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Everything posted by Tosh924

  1. I felt abit the same dazza, i really enjoyed sheffield so much fun drifting it round there but i just couldnt get used to belle vue after sheffield. Well done to murf for top scoring and tomd for top scoring. Dode Tbh dazza i felt the exact same, by the time sheffield was over i couldnt really be bothered with the 2nd meeting. i think the 1 meeting is enough on 1 night. after the bell vue meeting i had a thumper of a headache, and in respect i think the 2nd meeting causes folk to lose concentration and interest resulting in scrappy races and take-outs ( my opinion though ) i had a great race with MoR in the gn at sheffield probably out of the whole night. i kept giving the bugger little taps on the back to shift him over but just couldnt manage it without taking him right out of the game and the nature of the track and after that it really was enough for me. there was some great battles going on and what seemed to be respect dished out with racing AND folk being lapped in both meetings. thanks to kev and johno for running the show tosh
  2. managed to keep the lens free from the dust kicked up by the v8,s. enjoy the action pics. pit pictures also accident packed and fence bound cars. unfortunitly the camara packed in so no pics of MoR,s love taps Tosh
  3. hair raising this one at the start volume up a tad when it kicks off
  4. jesus christ, check this out lol COBRA.zip
  5. best cars ive seen for a long long time matthew, especially the shale cars.
  6. action from the very first round of the 09 season. due to warp in the replay i couldnt get all the best action on the corners so had to dabble through ones that i could get of cars actually on the track. sorry hopefully be ok next week. not sure what causes that problem.... anyway here we go.. wasnt a great meeting for myself, aub, dave, some reds and trav by the action pictures. always next week.
  7. Tosh924


    need at least 500 upwards for a decent pc to run rf without glitches and freezing up
  8. Fantastic read guys looking forward to the season. and also like johnos comments on me only met johno once but knows me oh so well racing here with such comments. for the 2008 season you summed that up nicely johno lol. wd all
  9. quality stuff si, well done on the 5th. keep us posted with results and pics.
  10. skin request by db.( undercoat ) and number only and mine could not add pictures admin. (ok before)
  11. Tosh924

    new skins

    Ditch the love heart on the rear panal for a start
  12. Done well there m8 with limited resources and cash. hope the 2009 season is a good one for you. good luck with it all m8 and keep us posted with action pictures through the season. tosh
  13. i might book,depends whos racing
  14. id buy fasterniejr,s for sure. looks the best out o them all
  15. ffs check moi out lol, better phone the spice girls up
  16. then with anyluck you will go for good to? quality
  17. Tosh in the rFactor F1 2007 Autumn/Winter series, Walker. To be fair, Sparky has a point, you have a different number for each formula, and for each league which you do constantly change, I think you've recently become 126? I think you used to be 311? or was it 889? and it doesn't end there, I could swear you used to be Leech, then Mr Mouthy and now Leech, have you got OCD? I don't see the point. :icon_funny:
  18. think we all played them games above at some point.....heres a good few i played on the spectrum 48k.. me and hutch used to play 3d stockcars 1 and 2 and also 3d grand prix . must be going back at least 16 years ago. how times have moved on racing online in your own house to sharing 8 keys on a keyboard in 2 player battle mode
  19. cracking paintjob that cheers me you mean lol.
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