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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. I cant see all tracks having armco by 08 tbh, look at wimbledon, you wouldnt be able to see the dog track, thats why there isnt armco there already!


    Also rather than getting caught up in followins... i think the basic cars should be looked at, over the last season there was a few incidnets of drivers found putting extra 'material' into thier cars, now this is the most dangerous part of racing imo...


    Mayby it was because last year it was the first time i had really concetrated on the actualy build of bangers, but i cant remember any 'findings' from the year before.

  2. Too right hooty!


    Going back to the jag on bluey at the world final, yes it was silly for the stinbkridge driver to followin a small car such as a bluebird..but at the same time it was stupid to race a bluebird at the world final imo!


    Its all swings and roundabouts, but 95% of the time followins are fine, the driver jumps out shakes hands, entertains the crowd and goes home with a nice trophey (his busted car :D )



  3. Well said cal..


    abd braderzs thats exactly what i was talking about, it was way over the top. Not only that but he chose to followin the smallest car in the race, which is another thing i find stupid, why followin in something tiny when you in something big :S

  4. I dont think followins should be banned...just the stupid ones, for example any of you that went to the WF last year, the stinkbridge followin on the bluebird was way OTT.


    For those of you who went to the under 2ltr RWD meet at wimbo i think you will agree it was an epic meeting with not one OTT followin.


    Banning followins is pants, i mean look at wimbledon now, its just like lightning rods..

  5. They have started to show this again on Granada Men and Motors


    I THINK it is every monday at 7, but i usually check everyday just incase there is one on.


    It covers most formula from different tracks, so far ive seen kings lynn, skegness, coventry and sheffield


    Might be worth a watch :)

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