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RESULTS: Hednesford (09/06)


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Hello All,


First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonights. The early races and the heats produced some superb racing, before a very hectic final and grand national where you needed to get the breaks through the pile ups.


Onto the results, and it was a sensational night for yellow grade drivers James (Dodge) #560. He won both his heats, the final and then went on to record a 4th in the grand national. Congratulations on a great night for him.



Heat 1: 560 137 151 285 256 262 221 391 172 380

Heat 2: 84 1 256 151 90 525 8 115 391 285

Heat 3: 560 3 84 137 1 277 380 525 221 172


A-Final: 560 8 90 277 137 84 151 256 391 380


GN 1: 137 151 380 560 285 256 277 221 130 1



63 pts 560 Dodge

42 pts 137 MoR

34 pts 151 dode

27 pts 256 Hooty

27 pts 277 southy

26 pts 84 bully jnr

22 pts 8 Tosh

22 pts 90 LiamB

19 pts 380 davey boy

16 pts 285 Mav_Jnr

16 pts 1 Tom D

10 pts 221 Spike

8 pts 391 Corny

7 pts 3 Johno

6 pts 130 blymn

4 pts 525 Mav

3 pts 262 Harmen

2 pts 172 spikejnr

1 pts 115 michael green

0 pts 199 Waqar

0 pts 515 Big Al


National Points and World Qualifying Tables are updated on the website. I will do the rest shortly.





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Another really good meeting. The finish in the B&R race must of been a photo finish.

WD James - he really made the meeting his and a brilliant result in the GN. Has anyone won on here from the hanicap?


Thought i were doing well in the final until i fenced myself into a parked car on turn 1, got going again. Had a good battle then with Hooty but when i had my chance i sent them into the same parked cars. Sorry Hooty!


See you next week guys - keep the good racing coming!

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Hednesford is officially my bogey track!!!!!


Dispite having my only podium finish in a final (which I should have really won!!) at Hednesford a couple of years ago, I really don't get any full race fortune here. Early race, yes but full race, no!


I managed to miss the early squirmishes in my races, settle into a rhythm but the train that eventually catches me is always within the last few laps - the races are 2 laps too long!! Had decent heat finishes for me, but come the final I was chuffed to be 7th, only to get it wrong going into the last bend and Dode managed to get a hit on me, sending me into the armco. When I got out, I was a disappointing 12th.

In the GN, I managed to miss a few things, but once Jnr had spun me my race went downhill from there, cumulating in MOR spinning me out when he was lapping me, thought I left enough room!! Decided to pull off rather than get in someones way when rejoining, and thus ended a disappointing night. 4 points just didnt seem to justify the effort put in! :rofl:


Jnr, on the other hand enjoyed the racing and picked up a few decent finishes, was unlucky in the final to spin early on, but very happy with 16pts.

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cumulating in MOR spinning me out when he was lapping me, thought I left enough room!!


Not sure if you saw my apology after the race Mav, but I was pushing extremely hard with Davey close behind. Looking at the replay, I don't think you really left any room, and I made a slight adjustment going into the bend thinking you were going to spin (which I was already pretty paranoid about after the final!) and unfortunately my extra speed cumulated in you spinning. Certainly wasn't intentional. :thumbs_up:


Thanks to Johno for the meeting - ran really smooth with some great racing. Well done to James on the massive points haul, 3 wins and great GN result.


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I did see the apology MoR - Thanks.


The spin was in the blink of an eye and a racing incident, maybe there was less room than I thought but as I said, my race was run by then so no matter :thumbs_up:


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Well... That was an experience! My car was all over the place and I spent most the night trying to keep out the way and stop the car from spinning! I'd not practiced at all and used my Cowdenbeath setup hoping it would be similar (which it wasn't!) but the saving grace was that everyone seemed to go mad in the GN fencing each other, so I just kept my nose clean and tried not to crash. Well impressed with 9th, doubled my total points score! Hopefully the shale of Scunthorpe will suit me better - there's got to be one track I'm quick on!

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This was a meeting where once the blues and reds caught me up (not long) I was guaranteed to hit trouble, probably involving facing the wrong way and already out of the top 10. I did get one early 11th which wasn't a bad effort although my customary position :thumbup:

Felt bad about spinning Corny in a gaggle of cars, I lifted off the gas after I think I went in hot up the inside but still must have had too much speed I guess.

Definitely not a track I get on with, my pace is a good half second off most cars, I played around with the gearing and felt reasonably fast 'on my own' (LOL) but it made no difference.

Still enjoyed it though and was a bonus to race as thought I would not get permission as it was my missus' birthday :king:

The Grand National seemed to get a bit mad :5:

Can't remember how I go at Scunny - rubbish I think :thumbup:

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Felt bad about spinning Corny in a gaggle of cars, I lifted off the gas after I think I went in hot up the inside but still must have had too much speed I guess.


Don't worry about it Al, I haven't watched the replay of whichever race it was yet to see what you mean, though I will be doing so as a matter of course. I feel bad personally about the 1st/2nd lap of the GN - I slid into the very first bend of the race towards the fence then was collected by MoR who had seemingly done the same, I ended up on the fence and on my roof before the car righted itself, just as I started to pull forward to try to spin myself round (I was facing the wrong way) realised the leaders were into turn1, so at that point I stopped in my tracks and just sat still hoping these first cars would miss me and I'd have a chance to reverse out've the way. I was collected though and from that point I was pushed round on the fence, kept hold of the steering wheel to ensure my car stayed against the fence at least rather than spilling back over the track before finally getting to hit escape and get myself out've the race! So sorry for my part in that particular pile-up, it all happened so quickly there is very little else I could have done.


Poor night for me, I was tired and didn't feel particularly up for it, maybe had the gearing wrong as although it was OK on an empty track it seemed slow on the uptake when in any traffic. Looking forward to being back on the shale this coming week ;)




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Would it be possible to post the server replays please, as my pc does not seem to have recorded my early races for some reason?


CLICK HERE to download them Big Al.


It won't be that your PC hasn't recorded them Al - rFactor only seems to store a certain amount of replays from the same track (not sure if it does it by number of replays or total memory used) before over-writing them with newer ones, that's why you will often find the earlier races missing, unless there have been say only 4 or 5 races in a meeting where you may be lucky. You can get around this by copying the race replays out've the folder mid-meeting etc into a backup folder for example (I do this), though the server replays are better quality if you are watching the other cars in a race other than yourself, due to the latency being cut in half and so on. You may also notice on your own replays that the further other cars are from you on the track, the less likely they are to be recorded properly on the replay. We always get the replays from the server anyway so there's no reason why they cannot always be made available through a link on here.



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Thanks for that Corny, did not know that about the replays. I can see in Heat 2 that I had been bashed around by passing cars and was trying to hang in there going onto the inside next bend and Harmen was pushing me across the rumble strips hence why I made contact with you. I thought I had spun you out but I am pleased to see that you only went sideways and were then able to exit the bend, although obviously losing some time.


Had another look at the W&Y last bend - I am a little surprised not to get an apology or mention from Mav (esp as I referred to it in chat) after he reversed down onto the racing line just as I was passing, to send me crashing up onto the inside banking - hence retaining the 4th place I would have taken from him. Mirrors, sir, or was it tactical?!

Edited by big al 515
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Thanks for that Corny, did not know that about the replays. I can see in Heat 2 that I had been bashed around by passing cars and was trying to hang in there going onto the inside next bend and Harmen was pushing me across the rumble strips hence why I made contact with you. I thought I had spun you out but I am pleased to see that you only went sideways and were then able to exit the bend, although obviously losing some time.


Had another look at the W&Y last bend - I am a little surprised not to get an apology or mention from Mav (esp as I referred to it in chat) after he reversed down onto the racing line just as I was passing, to send me crashing up onto the inside banking - hence retaining the 4th place I would have taken from him. Mirrors, sir, or was it tactical?!


No nothing tactical Al, when I went for Jnr, I ended up facing the fence and as we were both chatting (well Jnr laughing at me!) I couldnt get my gears. If you watch the replay my gears change very quickly. Unfortunately I was in reverse when I booted it, thought I was in 1st to spin it around. When I realised I was going backwards i braked but momentum carried me backwards into you. I did assume that because I took so long in trying to turn round that the rest of the field had passed me and I was last anyway. Sorry I did get in your way, happy to be docked places as I was at fault. Mirrors wouldnt have helped in that situation as i was looking at what gear I was in and wondering where first actually was!!

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