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Everything posted by Tosh924

  1. some good ones i like. B. D. E.
  2. good stuff walker m8, but you missed me launched from the start/finish line to the armco at the end of turn 1 on the grass lol dunno how you missed that piece of masterclass.
  3. since its you mav....................................NO...just kidding .aye carry on m8 no problem.
  4. no nudity but plenty of british action from the F2s. enjoy some random pictures at night time in the british. click to full resolution.
  5. have to say the racing was good all night and with the time settings for each heat getting darker in the server as well added to the effect lol cant believe i lost the british on the last corner with kruiz firing in with a flat outer, but hey thats stock car racing, feels worse when you lead it for 18-20 odd laps or so aswell. but fair play to him , id have done the same. a special mention to the guys who were being lapped that moved over. thank you. Tosh164
  6. i think most will agree that coventry has to be the best shale track yet for the shale v8,s, looks and racing wise. so the man only deserves some pics of his creation and the time and effort that went in to it for our enjoyment. wd MoR. enjoy some of the action from the WQ10 & NS12 A final.
  7. lol why do i bother posting- i take it your not talking to me
  8. Mav we all say and do things in the heat of the moment, i was having a chuffing good race till i saw you reverse out onto the racing line and boom. i just thought here we go again . next bend or 2 i was fustrated and gave you a good belting with the bumper i admit that. just seems this unluckyness happens to me and not others i dont know what it is maybe it doesnt who knows. anyway. lets forget what happened in the past 2 weeks, get booked in and we will forget about it all and try and enjoy the challenge. call a truce if your happy with that and move on.
  9. cheers lads, not bad a day thanks
  10. Thanks for the meeting johno/kev, well ran considering it was a double header. cheers
  11. i think you missed the point m8 lol. but thanks for your input. i past mav clean to start with if you watched the video closely. i sure wasnt taking any chances second time round. anyway enough from me now cyas monday.
  12. looked like a good move sworder would have been proud off.
  13. Sorry for my sworder type driving style mav, il try and calm it down until next week. had a belting race with drumb with the same attitude driving and we had a classic he will admit and also had a good few battles with tomd like this aswell. i dont usually see them complain. a revenge hit you say but i aint lying down to contact like that could which could have been avoided and cost me places. i past you on the outside out of turn 4 after you were off track and you came on it again at full speed. i then got infront of you by turn 1 and had my line so you had time to brake and adjust easily but to me you came flying in. your not that such a novice are you mav . i am a fair racer, most know how to take me and race me. ive probably hit drumb, tomd and mike harder but they,ve managed to control the hit even if it was a full bore un and they know thats how i race, and within the rules. anyway after getting spun twice myself last night i enjoyed it and let the racing with the "move or be moved" attitude carry on.
  14. il give it a shot with mi broken fingers tosh 164 red please
  15. Tosh 8 red PROVISIONAL booking. ( 2 broken fingers )
  16. well done on reaching red m8
  17. cheers m8 enjoyed the meeting for the odd time i have been around in these. i have to say if heat decides to stop next year it will only be good for the league, this mod has a big future. its only a matter of time before the numbers increase. was good to see davyboy in there as well and he did quite well at the lake also heats good in its ways but we need to ditch it like heat f1 for next year and concentrate on rfactor alone for these mods. cheers tosh
  18. goto your START menu (bottom left) all programmes rfactor rfactor config then set level to dx9 Tosh
  19. works oh so fine here marty. remember it doesnt install from the disc but the exe from the instructions and then its patched. works np here now.
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