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I am getting a CTD offline when i try to go to qualifing, and also when online when trying to join the track on Jolt.

I can practice offline and race offline but then CTD .

any suggestions please.

40.39.847: ======================================================================

40.39.847: Sep 6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R senor_b

40.39.847: ======================================================================

40.39.847: mem: p/s/t t/a 255M/143M 706M/342M 2047M/2025M

40.39.863: JoyBegin

40.39.941: Joystick 0: "USB Game Device"

40.39.941: joy 0: create_joystick

40.39.941: joy: created 0 as "USB Game Device"

40.39.941: joy 0: turned off deadzone

40.39.941: joy 0: x-effect unsupported

40.39.941: data directory: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\Data\

40.39.941: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

40.39.941: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

40.39.941: mod: trying mod "ukdirtf1"...40.39.957: mod.cfg found ok.

40.39.972: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtf1\

40.39.972: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

40.41.410: ddraw: created directdraw with nv4_disp.dll (NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440)

40.41.410: ddraw: version

40.41.722: vid: 64 meg card (reported:63.695313)

40.41.722: vid: using AGP textures (124), total: 64

40.41.769: vid: triple buffer on

40.41.863: texture: supports compressed solid texture

40.42.128: mr: 3D performance: 491 MPix/sec, 10572 KTris/sec

40.42.128: mr: fill rate is GREAT, poly rate is AWESOME, machine speed is 4293083

40.42.332: bink(intro.bik): open failed (Error opening file.)

40.42.457: DirectSoundCreate fails! (DSERR_ALLOCATED)

40.42.457: using sound mixer Sound

40.42.722: Using user driver file

40.49.785: name = *Sheffield.trk/trkshot.img, image = 25a207c

40.54.519: name = *Baarlo.trk/trkshot.img, image = 25a207c

41.01.066: unloading ui: 45.6 MB

41.01.113: SCO file !exists or !legit; creating empty one

41.01.113: unloaded ui: 45.7 MB

41.02.503: loaded race: 65.6 MB

41.02.628: ghost: Loading trackline *Baarlo.trk/Baarlo.gcf (Moz 10) [18.816154 sec]

41.02.628: setting driving video mode = 3

41.03.003: vid: triple buffer on

41.03.082: bpp: Track track.bpp should be rebuilt "release"

41.03.082: records: using actual track length: 400.000000 m

41.03.082: skill_range_fudge!

41.03.097: Warning: using default pit stall, which is inappropriate.

41.03.222: Can't open C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtf1\Setups\Baarlo.gar

41.03.222: paintjobs: ~Group A Mo.tex does not exist

41.03.222: paintjobs: ~Group A El.tex does not exist

41.03.222: paintjobs: ~Group B FW.tex does not exist

41.03.222: paintjobs: ~Group A FW.tex does not exist

41.03.222: paintjobs: ~Group A Ch.tex does not exist

41.03.222: paintjobs: ~Group B Ch.tex does not exist

41.03.222: paintjobs: ~Group B Mu.tex does not exist

41.03.238: paintjobs: ~Pete Stenn.tex does not exist

41.03.285: paintjobs: ~Group A Mo.tex does not exist

41.03.316: paintjobs: ~Group A El.tex does not exist

41.03.347: paintjobs: ~Group B FW.tex does not exist

41.03.394: paintjobs: ~Group A FW.tex does not exist

41.03.410: paintjobs: ~Group A Ch.tex does not exist

41.03.425: res: ResourceGet("charger1.tex") not found, returning NULL!

41.03.441: paintjobs: ~Group B Ch.tex does not exist

41.03.457: paintjobs: ~Group B Mu.tex does not exist

41.03.488: paintjobs: ~Pete Stenn.tex does not exist

41.03.582: telem: loading telem.dll...41.03.582: failed (0x7e)

41.03.582: track: lite.grip: 0.01

41.03.597: joy 0: EnableForceFeedback(1)

41.03.613: replay: Allocing 60:00s frames and 19371K data (61440K avail)

41.04.128: res: ResourceGet("charger1.tex") not found, returning NULL!

41.04.269: Texture: 82 @ 13.41 Megs (0 other)

41.04.347: res: ResourceGet("prehead.stp") not found, returning NULL!

41.04.347: picture: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtf1\Pete Stenn.tga does not exist

41.05.019: DoRace: load time 2.463 s

42.44.550: CheckLaps(1403/1600)

42.44.628: joy 0: EnableForceFeedback(0)

42.44.628: fps: 62.505024

42.44.894: vid: triple buffer on

42.44.957: possible fps: 291.709650 (6221)

42.44.957: Texture: 2 @ 0.05 Megs (0 other)

42.45.019: unloading race: 65.7 MB

42.45.019: unloaded race: 45.9 MB

42.48.597: unloading ui: 45.6 MB

42.48.597: unloaded ui: 45.8 MB

42.49.769: loaded race: 65.6 MB

42.49.832: ghost: Loading trackline *Baarlo.trk/Baarlo.gcf (Moz 10) [18.816154 sec]

42.49.832: setting driving video mode = 3

42.50.863: vid: triple buffer on

42.50.925: records: using actual track length: 400.000000 m

42.50.925: skill_range_fudge!

42.51.019: Can't open C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtf1\Setups\Baarlo.gar

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group A Mo.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group A El.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group B FW.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group A FW.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group A Ch.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group B Ch.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group B Mu.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Pete Stenn.tex does not exist

42.51.019: paintjobs: ~Group A Mo.tex does not exist

42.51.035: paintjobs: ~Group A El.tex does not exist

42.51.035: paintjobs: ~Group B FW.tex does not exist

42.51.050: paintjobs: ~Group A FW.tex does not exist

42.51.050: paintjobs: ~Group A Ch.tex does not exist

42.51.066: res: ResourceGet("charger1.tex") not found, returning NULL!

42.51.066: paintjobs: ~Group B Ch.tex does not exist

42.51.082: paintjobs: ~Group B Mu.tex does not exist

42.51.082: paintjobs: ~Pete Stenn.tex does not exist

42.51.113: telem: loading telem.dll...42.51.113: failed (0x7e)

42.51.113: track: lite.grip: 0.01

42.51.113: joy 0: EnableForceFeedback(1)

42.51.128: -----------------------lame

42.51.128: matching point 1.#QO 1.#QO

42.51.128: : 16.292 -72.385 ( 0.998 -0.068)

42.51.128: : 29.358 -72.746 ( 0.999 -0.036)

42.51.128: : 38.178 -72.945 ( 1.000 -0.010)

42.51.128: : 47.079 -72.883 ( 1.000 0.022)

42.51.128: : 51.553 -72.739 ( 0.999 0.039)

42.51.128: : 56.038 -72.509 ( 0.998 0.060)

42.51.128: : 60.506 -72.174 ( 0.996 0.086)

42.51.128: : 64.922 -71.719 ( 0.993 0.115)

42.51.128: : 69.270 -71.128 ( 0.989 0.149)

42.51.128: : 73.549 -70.393 ( 0.983 0.184)

42.51.128: : 77.753 -69.519 ( 0.976 0.218)

42.51.128: : 81.874 -68.505 ( 0.967 0.254)

42.51.128: : 85.896 -67.341 ( 0.956 0.295)

42.51.128: : 89.814 -66.034 ( 0.944 0.331)

42.51.128: : 93.638 -64.604 ( 0.931 0.364)

42.51.128: : 97.357 -63.042 ( 0.914 0.405)

42.51.128: : 100.951 -61.335 ( 0.896 0.445)

42.51.128: : 104.433 -59.509 ( 0.878 0.478)

42.51.128: : 107.801 -57.573 ( 0.858 0.514)

42.51.128: : 111.029 -55.517 ( 0.834 0.552)

42.51.128: : 114.131 -53.362 ( 0.812 0.583)

42.51.128: : 117.100 -51.123 ( 0.788 0.616)

42.51.128: : 119.910 -48.800 ( 0.759 0.651)

42.51.128: : 122.573 -46.407 ( 0.733 0.680)

42.51.128: : 125.095 -43.954 ( 0.704 0.710)

42.51.128: : 127.458 -41.440 ( 0.671 0.742)

42.51.128: : 129.667 -38.873 ( 0.639 0.769)

42.51.128: : 131.731 -36.266 ( 0.606 0.795)

42.51.128: : 133.637 -33.620 ( 0.568 0.823)

42.51.128: : 135.378 -30.942 ( 0.529 0.849)

42.51.128: : 136.965 -28.239 ( 0.490 0.872)

42.51.128: : 138.395 -25.516 ( 0.446 0.895)

42.51.128: : 139.665 -22.776 ( 0.403 0.915)

42.51.128: : 140.793 -20.025 ( 0.363 0.932)

42.51.128: : 141.790 -17.264 ( 0.321 0.947)

42.51.128: : 142.639 -14.495 ( 0.272 0.962)

42.51.128: : 143.333 -11.722 ( 0.222 0.975)

42.51.128: : 143.877 -8.948 ( 0.172 0.985)

42.51.128: : 144.276 -6.153 ( 0.119 0.993)

42.51.128: : 144.530 -3.304 ( 0.068 0.998)

42.51.128: : 144.645 -0.403 ( 0.019 1.000)

42.51.128: : 144.603 2.531 ( -0.038 0.999)

42.51.128: : 144.399 5.483 ( -0.090 0.996)

42.51.128: : 144.044 8.448 ( -0.140 0.990)

42.51.128: : 143.532 11.410 ( -0.192 0.981)

42.51.128: : 142.864 14.362 ( -0.241 0.971)

42.51.128: : 142.050 17.301 ( -0.286 0.958)

42.51.128: : 141.088 20.214 ( -0.334 0.943)

42.51.128: : 139.973 23.092 ( -0.380 0.925)

42.51.128: : 138.717 25.932 ( -0.422 0.907)

42.51.128: : 137.328 28.722 ( -0.463 0.886)

42.51.128: : 135.801 31.441 ( -0.509 0.861)

42.51.128: : 134.134 34.088 ( -0.549 0.836)

42.51.128: : 132.341 36.665 ( -0.586 0.810)

42.51.128: : 130.427 39.160 ( -0.625 0.781)

42.51.128: : 128.387 41.557 ( -0.664 0.748)

42.51.128: : 126.226 43.864 ( -0.697 0.717)

42.51.128: : 123.957 46.079 ( -0.729 0.685)

42.51.128: : 121.579 48.181 ( -0.764 0.645)

42.51.128: : 119.086 50.168 ( -0.794 0.608)

42.51.128: : 116.490 52.051 ( -0.820 0.572)

42.51.128: : 113.800 53.822 ( -0.846 0.532)

42.51.128: : 111.012 55.456 ( -0.873 0.487)

42.51.128: : 108.127 56.963 ( -0.895 0.447)

42.51.128: : 105.156 58.353 ( -0.913 0.407)

42.51.128: : 102.103 59.606 ( -0.933 0.359)

42.51.128: : 98.951 60.717 ( -0.949 0.315)

42.51.128: : 95.705 61.709 ( -0.961 0.277)

42.51.128: : 92.372 62.583 ( -0.972 0.236)

42.51.128: : 88.952 63.319 ( -0.981 0.193)

42.51.128: : 85.448 63.939 ( -0.987 0.163)

42.51.128: : 70.875 66.216 ( -0.986 0.165)

42.51.128: : 59.485 68.029 ( -0.990 0.140)

42.51.128: : 55.592 68.538 ( -0.993 0.122)

42.51.128: : 47.668 69.352 ( -0.996 0.088)

42.51.128: : 39.580 69.945 ( -0.998 0.062)

42.51.128: : 22.987 70.723 ( -0.999 0.044)

42.51.128: : 5.946 71.703 ( -0.998 0.068)

42.51.128: : -11.470 72.890 ( -0.998 0.063)

42.51.128: : -29.234 73.778 ( -0.999 0.034)

42.51.128: : -38.233 73.977 ( -1.000 0.011)

42.51.128: : -47.298 73.947 ( -1.000 -0.016)

42.51.128: : -51.846 73.824 ( -0.999 -0.036)

42.51.128: : -56.371 73.592 ( -0.998 -0.063)

42.51.128: : -60.839 73.228 ( -0.995 -0.095)

42.51.128: : -65.239 72.721 ( -0.992 -0.129)

42.51.128: : -69.567 72.070 ( -0.987 -0.163)

42.51.128: : -73.814 71.277 ( -0.980 -0.198)

42.51.128: : -77.975 70.346 ( -0.973 -0.232)

42.51.128: : -82.043 69.284 ( -0.963 -0.268)

42.51.128: : -85.999 68.080 ( -0.951 -0.308)

42.51.128: : -89.836 66.745 ( -0.940 -0.343)

42.51.128: : -93.560 65.303 ( -0.927 -0.375)

42.51.128: : -97.153 63.748 ( -0.910 -0.415)

42.51.128: : -100.594 62.077 ( -0.892 -0.451)

42.51.128: : -103.904 60.318 ( -0.876 -0.482)

42.51.128: : -107.080 58.478 ( -0.856 -0.517)

42.51.128: : -110.096 56.553 ( -0.834 -0.552)

42.51.128: : -112.971 54.562 ( -0.814 -0.581)

42.51.128: : -115.708 52.514 ( -0.790 -0.613)

42.51.128: : -118.285 50.407 ( -0.762 -0.647)

42.51.128: : -120.707 48.252 ( -0.736 -0.676)

42.51.128: : -122.995 46.058 ( -0.710 -0.704)

42.51.128: : -125.138 43.819 ( -0.676 -0.737)

42.51.128: : -127.128 41.522 ( -0.639 -0.769)

42.51.128: : -128.981 39.165 ( -0.603 -0.798)

42.51.128: : -130.709 36.745 ( -0.564 -0.825)

42.51.128: : -132.299 34.262 ( -0.520 -0.854)

42.51.128: : -133.750 31.712 ( -0.476 -0.879)

42.51.128: : -135.073 29.095 ( -0.433 -0.901)

42.51.128: : -136.267 26.411 ( -0.386 -0.922)

42.51.128: : -137.321 23.656 ( -0.337 -0.941)

42.51.128: : -138.242 20.830 ( -0.291 -0.957)

42.51.128: : -139.032 17.941 ( -0.244 -0.970)

42.51.128: : -139.677 15.001 ( -0.192 -0.981)

42.51.128: : -140.171 12.014 ( -0.143 -0.990)

42.51.128: : -140.524 8.985 ( -0.097 -0.995)

42.51.128: : -140.729 5.929 ( -0.046 -0.999)

42.51.128: : -140.775 2.852 ( 0.006 -1.000)

42.51.128: : -140.669 -0.241 ( 0.055 -0.999)

42.51.128: : -140.404 -3.335 ( 0.107 -0.994)

42.51.128: : -139.981 -6.423 ( 0.155 -0.988)

42.51.128: : -139.411 -9.501 ( 0.203 -0.979)

42.51.128: : -138.687 -12.556 ( 0.250 -0.968)

42.51.128: : -137.814 -15.587 ( 0.295 -0.955)

42.51.128: : -136.799 -18.586 ( 0.340 -0.941)

42.51.128: : -135.633 -21.542 ( 0.386 -0.922)

42.51.128: : -134.317 -24.452 ( 0.430 -0.903)

42.51.128: : -132.859 -27.311 ( 0.473 -0.881)

42.51.128: : -131.254 -30.104 ( 0.516 -0.857)

42.51.128: : -129.510 -32.830 ( 0.555 -0.832)

42.51.128: : -127.637 -35.491 ( 0.592 -0.806)

42.51.128: : -125.625 -38.066 ( 0.633 -0.774)

42.51.128: : -123.472 -40.553 ( 0.669 -0.743)

42.51.128: : -121.193 -42.958 ( 0.701 -0.713)

42.51.128: : -118.791 -45.262 ( 0.737 -0.676)

42.51.128: : -116.254 -47.455 ( 0.769 -0.639)

42.51.128: : -113.595 -49.551 ( 0.796 -0.605)

42.51.128: : -110.818 -51.535 ( 0.826 -0.563)

42.51.128: : -107.916 -53.390 ( 0.853 -0.522)

42.51.128: : -104.904 -55.129 ( 0.875 -0.484)

42.51.128: : -101.790 -56.735 ( 0.898 -0.439)

42.51.128: : -98.574 -58.196 ( 0.918 -0.396)

42.51.128: : -95.267 -59.530 ( 0.934 -0.358)

42.51.128: : -91.880 -60.730 ( 0.949 -0.315)

42.51.128: : -88.415 -61.770 ( 0.963 -0.268)

42.51.128: : -84.875 -62.661 ( 0.974 -0.228)

42.51.128: : -81.269 -63.420 ( 0.982 -0.190)

42.51.128: : -77.606 -64.049 ( 0.988 -0.154)

42.51.128: : -73.883 -64.555 ( 0.993 -0.122)

42.51.128: : -62.394 -65.816 ( 0.992 -0.128)

42.51.128: : -58.508 -66.379 ( 0.988 -0.154)

42.51.128: : -54.607 -67.038 ( 0.985 -0.175)

42.51.128: : -42.741 -69.316 ( 0.984 -0.180)

42.51.128: : -38.702 -70.001 ( 0.987 -0.158)

42.51.128: : -34.618 -70.594 ( 0.991 -0.134)

42.51.128: : -30.492 -71.095 ( 0.994 -0.112)

42.51.128: : -13.622 -71.560 ( 0.997 -0.078)

42.51.128: : -5.020 -71.797 ( 0.998 -0.056)

42.51.128: ======================================================================

42.51.128: () Panic: best find was NULL!

42.51.128: ======================================================================

42.51.144: except: dec: exe 6b06c38

42.51.144: NON-DEBUG

42.51.144: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler )

42.51.144: ( 004194A0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0041A7F5, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00412A2D, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0041290F, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0041C6AD, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00499035, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00497013, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004202C2, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00421764, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00420CED, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00420D2A, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00420C76, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00420BF1, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004448CD, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0044275A, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0041295B, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00495F36, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004201F9, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00420213, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00420265, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00416B18, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0041FFE8, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0041FF37, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00449631, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004495F8, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004493BB, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00448A6A, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 004489F1, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 0044796B, call-stack , ? )

42.51.144: ( 00430434, call-stack , ? )


Qualifying wont work on the tracks we use in ukdirt, it only works on the us tracks and the various road tracks knocking about in heat world




  Grasser233 said:
Qualifying wont work on the tracks we use in ukdirt, it only works on the us tracks and the various road tracks knocking about in heat world






That sorts the offline part now to find out why i cant connect to the server i can get to chat in the lobby but CTD when i went to join.

Some possibilities

Not got track= i have

Wrong formula=Poss

Firewall=Seems ok have exception on for UKDIRT

Have all patches =check ok



  poacher pete said:
That sorts the offline part now to find out why i cant connect to the server i can get to chat in the lobby but CTD when i went to join.

Some possibilities

Not got track= i have

Wrong formula=Poss

Firewall=Seems ok have exception on for UKDIRT

Have all patches =check ok





Try PM'in Dino as he is the crash log expert, or he'll probably read this.

  Cunny78 said:
Try PM'in Dino as he is the crash log expert, or he'll probably read this.



I can try again tonight if either F1, F2, or Hotrods are running on the servers.



The Poacher



042.gif Hi 042.gif


If that is the online crash log then I cant help.shrug.gif

Depending how strong your firewall is you may need allow "nheat.exe" and "heat.bin" to pass through.

  Dino said:
042.gif  Hi    042.gif


If that is the online crash log then I cant help.shrug.gif

Depending how strong your firewall is you may need allow  "nheat.exe" and "heat.bin" to pass through.



Ok i am getting desperate here i joined the server did one race ok when i go to the race button and hit it i CTD every time , i think this may cause a problem to the drivers waiting to go and race?, as my light wont go green.




  poacher pete said:
Ok i am getting desperate here i joined the server did one race ok when i go to the race button and hit it i CTD every time , i think this may cause a problem to the drivers waiting to go and race?, as my light wont go green.



After i posted this i had a complete failure of my pc, no internet conncetion and no programme would run.

Eventually it seems to have repaired itself shrug.gif and then i managed to stay connected for 6 or 7 races on the trot thumbup.gif



  • 2 weeks later...
  poacher pete said:
After i posted this i had a complete failure of my pc, no internet conncetion and no programme would run.

Eventually it seems to have repaired itself shrug.gif  and then i managed to stay connected for 6 or 7 races on the trot  thumbup.gif





Ok guys i have found my CTD only happens when Arena Essex is the track being used by Jolt, i will CTD no matter what the formula if Arena Essex is the track.

any Ideas i have reloaded Arena Essex 3 times and it still CTD every time.





042.gif Hi 042.gif

Try opening your options.cfg for whichever mod you use Arena in and change the line "try texture compression yes" to "no".

  Dino said:
042.gif Hi  042.gif

Try opening your options.cfg for whichever mod you use Arena in and change the line "try texture compression yes" to "no".



Check all mods and the line is allready set to no ohmy.gif


Hope i dont qualify for a world final held at Arene Essex( THAT WOULD BE SAD) shrug.gif

I will keep trying and see what happens.




Guest Scrapman53
  poacher pete said:
Check all mods and the line is allready set to no ohmy.gif


Hope i dont qualify for a world final held at Arene Essex( THAT WOULD BE SAD) shrug.gif

I will keep trying and see what happens.




Not sure but was there a beta version of Arena Essex out at one point? Maybe you have wrong version of the track if there was? Try downloading it and re-installing it again m8. thumbs_up.gif


  poacher pete said:
Ok guys i have found my CTD only happens when Arena Essex is the track being used by Jolt, i will CTD no matter what the formula if Arena Essex is the track.

any Ideas i have reloaded Arena Essex 3 times and it still CTD every time.






Try installing the Wembly track I had a similar problem with Arena Essex but my game was looking for Wembly for some reason??? All works fine now.

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