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Everything posted by freew67

  1. Silly Dodge, my Mom says Im very speecil. Thanks to everyone who helped test the track out tonight.
  2. Shame you sold that other PC... its probably still running.
  3. Congrats Liam on your 4th and JK on the win. Also congrats to Super Steward Stumpy on being a new father!
  4. Nice job everyone. I guess since there was no mention of it, I still hold my American title?
  5. Well done Si on your first meeting with the training wheels off. Robin.. well yeah.
  6. Freew #67 yellowish
  7. FreeW yellow please
  8. Freew yellow
  9. FreeW67 por favor
  10. Good fun tonight, thanks Dan and UKDirt for putting this on.
  11. Till rF2 gets closer to full release, theres no point in putting a ton of time and effort into getting stuff in game. ISI has already said things can change. Its not that were not messing about with it, its just not a high priority right now. With that said I already have Hendo in game and got real road working on it. I dont plan on doing anything else with it for a while. Straight conversion without really touching anything but the wire fence and road surface.
  12. You sir are getting old! Not as old as Hooty but getting there.
  13. Heres my latest desktop....
  14. freew67


    Im just glad you got my good side!
  15. USA! USA! USA! Good fun all, thanks for letting me race tonight.
  16. FreeW67 provisional booking please
  17. Based off that info in your post, I would suggest starting on with a simple pad setup and adjust from there. Hope this pic helps...
  18. KEYS?!!??! PAD WITH NO JOYSTICKS?!?!?!? I dont care who you are thats just funny.
  19. Check out RFC for the link, track includes both F1 and HR versions. http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?I...Essex%20Raceway UKSOM is now on Facebook, check us out.
  20. Thanks Aub and UKDirt for having me. I had a blast!
  21. http://nsrs.jawcentral.com/tracks/standlake_betav0.52.rar For those who like to practice early, here is another beta version of Standlake. I hope to have the track finished for the UK Dirt meeting. That is if my newborn baby will allow it!
  22. "Opinions are like azzholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." I might be a "azzhole" but I least I big enough to admit it. What does that make you ? Oh yeah a IDIOT once again... I never called you a name. Im sorry your to thick to get that was just a saying. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...13085329AATcows
  23. "Opinions are like azzholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." Coming from a yank yeah ? So if I give my opinion and suggestions that makes me as you put a "azzhole" . Christ I never knew you were not allowed to give suggestion and ideas now Im sorry if you dont get it... I never called you a name. All I was saying, congrats on your opinion but we could care less about it. Coming from a yank? This YANK who helped bring Hednesford Hills, Bradford, Belle Vue, Birmingham Wheels, Sexbierum, Kings Lynn, Hot Rods, and the F1's to RFactor. I am part of UKSOM and have never touched the F2's. Certain people work on certain things. Im sorry we didnt inform you about that.
  24. "Opinions are like azzholes. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."
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