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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. oh dear, the final destination 2 one is typical holiday, have the slightest little crash and your car explodes into 400 bits.. :S


    the otherones are cool tho.


    From that first video u posted rik of the cav being jacked, i started watching the ones called Classic Crashes pt's 1 - 3, i found that the barichello crash about 6 minutes into the first vid to be the worst



  2. There are always complaints about the lack of water, the lack of land to build on


    SO WHY... WHY


    do the government let imigrants into the country, when we have our own problems... i would much rather see all the homeless people in london given council flats than a bunch of bosnians for example. In all honesty this country has/ and is going even further down the pan. People of my age will have NO pention, living to an old age in my eyes right now will be pointless.


    Before long (not many people will like me saying this) but political parties such as the BNP will get seats in parliment and possibly become our government


    Tony blair has done some good things..but in other ares he really needs to buck up his ideas (that goes for all of labour)

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