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Everything posted by aza515

  1. Very, Very good racing once again went into the racing slow but gradually fought my way up the standing s until i was on pace with yellow. Then we went into heat 1 and i managed to get away early ad that was it really had so much pace and luck that they couldnt catch me Went into heat 2 and it collapsed because mirrors are not used by certain people but hey still got a 10th managed to bring it back on the last bend. Heta 3 and again caught up by whites this time it took me out for good and i didnt really get much at the end. Heat 4 and i was a little more confident again another white took me out but this sparked me on and eventually i got 6th from last so very happy. Into the final and again satarted good baring in mind i was on row 2 outside but clipped a car and spun but still managed to come back adn get an 8th which was good considering all people ahead were blues, red etc. Allcomers and martyn got off the front and me and james were having a fight for second in the end i decided to just stay behind and help james catch martyn but one the last lap we caught martyn and he unfornatly for him (poor guy wanted you to win mate unlucky) hit a car on the racing line so james tried to avoid this but couldnt i hit the back of him and he spun so i quickly got into first and took the win before the suoerstars could get to me. Cheers for the thanks and cya at the next one Thanks to admin as well Thanks aza
  2. aza515


    Have you downloaded all the skin packs?
  3. Its the Spike broders from uder mothers!!!
  4. aza515


    Good luck mate Not actually ever ran at cowdy yet so dont know a lap time. Are you graded white because youll be with me Thanks aza
  5. Some great racing and yet again i am fast but keep getting taken out or put wide. Had a great race in the Consi with FreeW for the last spot (everyone said it was great not for me lol) but unfortunatly i came 7th so no final for me but still a great race...the embaressment Thanks to admin for letting me start the final hope the start was good was actually really fun Thanks aza
  6. I have made a National points video because i had a little bit of time so i hope i dont step on anyones toes!!! (epecially Stoxjack love what you do!!!) Open to any comments or criticism. Thanks in advance aza
  7. Havent had much time so decided to whip up a quick one. This picture is of my slalom course TomD and Tinman have tangled and FB419 has hit the fence meaning i have to go round it all!!!
  8. Mine wont download so dont know
  9. It says its invalid or deleted.
  10. Sorry i couldnt make it feel really ill so couldnt even book out sorry again
  11. You paint your skin with all the different roof colours/grades.
  12. Really good meeting finally managed to get up to speed had many heats were i lead but didnt have the legs to finish. Well done to all who attended and well done to leek for winning the championship. Special thanks to admin for running it and hopefully see you in the next fortnight. Thanks aza
  13. Pretty much sums up my racing allthough it was different people for me Wd pistol mate back up to yellow or blue for you. Love the video drumb!! Thanks aza
  14. My number is 678 and nickname Dopey. Can it plz be a unlimited and can be any car that you think looks good in yellow and black or any colour that looks good. I have had a go at other banger sites but they dont require the same rules. Thanks azata
  15. I think thats a good idea cause a lot of people have had a lot of issue with skins. Thanks aza
  16. Very good meeting, well done admin. Enjoyed it fighting with samwit in a couple of the heats and the final he just got to far in front to hit him, so well done sam in your second mate. Really good fair racing well done everyone (that didnt hit me) P.S. Unlucky big al next title is yours (I'll cheer you on) Thanks Aza
  17. aza515


    You can find the page by searching Ukdirt Saloon Stock Cars on facebook. My first try at pictures on the page so free for comments and improvement suggestions. Plz feel free to add friends and family to the page if they are interested. Also any suggestions to the page would be appreciated. Thanks aza So get adding yourselfs to the page (like it)
  18. ok mate trial that next week
  19. yh would need to keep up to date but could need a little help i will make one tommorow
  20. Just wanted to know wether Admin would like me to set up a facebook page were i could keep fans of saloons updating on news and national points and grade changes. Also if someone would like to help me i would be able to do some pictures from each meeting. I would like admins opinion on this plz. Thanks aza
  21. Come on lads need you to vote if this is gonna carry on.
  22. Mine does this too never been able to fix it
  23. Pick one person not a group plz and you cant vote for yourself
  24. First in each of these: Sportmanship Riding hits Driving skill Overall driver of the day Votes open until midnight Saturday 14th april
  25. The Winners this week are: Sportsmanship - 236 - Danskin Driving Skill - 41 - Drumbstick Riding the hits - 237 - RickyJames Overall driver of the Day - 560 - James (Dodge) Well Done to all the winners Dont forget to vote next week
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