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RESULTS: Scunthorpe (06/09/12)


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Well done to tosh winning the meeting final and danskin on top point scoring :appl:



Heat 1: 112 8 600 39 1 249 233 254 262 527 560 238 338 151 237 450

Heat 2: 233 254 112 236 184 238 525 39 560 600 262 8 277 338 515 237

Heat 3: 254 238 112 236 338 1 600 249 184 151 527 450 525 515 277

Heat 4: 236 525 560 151 249 1 233 277 262 184 527 450 515 237 39 8


A-Final: :eclipsee_gold_cup: 8 :eclipsee_silver_cup: 236 :eclipsee_bronze_cup: 39 1 525 112 277 151 184 600 338 238 560 249 254 237 450 527 233 515 262


GN 1: 238 233 236 112 249 525 151 338 1 600 262 39 8 237 184 560 277 527 254 450 515



50 pts 236 DanSkin

43 pts 112 Tom D

32 pts 525 Mav

32 pts 8 Tosh

32 pts 1 Mike

26 pts 238 Kane_M

25 pts 233 Grasser

24 pts 39 LeeK

22 pts 151 dode

18 pts 249 stoxjack

18 pts 600 lithgow

16 pts 254 Samwit

12 pts 184 Chevykiller

11 pts 338 Evnos

11 pts 277 southy

7 pts 560 Dodge

2 pts 262 Harmen

1 pts 527 fast track

0 pts 515 Big al

0 pts 237 rickyljames

0 pts 450 Stox Signs


Cya all next week at skegness stadium for the Brisca F1 World Championship :thumbs_up:





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Well Done Tosh and Dan.

God knows how you guys get round that track so quick and consistant. It is not my favourite shale track at all. Saying that I enjoyed trying to get around the track and had some good battles with a few drivers.


Was going better in some races but some stupid driving by a few drivers wrecked my races and some I got some payback with. No apologies there.


Hopefully see you next week where i really hope people bring there sensible heads and let us have a brilliant world final.

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My eyes have just about recovered from that horrible DX7 grass & sky. :blink:


I can't really race this place properly as the graphics are so bad, I'll give it a miss next year I think, unless I win the lottery and replace the pc :king:


Can just about todde round carefully solo but racing anyone else is really hard. :banghead2:


Well done 3rd top point scorer Mav :appl:


Thanks very much for the late addition, FT, at least I got the chance to give it a go :thumbs_up:

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Well done to Mav for some consistent drives, hope that reinvigorates your enthusiasm for the big league! :appl:


We shall see Matty - One more objective to secure first before I make my decision to retire 100% if F1's.

F2's has already been done and have retired.



Well done 3rd top point scorer Mav :appl:


Thanks Al :)


When I hit the front in the final, I really hoped that I could get away and hold it to the flag for that elusive F1 Final win, before I pack in.

If I was a bit more consistant in my lap times then I should have won my third heat and probably been higher in the Final and Gn.

It wasn't to be, but pleased with my results at a track that is difficult.


Lost two heats in consecutive weeks in the final laps, so I have to put that right at Skegness!!!

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