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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. nah ya dont quite see what im saying mate :)


    at wimbo, driving round normally, i jsut tap the brake button, litterally tap it and it is enough to slow you down, same goes for follow ins, you cant follow someone in beacuse u can take the corner about 10 mph under full speed at the end of the straights!

  2. NONE!






































    who wants to pay to watch overpaid men kick a bag of skin full of air aroudn some grass for an hour and a half whislt they dive about on the floor crying then are someone fit enough to whack the ball fro mthe penatly sopt 20 seconds later...

  3. After reading all of that, im not sure if i should say this having not made any models... but worth a shot


    Anyone who is planning to model a new track, or would like to change an existing track can you please please make it so that you have to brake as much as you do in real life. :king:


    I say this becase at wimbledon you can jsut tap the brakes and make it round the bend, but in real life you can see the drivers stamping on the pedal! :o


    Im sure there are a few other tracks like this aswell.


    Arena Old Skool and Standlake are perfect for the amount of braking imo, lets have a few more of those aye? :thumbs_up:


    Well done to all that have modeled and got something into game though, without them we wouldnt have something to have fun on every day. As for sparky, theres nothing wrong with a person who will try, after all if you dont try you will never suceed (spelling :S ) so keep at it mate



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