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Everything posted by Tosh924

  1. :appl: <<< enough said. wd Mor
  2. Tosh924

    Skin uploads

    il try and get my new tarmac car done for the weekend, maybe just after!
  3. Tosh-8 Blue
  4. ive taught you well walker - great pics m8 defo getting better. are you sponsord by RED BULL cause i think you got wings looking at the picture of myself and you lol
  5. well done mike,well deserved. great races all night.
  6. nice pics walker, their getting better m8 . wd
  7. tosh 164 please m8
  8. minted tosh. kev smart based? yup with a few of my own signs, cheers
  9. mines atm 1920 resolution background
  10. excellant stuff WD all who took time out and wrote that up.
  11. studio b remix video- GIRLZ this one for the video alone its enough to make your nipples hard lol
  12. Frankie
  13. :appl:
  14. brookes bro
  15. Good one for this year, funny video to go with it.
  16. some great looking 2s out there. here is mine ive been working on for the past week or more for ukdirt rff2. a bit diff style this time. thanks to demon for helping me with the checks
  17. Nezzas new F2. dave said he might be pushed to get it done so i offered. it aint a problem if you dont want it m8 as you didnt know i was doing it. it will just go up for sale otherwise. cheers tosh
  18. well run admin. well done walker on the win. another thrash is it?
  19. good stuff. what night do you plan to fit this in then?
  20. "Opinions are like azzholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." the boys got a point even if you az an azzhole were greatfull for making the f2 mod but why not finish 1 mod before starting another.
  21. aye remember them well trav trying to dance and impress the ladies..lol. heres another bad boy for this year.... top top song
  22. Tosh924

    new skins

    leech your not national points champion your national champion. 2 silver stripes is points. for national champion youd probably get away with just 1 stripe, but in all honesty i didnt bother in the end with it. you will have to ask admin. just spotted your comment above your pics, (ignore post)
  23. how much to a friend lol ?
  24. this ones going to big this year for ministry of sound and 2009 fantastic song owned c harris
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