very steady race and didn't retaliate against DanSkin or Dode when they passed him. I did praise Simon when he crossed the line and said thats how he should drive all the time, he did crack a smile but was still upset about the earlier races. I sincerely hope he has learnt from last night as there are far too many instances listed above and he will drive more conservatively in future. Once again our apologies to all affected drivers for such a poor showing last night.


I just have to get rid of the "Free Trial" and I can be online also as the new installation worked on the laptop this morning.

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Grasser : There was no need for Simon to go in on you after you past him cleanly, he did get shouted at and was quite expecting a big hit from you when you caught right back up again. It didn't come, compliments to you for that, but the following bend Simon again managed to take you out. Simon was trying to race you down the straight and he tagged you, but with Liams help the fencing seemed as if it was all Simon again, but he was genuinely trying to not fence you that time


No problem, It was excessive but it's no problem. I'm not going to lie and say I was happy with it at the time but it is stock car racing and stuff happens and there isn't much more to say after that. Your lad drove well at the previous meeting so it took me more by surprise tbh with the way he drove last night.


As for the meeting itself, I didn't get a lap in the final due to Aub catching the anti ride thing on the home straight which sent him into me... because of the lack of grip on the track, this then sent me onto the infield... brilliant!


Dan also had one of the unluckiest final's ever I think as a car took him out from the infield, unlucky Dan!

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Shame about what sounded to happen earlier, but if Mavjnr can drive like he did in the GN and also in last week's meeting, he can both enjoy himself and do well without causing any bother for himself. ;)


Very true Big Al - I sincerely hope he has learnt from it.

In fact he was too embarressed to tell his mates what he did this morning, so I told them and even they were disgusted!!! :o

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Don't be so hard to him Mav lol, No problem Simon, its getting to be the story of my season anyway... Its racing, it can happen. Hope to see you next week back on track.

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Brilliant racing on Thursday lads...luck deffo plays a major part in getting results at this track as I'm sure the reds and S/S will testify...if you spend too long battling with a bumper happy opponent it soon burns up yer tyres, so I counted myself lucky I didnae have to get involved in a bumper battle until the end of the Final!


Got lucky in both heats...was battling with Spike and Liam in Heat 2 when Spike tried to avoid a spun car on the back straight which sent him spinning, and as I sneaked through all I could see in my mirror was a car flying over the infield and into the turn 3 wall! That left a big enough gap for me to be able to catch & pass Pusher, and stay far enough ahead to avoid any challenge from MoR. Had a stonking battle with DanSkin in Heat 3 as we managed to break away from the squabbling pack behind, staying nose to tail for over half the race until Dan's luck ran out when he got tangled up with a backmarker which again, left me enough of a gap to avoid an trouble.


The Final was a classic...all the blues behaved themselves in the opening laps which saw DanSkin take the lead whilst I had a good, clean battle with Liam behind for 2nd which saw us swap positions a few times. Into the second half of the race, I had managed to get a wee gap back to Liam so started to reel in DanSkin and got within striking distance until I messed up my entry into turn 3 which allowed Liam and Mike through. On the next lap, DanSkin got tangled up with a backmarker again which took him out of the running and allowed TomD to join the squabble for the lead...on the next lap, Mike became the latest casualty as it all kicked off on the home straight, which saw Tom, Liam and myself all barge through on the outside to leave ourselves nose to tail on the last lap...we all went steaming into the last bend but couldnae stop the Jammy Git winning the Final...speak aboot luck and being in the right place at the right time!!!


My luck ran oot in the GN...the blues went kamikaze on the first bend which sent me into a half spin and got me involved in the red top squabbling that helped burn up my tyres...had a good race with Johno for most of the race tho and managed to avoid the bumper happy Daveyboy as I climbed back up to 5th, mustn't grrrumble!


Will cya'll next time.

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