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RESULTS: Nutts Corner (19/04)


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Well done to Harmen #262 taking the Irish Open Championship, and top scoring on the night.


Thanks all to racing, and thanks again to our steward JanHarm!



Whites and Yellows: 254 237 221 517 300 285 520 450 122 33 516 292 515


Heat 1: 221 115 112 517 33 1 365 48 41 237 300 3 450 285

Heat 2: 151 254 236 39 122 527 92 525 516 184 262 238 291 292 515

Heat 3: 254 39 236 41 112 3 365 92 221 520 285 291 292 450 515

Heat 4: 262 115 300 33 517 1 238 151 48 122 184 527 516 164 525 237

Heat 5: 41 1 262 292 151 3 92 525 184 254 450 164 515 221 520

Heat 6: 300 516 236 365 39 122 517 33 285 48 527 237 115 291 238 112

Heat 7: 115 300 1 254 516 92 151 237 527 184 3 450 285 520

Heat 8: 262 292 112 236 41 365 48 291 122 33 164 525 517 515 221

Heat 9: 254 236 300 3 48 517 115 41 285 33 291 237 221 184

Heat 10: 262 39 516 292 1 112 515 525 92 122 527 450 164 151 520 365


B-Final: 184 291 285 237 515 450 (non points) * results corrected

A-Final: 262 254 115 112 122 3 300 1 292 48 33 92 39 525 517 151 527 221 516 41 236 365



55 pts 262 Harmen

49 pts 254 Samwit

42 pts 115 michael green

37 pts 300 Mattyaspin

35 pts 112 Tom D

31 pts 1 Mike

30 pts 236 DanSkin

24 pts 122 craigcharles

23 pts 292 Marco

23 pts 3 Johno

23 pts 39 LeeK

19 pts 41 Drumbstick

18 pts 516 IanStep

15 pts 151 dode

14 pts 517 azata

13 pts 48 Tinman

12 pts 33 jakie

12 pts 365 travel

9 pts 221 Spike

9 pts 92 hoggy

4 pts 527 fast track

3 pts 525 Mav

3 pts 184 Chevykiller

2 pts 237 rickyljames

2 pts 515 Big Al

2 pts 285 Mav_Jnr

2 pts 238 Kane_M

1 pts 520 dougieford

1 pts 291 Marten

0 pts 450 Stox Signs

0 pts 164 Jarry




































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Was a good meeting, cheers admins


Again I was up there with the points, am enjoying going from white


Nearly had the final, harman was just to quick and coudn't get him last bend. Well done to him!


Will hope for more of the same next week

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The races are 2 laps too long!!!! Any chance we can shorten them???? :rolleyes:


Put alot of effort into it last night, and to come out with just 3 points is somewhat disappointing especially when I was in the top five with only two to go in a couple of heats but ended up 8th.

Was chuffed to be running 9th in the Irish Open after sticking out the start, but a few hits saw me relegated down the list and finished outside the top ten.

Never mind, onward to the next meeting :thumbs_up:


Gradings will change again with avengence next month, as people are doing well from lower grades - can't wait for it to settle down - giving everyone a chance of winning and thus making it unpredicable.

The current set of drivers UK Dirt have are all capable and is contributing to making the racing great. People do genuinely seem to be enjoying the meetings.


As for the B Final, I did see Chevykiller pass Jnr, but Jnr stayed 1st so I thought Chevy must have crashed out earlier and been a lap down.

Jnr was disappointed that Marten passed him as he wanted to match Big Al and win a B Final, with it being Jnr's birthday today and all!!


Well Done to all winners, and high point scorers :thumbup: - maybe one meeting that will be me :rofl:

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Chevykiller didn't join the B Final within the 20seconds, then drove out of the pits and lined up on turn 1.

The other drivers had done a lap to form the grid.

Therefore Chevy was a lap down right from the start.

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Sadly no B Final heroics from me this week!


But at least I did get better through the heats :thumbup: I was pleased to finally get a top 10 in the last heat, it's not easy to avoid dropping down the order like a stone here once a higher grader catches you and you get off line. :5:


Good to see Trav out for a one-off appearance.


I agree with Mav, top racing every week and a good atmosphere with very little moaning and peeps having a good time. :thumbs_up:


Unlucky in B Final, Chevy, but sounds like your own fault m8 :scared15:

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Very good meeting, well done admin.

Enjoyed it fighting with samwit in a couple of the heats and the final he just got to far in front to hit him, so well done sam in your second mate.

Really good fair racing well done everyone (that didnt hit me) ;)


P.S. Unlucky big al next title is yours :groupwave: (I'll cheer you on)


Thanks Aza

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WD Harmen


Really enjoyed thursdays meeting and did a lot better from red than i had expected esp as ive not really played the game since the end of last year.

Well my dongle seemed to hold up ok never had any one moan i was warping and had some great races in all 5 of my heats.

Ill hopefully be back for a few meetings before the year is out :042:

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