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Everything posted by aza515

  1. oh give it a rest i dont even hit u that hard u just moan all the time. I didnt even follow u in u just carnt take it.
  2. Somewhere like Buxton generally no. Most of the time its just a train of cars giving a normal hit to the car in front, and then if you are at the front or just in the wrong place and start to get turned it turns in to a bit of carnage. What I said in the server before the GN stands though, if drivers worked together and didn't just go for it next bend whenever they get passed they would generally get a much better result. Azza is a great example, could be a tidy little driver and would probably be much higher up the grades by now. However most of the quicker drivers know when they catch him if they try and pass and loose as little time as possible for them both they are going to get a big one next corner so they just make sure he can't come back on them(Not picking on you Azza you were the first example that came to mind). Yes you do get the occasional ott hit and if people report them we do look in to them, 2 drivers have been banned and two more given suspended bans in the last two weeks. I tend to agree drumb but most of the time i do let people go its just if one person does something to me i take it out on others and now it just keeps happening. Also makes trying to be nice harder because the reds insist on trying to take me out instead of just going past. I have gradually got the hang of stopping behind people to catch others etc. But even i think that the GN was too big because there was no chance for any lower graders to even get a look in, i mean i was at the front for a while but as soon as the blues catch thats it ur out. There was one yellow in the top ten and he struggled his way there.
  3. Aza#517 White (prov)
  4. Might try that then thanks
  5. I think ur pedals are broke like mine because i use this wheel and its pedals brake very easy. Try calibrating it in control panel Thanks aza
  6. Just wondered but who actually won this?
  7. Whats going on Al as soon as i dont attend you barely get a result lol Wish i was there as i like this track but wd to all winners and see you at the next tarmac track
  8. Think the whites and yellows ideas are very good gives us a chance of winning something Well done admin
  9. I waas the leading yellow in that and me and simon were being pushed down the straight that is why i couldnt slow down dont know about anyone else.
  10. aza515

    Belle Vue

    Me too plz aza#17 Yellow
  11. aza515


    Thanks alot will see what its like to use is there a website to download from? Link plz Thanks alot aza
  12. Just wanted to know is there anyone that uses elements instead like me or does everyone pay for the full version? If so is there any add-ons or exceptions that i could use to avoid paying for it. Finding it very hard to do skins without a blending options tool. Thanks aza
  13. aza515

    help me plzz

    Mondays are F2's Thursday's are F1's Every other wednesday saloons and every other wednesday Nascar How to make a skin is on the website The website You can use novice skins for the first month then you have to make your own skins Hope this helps
  14. Provisional for me plz see how i go first Aza#517 White
  15. thanks all, good meeting enjoyed it even if i did apparantly hit reds too hard but thats stockcar racing Anyway wd to all that won thanks for the meeting wont be there next week because i dont do shale but good luck everyone
  16. Provisional plz dont know wether i'll be back aza#17
  17. Thanks mate had some great races together defienatly your best meeting of the year so far
  18. Very sorry i couldnt turn up or book out but woke up in the morning with a migran so didnt have chance too. Hopefully racing tonight if all goes well. WD to all our new drivers epscially spikey Thanks and sorry again aza
  19. Another provisional for me plz. Wont be racing monday. Aza #17 Blue
  20. Dont know wether im right but i think they turn them off on a wednesday that runs with nascar. I know they dont use a ukdirt server but im sure ive never seen one up on a wednesday part from saloons. Hop this helps
  21. Send them in for the next skin pack now. This will be a while though because the last skin pack has just been made
  22. Can i just say a big thankyou to martynn for giving me some help with admin(ing) wouldnt be possilbe without you mate great job of the photos if i can ill send some in for the allcomers when i have time but you can do them if you want
  23. Late booking any chance mate? Thanks aza-517
  24. aza515


    Facebook is now sorted and will be kept updated after every meeting because i have recruited a new admin member to help keep the page updated. Id like to say thanks to MertynR for volunteering to help me or maybe being pushed into it He will be now helping with the pictures and anything else that needs doing. Facebook Page for Saloons Im pleading for you to join otherwise im gonna have to close it because no point putting pictures up for 6 people Thanks aza
  25. Oh and a quick question when is the next grading period? Thanks again aza
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