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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. It's what people like YOU want, just to see 15 car trains and everyone end the day with wheels on their cages. Like I said, go watch welded up Yank Limosaurus' at Firecracker if thats what you want to see.


    But since you ONLY go to Wimbledon you don't want anything other than to cream yourself when someone runs someone full chat up a post when the drivers have been told not to follow anyone in, or when someone does it at a Rookie meeting.


    mayby when u stop talking utter wank then people might listen?


    cos for a start i never said i want to see 15 car trains, where the F did that coem from?


    secondly, i think all the welding and aurmouring ruins this sport.. i wish it would go back to how it used to be.


    thirdly, i dont ONLY go to wimbledon...unlucky


    and just becuase i said it was a good follow in at a rookie meeting, doesent mean i think its right does it.



  2. Lmao Erik


    I jsut viewed the video and personally i dont think saddam deserved it...







































































    He deserved to be tortured for the rest of his life, and then hung at old age after suffering for years!


    Im also a great beliver in the death penatly, bring it back i say!

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