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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. Could be a few things i think


    1) you havent added the skin file ( the .car file ) to the ukdirt F2 folder


    2) you havent put the correct number in the drivers text


    "table Driver

    number 998"


    The number bit there^ in the drivers text needs to be the same as the number on your .car file


    Have a look at those, if it doesent sort it post again :)

  2. ok have you placed the .car file into the F2 folder?


    If you havent then thats the first thing you need to do.


    Then find the file called "Drivers.txt" it will be like a little notepad, in that copy one of the entries and then paste it at the bottom, then change the details such as your number ( this will correspond to the number you have on your .car file ), then your name, and the name of the chassis (this is very important or else the skin will look 'messed'.


    Makes sure that the bottom of your text looks like this,


    table Driver

    number 998

    name Novice Taylormade

    chassis taylormade

    rank 1

    race_image 100

    body_style ccar

    ui_image driver998.img





    It should have an 'end after the main bulk of the entry, and then for the bottom one only you need to leave a line and have another 'end' underneath like above. After you have done that, go to file and click save, then close that text file, you can now launch the game and it should have added your car to the game. Hope this helps, any problems just ask

  3. The whole racism thing is jsut pointless now, its got to the stage where it is better to say nothing than anything and because of that your average joe foriegner can now do what he wants. Its gone way to far and it aint going to get any better quick. As for the the influx of polish people... 5 years ago my family were the only family down our road under the age of 65 and that had young children, since then 5 polish familes have moved in and its causing havoc. The old people are now moving out and more polish moving in. Yes fair enoug hthey deserve a house like the rest of us but 10 people living in one house isnt hygenic, vertainly doesent smell it ;)


    The main problem is the amount of money they worked for, if they worked for the same as everyon else there wouldnt be a problem, but they dont. My dad is a builder, has been since he left school and he has always had work. But now his boss is starting to struggle to find jobs for them to do, simpy because he cant build a house for the same price as someone who employs polish workers.


    Labour :thumbs_down:


    BNP ? :shrug:

  4. my good god, today it seems terrible. I clicked to enter the skinpainting section of the forum n thought whilst this is laoding ill go put my pizza in the oven, so went and done that expecting to come back and find it loaded. But no it was still starting, so i left it and then forgot all about it, by the time my pizza had nearly finished cooking, about 15 minutes! i remembered i had left it going and checked, only to find it still had not loaded. It almost this bad rightn ow aswell, i jsut waited 3 minutes for it to load :S

  5. Hmmm erik, why dont we brake this down...


    Right its a perfectly normal, topic, as you jsut said


    All the posts are on topic


    Then you post :3:


    Then it turns into an erik slagging match


    so having a quick think, doesent that suggest that YOU are the problem writing some complete load of old tosh that starts the arguement.... Looks pretty clear cut to me :thumbs_up:

  6. Why does every topic on this forum go off what its was started about and end up with people just slagging others off?


    Dont no about others but starting to get abit boring reading this stuff now!!!!


    Maybe we should have a heading in the menu under off topic (slag each other off)


    Nah, just slagging Erik off :thumbs_up:

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