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Everything posted by aza515

  1. Same as last year for now please Dan
  2. Aza Yellow, 768 Tom Adcroft plz
  3. Yep can send u them on email if u want them?
  4. ts i'll try to help
  5. Damn i sound like Ed Neachell haha Nah great video jack hope to be seeing you all soon
  6. ts i'll give you some help
  7. Happy christmas have a nice day
  8. Right votes taken in and counted will get the awards up asap thanks for voting everyone
  9. Numbers black on white background stands out more
  10. 3 points in it but joking aside great racing lads great fun cant wait for the new season
  11. The awards now are extended for one more day then we will put it together so if u havent voted, vote please!!!
  12. Make sure ur votes are in before the world ends................ Again i would like anyone who raced to at least spend 2 mins answering these dont need a description just an answer.
  13. Bump Appreciate it if you could do this as soon as possible
  14. We've had such a good year we have decided to do a Awards night. Answer each question and pm me your answers please. Driver of the year? Fairest of the year? Hardest hitter? Lower grader of the year? Most consistent? Novice of the year? Race of the year? Track of the year? Answers in by 21st December 2012 On behalf of all of saloon stockcars racers thankyou admin (james and dan) and cya all next year Sorry if i'm steeping on anyones toes.
  15. Aza#517 White 1st : 136 Steve Jacklin 2nd : 502 Ricky wilson 3rd : 172 Mickey Randall
  16. 116a Aaron Headington plz
  17. Hello, could someone nice pm me if they would do a skin for me i havent really got the time to do my own skin because of college work etc, so if someone could help me it would be much appreciated thanks Aza
  18. sorry meant late booking lol
  19. Any chance of a late booking provisional plz mate?
  20. Nice one jack
  21. Aza#17 Blue prov plz
  22. Yh was fun hehe thought if we werent fast enough i wanted a good race
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