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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. Also, if you felt inclined too kev, maybe a small note at the top of the page about uploading files etc, everyone has a different view on so it may be worth reminding people this


    Not much point, no one who does that sort of thing would read it anyway, as for everyone else with a brain, they can work it out for themselves lol

  2. And how do you think that happens, obviously people have to barge in to get that number of people into a confined space, after all if your standng at a meeting for example, you always have a distance between you and the next bloke, once ur at that distance u dont go any closer to him. The only time you do is when people push so obviously people msut of been pushing for there to be enought people in that area. ie impatient yobs

  3. WTF does F2's have to do with it? *sigh*


    Its not that i dont care about the people dying and so forth, yeah its not nice when that sorta thing happens and i obviously didnt post the right thing


    What i was trying to say was the fact that it is another prime example of why football is so stupid. I aint been to watch a game lately, for good reason, last time i went the place was full of yobs and chavs all kicking the FILTERED out of each other and stoned out thier faces. Now tbh, is it really a suprise people die?

  4. Im lucky enough to live about 20 minutes away and have visited severall times now. The place is full of history and you get a real feel of how it would of been. I also went on a school trip and was lucky enought to sit in Micheal Schumachers ferrari! My teacher new how much i love motor racing so when the tour guide said anyone wanna sit in it, she said "i think i know someone who does :) "


    If your going to visit i suggest a sunday could be a good day, every now n then they have old classic car days. I drive past on the way home from fishing (que the old man jokes) and see loads of lovely old cars pulling out.


    As for the hill climb test, i have watched caterhams (spelling :/ ) doing that, one of which burnt the clutch out :D


    Certainly worth a visit :thumbs_up:

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