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RESULTS & POINTS: Birmingham 26th May

Corny 391

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DanSkin (236) deposes Cobbers (155) for the lead in the closing stages of the Grand Final

Quite a problematic evening in terms of the server, including the necessary re-run of the Grand National after the initial attempt at it quickly descended into a chaos of warp. Thanks to people for sticking with it and to Hooty for giving his time and stewarding for the evening - much appreciated. It was a massively successful meeting for DanSkin, a Premier League win being followed up by a Heat and Final double (Dan's second Final of the season) then a double-points position in the GN, all adding up to a top-scoring 53 points. Cobbers certainly made Dan work for his Final win, having previously won two Heats, with Gary (131) also taking a Heat win on his debut and Tom D (1) rounding off the meeting with a GN triumph to tie with Cobbers on an impressive 49-point haul. Cobbers earns an instant upgrade to yellow having surpassed the '30 point' rule for white tops.

Next week we have the second biggest single race of the season - the British Championship, at King's Lynn and we hope to see a good turnout for what should be a thrilling meeting on one of F1's very best shale tracks.


Premier League R4: 236, 1, 151, 391, 221, 262, 3, 300

Heat 1: 236, 115, 131, 39, 84, 151, 221, 3, 285, 525 // 515, 130, 465 (dnf 155, 199)
Heat 2: 155, 1, 151, 236, 39, 525, 391, 221, 130, 465 // 515
Heat 3: 131, 115, 221, 285, 1, 391, 151, 3, 84, 262 // 515, 130 (dnf 199)
Heat 4: 155, 84, 1, 236, 525, 115, 3, 262, 300, 39 // 285, 199, 131 (dnf 391, 465)

Grand Final: 236, 155, 3, 1, 285, 391, 221, 151, 262, 39 // 300, 515, 131, 84, 130, 199, 465, 115 (dnf 525)
Grand National: 1, 155, 3, 221, 115, 84, 285, 391, 515, 236* // 525, 130, 199, 465


53pts......DanSkin (236)
49pts......Tom D (1)
49pts......Cobbers (155)
34pts......Johno (3)
30pts......Spike (221)
28pts......Mav_Jnr (285)
27pts......michael green (115)
24pts......Corny (391)
21pts......bully jnr (84)
19pts......Dode (151)
14pts......LeeK (39)
14pts......Gary (131)
8pts........Harmen (262)
8pts........Mav (525)
6pts........Big Al (515)
1pt..........Mattyaspin (300)
1pt..........blymn (130)
1pt..........jedd (465)
0pts........Waqar (199)

Please check your points incase of anomolies!


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Despite the server problem leading to a later than normal finish, I thought this was a cracking meeting.

Just missing out on a top 10 in all races upto the GN, it was rewarding to get a 9th in that and avoid a duck.

It was superb to see a healthy number of white tops, and especially some new (to me) faces - seemed to be some real characters in there too, I hope they will all keep coming back for more, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves anyway. :thumbup:

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It was superb to see a healthy number of white tops.


Yeah I'll second that al I hope they keep coming back as a healthy turnout makes for much better racing. An eventful meeting for me for mostly the wrong reasons, was plunged into the premier league which came as a shock to say the least & quickly realized that Im not premier league lol, then was watching an excellent Heat 1 from the comfort of Al's cab when my PC decided to hang. Looks like im going to have to lower my graphics settings as I like to have all the bells and whistles on & the old girl cant cope.(Incidentally you were in about 4th & nearing the finish Al, what happened?) I couldnt get back into the server after that, it kept timing out despite my best efforts including a full reboot. Thanks to Corny who tried his damnedest to sort it.I ended up missing my heats 3 & 4 & then got back into the final, only for the GN to weird out. & then I couldnt get back in again! Apparently Dode was having similar problems, & the timing out is an issue Ive not suffered before so any ideas on resolving that would be appreciated. So all in all a poor night from a personal point of view, redeemed by maybe one thing, step up to the plate.... MAV!! A LOL moment when calling the start & saying roll at 30! :3: Quality mate. Most of the whites were taking this instruction a little too literally in the races I made but thats a small gripe with new faces around. Heres to King's Lynn & less gremlins hopefully.


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A racing incident in one heat, my pedals packing in midway through the final and then giving the whites too much respect in the GN, has caused my son to show me the "LOSER" sign all morning before school today!!! :rofl:


Fair play to him he drove well, cracking race in the Final with Corny, just going to prove he can race fairly and enjoy it. Proud of him :thumbs_up:

Me, on the other hand - Not feeling well (no excuse tho) and on the crappy laptop (now thats my excuse!), I did miles better than I ever thought.

On the whole a very decent meeting just soured slightly for me by those two instances in the Final and GN.


Matty, give me a break m8, when you get over forty, don't feel well, have a son out to beat you - all you want is for the night to be over so I thought rolling at 30 would quicken it up!!!!

Must admit I haven't started an rFactor F1 race in a very long time and did debate prior to typing what the roll speed was. I was just going to say "Ok Roll" but plumt for 30 instead! DOH!!!


I get the PC for the British, so hopefully I can get to grips with the new Kings Lynn quickly, not raced it since its been banked, and enjoy what is usually my favourite meeting. :thumbup:

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"giving the whites too much respect in the GN,"


Speak for myself here, but I'm happy to dish the bumper out and fully expect it back on the next corner, so don't worry about upsetting me Mav lol.


Enjoyed the meeting last night, well chuffed with a 9th in heat 2 (my best result in a proper heat), and theres a bit of healthy rivalry forming in the white grade. Roll on Kings Lynn for more of the same!


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Yep Mav's 30mph gave me a chuckle too, still at least he was willing to steward :thumbup: And well done to Mav Jnr - I had good races with him, he has calmed down nicely :thumbs_up:

Matty I have had a look at Heat 1, it was indeed a cracking battle up front and a good watch, but I worked my way fairly steadily down the field before settling into a frustrating 11th for the last few laps, here's the replay anyway.

In case anyone doesn't know, the server packed up partway through the GN. Most of us got back in after the server was restarted but not everyone.


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