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RESULTS: Northampton (12/07)


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Thanks all for racing.


Congratulations to Marten on becoming UKDirt F1 European Champion 2012!


Well done to Green for another final win and TomD on top scoring.



Euro: 291 112 184 236 1 221 151 249 115 238 285 262 600 527 305 33 39 137 3 48 277 87


Heat 1: 115 600 236 277 151 527 291 238 419 255 515 330 285

Heat 2: 517 3 33 184 305 221 1 391 107 129 249 262 237 518

Heat 3: 3 112 184 262 305 8 291 172 285 129 48 518

Heat 4: 236 600 39 238 249 33 517 237 527 221 255 300 227 391

Heat 5: 236 1 277 249 33 515 527 600 8 419 221 227

Heat 6: 151 112 391 517 39 300 172 107 48 115 518 255

Heat 7: 48 112 1 39 151 305 238 107 285 129 515 227

Heat 8: 3 8 277 184 172 262 291 419 237 300



B-Final: 285 300 419 107 129 515 237 255 518

A-Final: 115 305 39 517 238 8 112 33 277 1 291 151 184 172 48 236 600 391 517 249 262 3


GN 1: 112 305 151 107 600 527 238 419 391 33 1 255 115 518 237

GN 2: 184 300 48 39 8 291 277 517 249 236 262 515 129 172 285 3




43 pts 112 TomD

41 pts 39 LeeK

41 pts 305 jakiejnr

35 pts 517 Aza

34 pts 115 green

30 pts 8 Tosh

28 pts 277 Southy

28 pts 184 Chevykiller

27 pts 238 Kane

25 pts 151 dode

24 pts 236 DanSkin

23 pts 33 jakie

23 pts 3 Johno

22 pts 600 lithgow

19 pts 1 Mike

18 pts 48 Tinman

14 pts 300 Matty

12 pts 291 Marten

12 pts 527 fast track

12 pts 249 Jack

11 pts 107 Janharm

10 pts 391 Corny

8 pts 262 Harmen

7 pts 172 spikejnr

7 pts 419 F.Burhenne

4 pts 221 spike

3 pts 515 Big Al

3 pts 129 Sije

2 pts 237 rickyjames

2 pts 285 MavJnr

1 pts 255 Stumpy

0 pts 227 stavo

0 pts 341 ricko

0 pts 518 martynr

No shows / cancels / imaginary provisionals / etc

363, 137, 87, 37, 520, 456, 450, 330, 218, 211


Results and replays can be found HERE!




Thanks all for racing, hope to see you next week at hednesford!

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Well Done Marten! It was a great drive to watch.


I managed about 2 laps after collecting too much damage from the first lap.

For the rest of the meeting I managed to get some decent finishes to say i hate tarmac.


See you all next week!

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It's normally at the end of the grading period or at the admin's decision. If a white scores more than 30 points then they are upgraded to Yellow. Looks like your in for some yellow paint aza!

Edited by southy277
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Well done marten and green.

Great meeting. 3rd in european championship, good heats, and a grand national win!

thanks to everyone who run the meeting

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Thanks to Fasttrack, DanSkin, Hooty and Grasser for the RM'ing and stewarding duties - two nights of racing which I found, overall, to be enjoyable. The standards of driving at least from the parts of the tracks I was on, seemed pretty good, as good as I can recall from all my time racing tarmac in this mod quite honestly, people generally having their heads screwed on, even if you do get the inevitable raising of tempo and frenzied scenes when packs of cars sometimes get bunched together, that's the 'nature of the beast' as it were.


I may have been lucky in what I experienced in that respect although I'd like to think the way I drive goes some way to help matters, and hopefully some of the newer faces this year are getting more familiarised with my racing as I know it's always difficult when you don't know someone, and it takes a bit of time for a mutual trust to build up. Reasons to be positive anyway and looking forward to next time.


Well done for Marten for taking the 2012 European Championship and to Green on the rather impressive feat of taking back-to-back Finals, on what was a competetive couple of nights' proceedings.



Cheers :2:

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I have to say really enjoyed the night f racing the standard was were it should be makes the racing so much better, had great races with aza as both of us were going for it get fun ,had my ups and downs , still wondering how thease red top and superstars can catch me up i thought i was going well untill they turn up behined me lol wd marten on your win you were going really well from what i could see of it .Makes it all worth while when the racing like this , if any of the fast boys can give me a few tips on car set up please feel free to do so lol by pm would be a big help :mail052: any way cracking night of racing :banana2:

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First of all well done to marten for taking the euro! Drove great and thought you would win it if you got away and you did that! Got abit lucky in the euro and was in 3rd till I got spun but recovered to 7th so still chuffed to finish up there!


Got lucky and got the car flying all night, managed a win ran out of luck in the final to then steal 3rd in the grand national!

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Good racing lads. Pleased to get a 6th in one heat, and nearly got another top 10 till Sije did a quality last bend hit to snatch it :5:


The most enjoyable race was the B Final with Ricky in my mirrors for about 10 laps and trying to pass, went for the expected big last bender but I somehow survived, great racing m8 :thumbup:

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