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Everything posted by aza515

  1. Aza515_No.517_Shale.ZIP And here is my shale car should be anyway lol
  2. Aza515_No.517_Tar.ZIP Has this worked? should be my tar car
  3. By the way the car is not taken off someone else the person who did it last actually spelt my name wrong. Dont forget to send me a pm if u want to do it. Thanks aza
  4. Have mIne gone through yet just my Tarmac car at the moment. Shale should be ready later.
  5. hello need two skins names and numbers changing if you can help plz send me a pm. They are both f2s one is an rce and the other a randall. plz someone help me lol. hope you can help Thanks aza
  6. What i name the zip folder and the content. my first year. Thanks in advance aza
  7. I am a paid member he just hasnt updated my forum account yet
  8. I mean that the meetings are not coming up underneath the bar.
  9. I cant see the meetings coming up that i can book in for on the website. While im here it wont let me register for a number (in F1,F2 and Saloons rfactor) on the website either. Thanks in advance Aza
  10. aza515

    F2 skin?

    Can u do dopey from snow white because apparently that's who I am
  11. aza515

    F2 skin?

    RCE mate and for the sponsors andrew j thompson and that kinda thing
  12. aza515

    F2 skin?

    Information: Number 7 Aaron Talbot Car colours: Black and yellow or Blue and silver (you chose what u think looks better) and i would like all grades if you dont mind lol but main grade white if u cant Thanks much appreciated Aza
  13. aza515

    F2 skin?

  14. aza515

    F2 skin?

    Is there any chance anyone could do me a f2 skin it doesnt matter if u cant but if u dont ask u dont get pm me again if ur interested for what colours etc Only reason i cant do it is because i dont have right version photoshop because it dont have the right fonts or any proper equipment unfortunatly. Thanks aza
  15. ill try and make both nights but cant guarantee. should be fun tho.
  16. Can i have 798 Mark Sargent plz Dont have a grade so i guess im a white top. Thanks Aza
  17. does anyone know wether there is anyway that you can setup grades for offline racing on the F1s on rfactor. cause its starting to annoy me how a red top is at the front of my grid lol. Thanks in advance aza
  18. Heres mine would like to thank MartynR for selling me it and for putting my name etc on it.
  19. thats great mate can you send me the download Cheers aza
  20. Can i have the yellow one plz Aaron Talbot number 7 White top
  21. anyone wanna join us? stratford scappers Ricky-Aza-TBC-TBC
  22. Are these free, if so can i have the yellow one im number 7 Aaron Talbot Thanks aza
  23. Stratford scrappers: Ricky-Aza-TBC-TBC
  24. Count me in plz aza 116
  25. me to plz 116a aza
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